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Aafia Siddiqui Convicted

It's obvious from the way she acted during the trial that she wasnt fit to stand trial. Complete BS conviction.

When Dr Haneef was arrested on terrorism charges in Australia, the entire Indian media and civil society put pressure on Australia to secure his release, Pakistan needs to do the same.

Much harm has already been inflicted in my opinion. Dr. Aafia never got a fair trial. The tale of a lonesome woman fighting against corrupt US justice system. What a brave woman she is. The claims against Dr. Aafia are absolutely ridiculous. First she got tortured and now she will end up in the prison for the rest of her life. Well, don't expect much from Pakistanis though. There has been some noise in certain quarters, but no substantial move to secure her release. We hear a lot of trash talking from the GoP, but nothing concrete. Yes, the GoP is eager to make behind door deals in exchange for lousy loose change, but can only talk cheaply when it comes to fighting for the rights of its own citizens. Remember that during the Musharraf tenure many innocent Pakistanis were handed over to the CIA in exchange for dollars. These criminals are willing to go to any extent in exchange for blood money.
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Thank you for your contribution Mr TruthSeeker , You really deserve more than thanks ..! Its perfect.
You can also add up that, To decrease the gulf btw the Two countries who have cooperated with each other for more than half a century and as gesture of friendship and goodwill the US can transfer the convicted DR Aafia Siddiqui where she can spent her life with her family under the GoP supervision . The GOP can provide certificate for her supervision to US on Demand . This could really boost up the image of US among the ordinary people of its front line and a vital ally in WOT which could ultimately decrease the criticism which US faces in the Pakistani Media ...!US could benefit more by transferring her , rather than convicting her and sending out a negative signal ...!

Best Regards

I added some sentences at the end to capture some of your thoughts, phrased in my words. I will send the letters off tomorrow. Probably will do no good, but who knows. It might give Jim Webb a thought he didn't have. He is on the Armed Forces Committee and is an ex-Marine who served in Vietnam. He is very interested in US actions in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Clearly, Muslims are a despised minority in the West these days. What we are seeing is an atmosphere similar to the McCarthy era Red Scare or the WW II ea anti-Japanese situation for Muslims in America.

Given the environment of deep suspicion and fear of Muslims, most norms of fairness and rule of law are being ignored in the US when it comes to justice for any one with a Muslim name who gets accused of terrorism charges. That's probably what happened in Afia's conviction.

Unfortunately for poor Afia, even her own ex believes she is guilty as sin.

Here's an excerpt from a story from Aafia Siddiqui's ex-husband published in "The News" last year:

Providing documentary proof of the legal agreement between him and Dr Aafia following their divorce, Dr Amjad said that he had been financially supporting his three children Ahmed, Marium and Suleiman until the family stopped accepting the cheques he had been mailing. “After the agreement they accepted my cheques till March 2003. After that my cheques were being returned from Aafia’s home and that got me worried. Soon after I learnt that in April 2003, Aafia and our children had been ‘picked up’ by agencies.” Meanwhile, he received disturbing reports from the family that Aafia chose to leave Karachi with her children as she feared an attack from him.

Curious to locate the whereabouts of his children, Dr Amjad sought the help of the police and government officials to find them. “I was aware of Aafia’s violent personality and extremist views and suspected her involvement in Jihadi activities. My fear later proved to be true when during Uzair Paracha’s trial in the US in 2004, the real purpose of Aafia’s trip to the US (between December 23, 2002 and January 3, 2003) was revealed.”

Elaborating, Dr Amjad disclosed that he later learnt from media reports that Aafia’s family claimed she made this trip to the US for job interviews in December at a time when universities were closed for winter holidays. “I also found it very odd that on the one hand Aafia insisted on leaving the US after September 11, 2001, claiming the country was unsafe for us and our children because the US government was abducting Muslim children, and on the other hand took the risk of travelling to that country again without fearing that she may be captured and may never see our children again.”

While Dr Aafia was in the US, the authorities had been closely watching her, added Amjad. They soon issued the first global “wanted for questioning” alert for the couple in March 2003. “At that time, the agencies did not know we were divorced and I was also unaware of Aafia’s involvement with two other terror suspects, Majid Khan and Ammar Al-Baluchi. They wanted me to persuade Aafia to appear for the interview with them and clear the charges leveled against her just as I had done. That is when she went underground and it later became apparent why she chose to ‘disappear’,” disclosed Dr Amjad.

