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Aafia Siddiqui Convicted

FBI expert says Aafia's fingerprints not on the gun allegedly used by her

By: Special Correspondent | Submitted 7 hrs 9 mins ago

The second day of Aafia Siddiqui's trial on attempted murder charge was marked by conflicting versions given by government witnesses of the 2008 incident in Afghanistan, with an FBI expert saying on Wednesday he found no fingerprints on the rifle that she allegedly used to fire at US interrogators there.

T. J. Fife, the FBI fingerprint expert who was put on the stand by the prosecution on the second day of Ms. Siddiqui's trial, said he used all techniques, including the top-of-the-line laser technology to search for evidence, but found nothing on the M-4 rifle, which was produced in the court.

"There were no fingerprints on the rifle, but it is difficult to obtain them from firearms," he added.
Fife was the last of the five prosecution witnesses who testified on Wednesday. He will be cross-examined by defence lawyers on Thursday.

Throughout Wednesday's proceedings, the lawyers for the prosecution and defence worked to focus the jurors' attention on their stands concerning the July 18, 2008, incident in Ghazni, Afghanistan.

In his opening statement on Tuesday, Charles Swift, the defence lawyer, had said Ms. Siddiqui didn’t fire any weapon that day. Authorities were never able to find any gunpowder residue on Ms. Siddiqui or any ballistics evidence showing the rifle had been fired or that she had used it, Swift said.

The prosecution brought in the FBI fingerprint expert in an obvious attempt to take the edge off Swift's statement because the government witness said that firearms usually do not record the impressions. The reason he gave was that firearms have rough surface that do not retain fingerprints, with heat, humidity and sweat also contributing to erasing them.

Meanwhile, a former Afghani interpreter with US Special Forces on Wednesday appeared to contradict the version of the Ghazni shooting incident given by a US Army captain on Tuesday about the position of Ms. Siddiqui while allegedly aiming the rifle. While interpreter Ahmad Gul told the court that the Pakistani neuroscientist was standing with the gun in her hand, Capt. Robert Snyder had said that she was in kneeling position.

Gul, who now holds a Green Card, lives in the United States. Responding to Defence lawyer Linda Moreno's question, he said that the U.S. government had sponsored him in October 2008 and he got the permanent resident status in 2009. He said he was paid all expences here until he got a job in a clothing store.

Gul also had trouble in remembering what he had said in a report to the FBI five days after the incident. He had then stated that his chief warrant officer looked behind a curtain of the room in a police station where Ms. Siddiqui was supposed to be sitting. Responding to the defence attorney's queries, Gul said his boss never look behind the curtain. Ms. Moreno then handed him the report he had signed, to which he said it was wrong.

The interpreter said he managed to disarm Ms. Siddiqui, after she was shot in the abdomen.

The neuroscientist is alleged to have grabbed the rifle after the Special Forces officer left the weapon within her reach, according to the prosecution.

The same officer used his 9mm pistol to shoot Siddiqui after she fired two shots, prosecutors said. NO one hit in the room, but Ms. Siddiqui was wounded in the abdomen.

Earlier, FBI agent John Jefferson, under questioning from Ms. Moreno, the defence lawyer, said he never saw Ms. Siddiqui firing the weapon even though he was in the room. He said he thought that the shots were coming from the window.

Agent Jefferson testified that he heard an M-4 rifle — which he said is distinguished when fired because of its loud pops — fired in the room, followed by two shots of lower volume.

But on cross-examination, Ms. Moreno suggested, Jefferson’s hearing might have been impaired because he was wearing a communication device.

“But you had some devices in your ear?” Ms. Moreno asked.
“Yes,” Jefferson said.
“And they remained in your ear while you were in the room?” she said.
“Correct,” he said.

The trial of Ms. Siddiqui is taking place under heavier-than-usual
Before the start of the trial, Ms. Siddiqui, who was wearing a white scarf, told the presiding Judge, Richard Berman, that her articles in some magazines were being distorted. While nothing positive she wrote about America was ever picked up, some of her observations were taken out of context to give a negative impression of her. Indeed, she is being projected as terrorist even though she has not been accused of terrorism.

Ms. Siddiqui, who was removed from the court on Tuesday after she interrupted the proceedings, agreed not to do so again. “I’m just going to be quiet, but it doesn’t mean I agree,” she said.

Ms. Siddiqui, who on Tuesday had called a witness a liar and denied that she was a terrorist, then rested her head on a table and kept it there for much of the morning’s proceedings.

Judge Berman also told jurors that the evidence presented by the government should not be taken as a proof of Ms. Siddiqui's alleged crime. He also told them to weigh what the prosecution witnesses say about Ms. Siddiqui while quoting Afghan officials.