Sharing details of his unsuccessful marriage with Dr Aafia, Dr Amjad told The News that since their marriage was arranged, he was unaware of Aafia’s violent behaviour. “She got hysterical fits when she became angry and would physically attack me, but I put up with it for the sake of our children.”

Although Amjad and Aafia both were inclined towards religion, he found her opinion towards Jihad to be of an extreme nature that sometimes made him uncomfortable. He became particularly suspicious of his wife’s intentions when soon after the 9/11 attacks, she compelled Amjad to leave Boston (where Amjad was completing his residency) and move to Afghanistan where she claimed “he would be more useful”.

Haq's Musings: Is Aafia Siddiqui an Innocent Victim, or Dangerous Terrorist?
Pakistani on hunger strike in NY for Aafia’s release

NEW YORK: A Pakistani man went on hunger strike in front of the UN building on Friday in protest against the conviction of neuroscientist Aafia Siddiqui and demanded her release.

Muhammad Aamish, a graduate of New York’s Queens College, began his protest by praying in front of the world body’s headquarters.

But he left the place at night after a snowstorm started lashing the city.

A jury on Wednesday convicted Dr Siddiqui of shooting at American interrogators in Afghanistan in July 2008. She faces life imprisonment at her sentencing on May 6.
LAHORE: The Lahore High Court on Monday directed the federal government that it should take steps according to the law for the release of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui. - AFP
The Taliban have made more of an effort than the GoP to try and secure her release, that is really saying something about our spineless politicians.

It makes me sick to see a women being held in a prison full of US soldiers that are known for their depravity. We've all seen the recent pictures [naked camp parties in kabul] of what they get up to when they have a few beers and to think what they might have done makes every bone in my body shiver.
Govt to continue support for Dr. Aafia, PM informs her mother, sister

KARACHI, Feb 8 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani, has assured Mrs Ismat Siddiqui, mother of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, and her sister Dr. Fauzia Siddiqui that the government would continue to extend diplomatic, legal and moral support for Dr. Aafia Siddiqui.

An official statement here on Monday said that the mother and sister of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, apprised the Prime Minister of the details of the decision given by a US Jury against Dr. Aafia as well as the procedure and legal system in America.

The mother of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui thanked the Prime Minister for his personal interest in the matter and said that she has confidence in the Prime Minister regarding support for Dr. Aafia Siddiqui. She also appreciated his concern and interest.

Sindh Governor Dr. Ishrat- ul- Ebad Khan and Dr. Farooq Sattar were also present in the meeting, it was further stated.
Pakistani on hunger strike in NY for Aafia’s release

But he left the place at night after a snowstorm started lashing the city.

Probably to nearest maccars. This woman has something to hide and even her husband seems to agree.

If she can't a fair trial in USA she should be sent to Afghanistan.

Government vows good defence for Aafia Siddiqui

ISLAMABAD: The government assured the National Assembly on Thursday it would put up a “good defence” for Pakistani neuroscientist Aafia Siddiqui even at the next stage of her trial by a US court where a jury last week found her guilty of attempting to murder American soldiers in Afghanistan.

“Justice is not being done (to her),” Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Malik Amad Ahmed Khan said at the end of a one-sided debate in apparently Islamabad’s strongest comment to date in what he called “a common cause” against the Feb 3 conviction in New York.

He complained of that a Pakistani woman had been “maltreated” and said: “We all agree that somehow she should be brought back (to Pakistan).”

But despite the near unanimity of stance in the house, neither the opposition nor the treasury benches moved any resolution on the issue although PPP chief whip and Labour and Manpower Minister Khurshid Ahmed Shah had said on Wednesday, in response to a demand from opposition leader Nisar Ali Khan, that the government would be prepared to pass a joint resolution.

Malik Amad referred to the next and final court session in May for sentencing, before an appeal can be made to a higher court, and said: “We will put up a strong defence. We will go all the way.”

The minister of state rejected opposition charges that the government had not done enough to secure Dr Aafia’s return to Pakistan and said President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi and he himself had been raising the matter with US authorities while the government also allocated $2 million for her legal defence.

Such interactions, he said, also won her concessions such as meetings with a Senate delegation and family members, return of her 12-year-old son and improvement in prison conditions.

All of more than 10 members from both the opposition and the ruling coalition, who spoke on the second day of the debate condemned Dr Aafia’s conviction, though some called for a serious approach rather than rhetoric to fight her case even outside the court like pleading with the US Congress and administration.

ADMONITIONS: The day was also marked by repeated admonitions by Deputy Speaker Faisal Karim Kundi of members he blamed for disturbing the house either by crowding the desk of the prime minister or a minister apparently to get their papers signed or chatting between themselves disregarding the house proceedings.

“Members are requested that this is not the prime minister’s chambers,” the chair remarked when several members stood beside Gilani’s desk with papers they wanted him to sign, and asked them to keep discipline when an important bill was being moved.

Kundi once asked Water and Power Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf to “close your office because it disturbs me” as some members were seeking signatures of the minister seated on a front treasury bench, with a warning: “Otherwise I will take action.”

Later, the deputy speaker objected to some ministers chatting while standing in a corner of the house and asked them to “go the (members’) lobby if they have to hold a meeting”.

GESTURE TO PML-N: In a gesture to the opposition PML-N, the prime minister asked Minister of State for Law and Justice Mehrin Anwar Raja to defer a bill before the house seeking to endorse a Musharraf-era ordinance on the National Commission for Human Development created in 2002 in order to accommodate amendments moved by some PML-N members.

DAWN.COM | Front Page | Govt vows good defence for Aafia Siddiqui
Dr Aafia’s sister to stage sit-in protest at US Consulate on 16th

LAHORE: Dr Fauzia Siddiqui, sister of Dr Aafia Siddiqui, will lead a students’ rally and stage a sit-in protest in front of the US Consulate on February 16 (Tuesday), as part of her countrywide campaign for her sister’s release.

A Pakistani neuroscientist and mother of three children, Aafia was convicted by the Manhattan federal court for opening fire on US troops in Afghanistan. The jury found her guilty even after she denied the charges levelled against her.

The rally organised by the Insaaf Students Federation would start from the Punjab Assembly and end at the US Consulate situated near the Lahore Press Club. The demonstrators would also stage a sit-in protest in front of the US Consulate, where Fauzia would address the participants of the rally.

ISF Lahore President Hassan Niazi told Daily Times that Fauzia would also visit several educational institutions, including the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Superior College and the Lahore University where she would deliver speeches about her “sister’s innocence” on February 15 (Monday).

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
I find it sick - that a women from Pakistan is held in prisioners , while her kids were kidnapped , she was metally tortured -

No finger prints no bullets no nothing you expect a distressed women to think or act rationally idiots ....

No accountability -

UNACCEPTABLE - Our gov has to get her out and every single citizen in illegal custody out of US and put a ban on illegal kidnapping of citizens out of country

Also , a campaign must be launched to determine who was involved in getting ger kidnapped from Pakistan to Afghanistan -

There used to be a moral law that protected women/children/eldery

Our elderly people in villages are dieing and so are women/children -

Can't justify killing with so call "Intellegence report"

If you are serious send in 80 helicopters, lauch a joint offensive and capture the culprits and get out
First: She was recorded raising funds for a charitable organization that turned out to have (suspected or proven?) ties to terrorist organizations. So what? Many people worked for or donated money to these organizations. There is no way of proving Aafia had knowledge of these links.

Second: Either her or her husband purchased night vision goggles and maybe body armour. The reports differ on this. Nonetheless, there is nothing illegal about this.

Third: she opened up a post box and the key was later found in the hands of a guy charged with plotting a terrorist act. For this to be a crime, the court would have to prove that the post box was somehow used in the plotting of the terrorist act and that Aafia gave the guy the key with foreknowledge that it would be used to plan a terrorist act. Her first two suspicious activities would not be allowed in court as neither were crimes and could prejudice a jury.

Fourth: Some guy in Sierra Leone claimed to witness her buying “blood” diamonds. One witness is not enough to prove she was there. How can they prove these were “blood” diamonds? How can they prove she knew they were “blood” diamonds? How can they prove she was going to smuggle them? How can they prove she was going to give the proceeds to terrorists? They can’t. They can’t even prove she was there.

Fifth: She allegedly married a guy who is being charged with plotting 911. Well the 911 plotter has not been convicted of terrorism to this date for one thing, and although she denies it and the guy's family confirms it, there is again nothing illegal about marrying a suspected terrorist.