Aafia Siddiqui Says She Is Not Anti-Semetic

Posted on 20 January 2010 by Pramilla Srivastava

As the high profile trial of Dr.Aafia Siddqui began in New York the courtroom was filled beyond capacity with a growing number of supporters, journalist, and legal observers. It was so crowded that 2 overflow rooms had to be established.

Also sitting amongst the crowd in support of Siddiqui was one of the most famaous anti-war activist in the United States, Cindy Sheehan.

Shortly after Dr. Siddiqui entered the court room she engaged in a series of outbursts reflecting her unstable mental condition: “the president needs to talk to me” she shouted, “all I get is negativity” , “They accuse me of being anti-semetic” I am not anti-semetic, anti any religion or any race, “No!” she proclaimed, seemingly in response to recent media reports about her.

Although Siddiqui requested that she be allowed to remain in her prison cell, Judge Richard Berman ruled that Siddiqui should remain at the proceedings to preserve her constitutional right to be present.

The defense once again advised the court that their clients real objection was to the humiliating strip searches she must undergo.

The prosecution began their opening remarks warning the jury that the real world is not neat and orderly and that they would have to put together bits and pieces of evidence along the prosecution’s “commons sense” narrative, namely that Dr. Siddiqui a short, less then 100lb woman picked up a M4 rifle and shot at U.S soldiers, in a 300 sq ft room in the presence of more than 10 mostly armed men.

Although the charges in this case are limited to this alleged incident and the defense promised a very strong rebuttal, describing the lack of any forensic evidence indicating that an M4 was ever shot, some documents are being allowed into evidence by Judge Berman that may prove prejudicial.

These documents alleged to have been in Dr. Sidiqquis possession included plans to conduct terrorist attacks against Americans, specifically in New York.

Despite the fact, that the government has made it clear that they are not charging Siddiqui with any affiliation to any terrorist organization, the evidence they have submitted signifys exactly that.

It will be a difficult obstacle for the defense to overcome especially in a city where every resident is keenly aware of what it means to live in such a target zone.

Aafia Siddiqui Says She Is Not Anti-Semetic | Pakistani | Pakistani News | Pakistani-American News | Pakistani Blog | Pakistan Forex News | Pakistan Commodities News | Pakistan Business News | Ibrahim Sajid Malick Blog
shame on the super power that he torture the weak woman.

Is it revenge of Vietnam or upcoming defeat of Afghanistan?
shame on the super power that he torture the weak woman.

Is it revenge of Vietnam or upcoming defeat of Afghanistan?

Mr. Bas-tum-Pak,

There is NO evidence that the "super power" tortured this woman. In fact, the evidence is stronger that Pakistan tortured her. Where are her other two children? Why can't Pakistan answer that? Why can't Pakistan ask her son who is at her sister's house in Pakistan? What is Pakistan hiding about its role in the missing years of Aafia Siddiqi's life? You should ask that question of YOUR countrymen and YOUR media.
Mr. Bas-tum-Pak,

There is NO evidence that the "super power" tortured this woman. In fact, the evidence is stronger that Pakistan tortured her. Where are her other two children? Why can't Pakistan answer that? Why can't Pakistan ask her son who is at her sister's house in Pakistan? What is Pakistan hiding about its role in the missing years of Aafia Siddiqi's life? You should ask that question of YOUR countrymen and YOUR media.
Sir. When Aafia brought to the court first time she was so much tortured she couldn't even talk. and her one kid who is with his aunt (Aafia's sister) told many stories.
Sir. When Aafia brought to the court first time she was so much tortured she couldn't even talk. and her one kid who is with his aunt (Aafia's sister) told many stories.

So, Mr. Mjnaushad,

What did the "stories" of the son teach us (i.e. the public) about where are the other two children. What I cannot understand is this: If this case of Dr. Aafia Siddiqi is such a huge cause celebre' and "issue" in Pakistan, WHY can't the Pakistan media or authorities EXPLAIN to the public the whereabouts of her other two children and thereby help us all to understand more about the TRUTH of where she was for those 4 or 5 "missing" years? Why the constant attacks on the USA in the Pakistani media and yet no introspection or investigation about her treatment within Pakistan after she returned from the USA after 9-11-2001????
Senate body seeks Musharraf's trial for handing over Dr Aafia to US

ISLAMABAD: The Senate Standing Committee for Interior and political leadership has called upon the government to use all options to ensure return of Dr Aafia Siddiqui to her home besides initiating action against those found responsible for handing over her to the US. The committee met here on Thursday at the head office of the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) to consider the issue of Dr Aafia Siddiqui's release from a US prison.