Sixth: She was found with incriminating evidence in her purse the day she was arrested in Ghazni. Chemicals? What chemicals? Whatever chemicals she had was not illegal to possess else they would have added a charge for that. Notes? From what I have heard her notes mention places in New York and mention mass casualties, but they do not formulate a plot in themselves. They seem more like the incoherent ramblings of someone who might hate America, but how can they prove that what she had in her purse would aid a terrorist plot in the US? Can you imagine some suicide bomber waiting to launch his attack on the US but he is waiting for Aafia to show up with her scribbling about the Statue of liberty and mass casualties? “Thanks sis, We couldn’t have gone forward without you.”.

So you can see how adding these 6 things together may give rise to suspicions. Still, no court in America will allow a prosecutor to add 5 non-crimes together to come up with a crime.

Please join me for a rational discussion on the case in my facebook group: The Mysterious case of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui | Facebook
Senate passes resolution on Dr Aafia’s case

ISLAMABAD: The Senate passed a resolution today expressing its grave concern over the sentence awarded to Pakistani national Dr. Aafia Siddiqui by an American jury, reports DawnNews.

The resolution moved by Talha Mehmood demanded of the government to take effective steps including diplomatic measures to get her released immediately. The House is transacting private members’ business today.

The Chairman Mr. Farooq H. Naek referred two Bills moved by Mian Raza Rabbani to the standing committees concerned for report.

The Bills are the State Bank of Pakistan (Amendment) and The SBP Banking Services Corporation Ordinance (Repeal) Bill.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Senate passes resolution on Dr Aafia?s case
Search for Dr Aafia’s daughter yields startling results

* International NGOs stumble upon a dozen incarcerated non-Afghan girls * DNA tests fail to turn up missing Mariam
* Pak govt asks Afghan, US authorities to aid search
* Govt trying to ensure Aafia serves out sentence back home

By Saeed Minhas

ISLAMABAD: During efforts to trace Dr Aafia Siddiqui’s missing 11-year-old daughter Mariam, international organisations have stumbled upon nearly a dozen juvenile girls who have been languishing in several Afghan jails, sources privy to the search told Daily Times on Tuesday.

Not much is known about these girls, and most are referred to by the numbers allotted to them, just like Dr Aafia was. Sources said that during their visits to some of the jails, they requested the authorities to transfer these girls out of captivity to a safer place because the harsh environment in these prisons might “ruin their lives”.

Daily Times also learnt that DNA tests of three girls aged between 11 and 12 – who did not appear to be Afghans – were conducted in an attempt to find Mariam, but the tests came back negative.

However, sources said a number of international NGOs working on child trafficking and human rights, have been contacted by the Pakistani government to try and locate Mariam in other jails in Afghanistan. Islamabad has also contacted the Afghan government and the US CENTCOM to cooperate with the NGOs in this regard.

Mariam is the second child of Dr Aafia and was only three-and-a-half-years old when she, her five-year-old brother Ahmed, six-month-old baby brother Suleman and their mother were picked up from outside their Karachi home by US Marines and local police in 2003, according to Dr Aafia’s friends and family members.

Following the verdict of a US jury in the Dr Aafia’s case, Hussain Haqqani, Pakistan’s ambassador to US, has personally apologised to the family for the unfortunate decision and has promised to recover the missing child, family sources said. They also revealed that Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani had also said that he would see to it that Dr Aafia spent her prison time in Pakistan.

But various legal experts and officials of the foreign and interior ministries have now confirmed that in the absence of a prisoner exchange treaty between the US and Pakistan, bringing Dr Aafia back would only be possible on ‘humanitarian grounds’, provided the US agreed to the request.

Diplomatic sources have also told Daily Times that her repatriation would only be possible if Dr Aafia agreed to maintain her silence and issue no statements regarding her arrest and subsequent treatment during captivity in Afghanistan and US. They held that since the issue had become very sensitive for both the US and Pakistan, certain UK lobbyists had stepped in to ask the US to repatriate Dr Aafia to serve out the rest of her prison term in Pakistan. These mediators have also assured that she will maintain her silence while in Pakistan and there would be no cause for embarrassment for any concerned party. Ironically, these sources also revealed that throughout the Dr Aafia Siddiqui’s trial, Pakistan never officially asked for her release or repatriation to Pakistan, and that even now, Pakistan has to officially seek her repatriation before the current US administration starts thinking about it.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Maybe we can start a fund for her release and offer Mr. 10% his usual commission. Surely that will get him motivated.

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