Agreeing upon a one point agenda of the meeting, the committee and all the political parties proposed to the government to adopt an unequivocal stance to secure the release of Dr Aafia Siddiqui. Deputy Chairman Senate, Jan Muhammad Jamali said that the US should honor the sovereignty of Pakistan.

PML-N lawmaker, Rana Tanveer, while targeting the government and state minister for interior said that only announcements are being made by the rulers. The PML-Q's Senator Sheikh Waqas Akram urged that the Americans should be convinced on this issue.
Senator professor Sajid Mir demanded that those who had handed over Dr Aafia Siddiqui to US should be held accountable. Professor Ibrahim of the JI stressed that no such US aid will be accepted which can provide an opportunity to the Americans to insult the Pakistani nation.

Barrister Iqbal Jaffri alleged that former president Pervez Musharraf and the then IG Sindh Kamal Shah were responsible for the kidnapping and handing over Dr Aafia Siddiqui to US therefore, their trial should be held.—Agencies

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Show cause notice issued to IO in Dr Aafia case

KARACHI: Judicial Magistrate, East, Karachi, Zabiha Khattak Thursday issued a show cause notice to the investigating officer of the Dr Aafia Siddiqui kidnap case for not submitting the record of statements of Dr Siddiqui’s relatives. The magistrate passed the order on an application filed by Dr Fauzia Siddiqui, sister of Dr Aafia. Her counsel Qadir Khan Mandokhel submitted that the kidnap case was registered with the Gulshan-e-Iqbal police station. Police also recorded statements of her Dr Siddiqui’s mother, Ismat Mehandi, and son, Ahmed.

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Fact and fiction

Friday, January 22, 2010

Separating fact from fiction in the case of Dr Aafia Siddiqui remains almost impossible. However, as hearing in the trial began in Manhattan, it became clear that plenty of lies had been told. The emerging evidence suggests the version of events regarding Dr Siddiqui shooting at US soldiers in Afghanistan may not have been entirely accurate. It also seems that an Afghan interpreter with a US green card may have been 'persuaded' to testify in the matter. The entire matter has remained a mystery for far too long. It may indeed be hard to believe that the young woman from Karachi has no links at all with militancy. But there can be no doubt that she and her children did not deserve the treatment they received or the years of illegal detention Dr Siddiqui was subjected to. Every person – no matter what crime they are accused of – has a right to the due process of law and an opportunity to defend themselves. Dr Siddiqui was denied this for years and the treatment she received during this time undoubtedly contributed to her precarious physical and mental health.

While the matter has led to fierce public anger being directed, quite justifiably, towards the US, we also need to hear some explanation from authorities at home. From what is known of her story, Dr Siddiqui was 'picked up' from Karachi in 2003, presumably by agencies. She may have been handed over to US authorities by them. Indeed this seems likely. The tale of Dr Siddiqui highlights the plight of those who have gone 'missing'. Some of them landed up at Guantanamo Bay; the fate of others is still unknown. Money may have changed hands in some cases. The facts in this sordid, and terribly sad, case must be uncovered. They could offer up important clues to how militancy operates around the world. But it is vital too that those responsible for the grotesque treatment of a young woman and her children be punished. They must not be allowed to get away with their crime.

The cycle of injustice must be broken if an end is to be put to militancy and the factors that fuel it. There must be no further cover-ups in the case. Indeed it is important that the truth be discovered both at home and in the US, so the evil that ties together the various strands of the terrorist problem can be uprooted.

Fact and fiction
It should also be obvious that the ONLY reason that more facts are being uncovered about what happened to Dr. Siddiqi is BECAUSE the AMERICAN court system is helping to find out, by MAKING people testify under oath, with the threat of perjury charges if they do not. WHAT has the Government of Pakistan done to solve this mystery and obtain justice for her? NOTHING!
'Lady Al Qaeda' Aafia Siddiqui booted from her trial ... again

BY Alison Gendar
Friday, January 22nd 2010, 3:48 PM

The woman dubbed "Lady Al Qaeda" was booted from her trial again Friday after blurting out that her lawyers won't let her testify.

"If you follow the mercy of mankind...they want to take away my right to testify. I've asked for it," Aafia Siddiqui told spectators during a break in the case. Please, I know you'll take me out," she told U.S. marshals as they motioned to move her to a holding cell outside the Manhattan courtroom.

"I am not an enemy. I didn't shoot anyone. I can bring peace with Afghanistan and the Taliban in one day, God willing," she said.

The American-trained Pakistani neuroscientist - charged with attempted murder for shooting at Americans in Afghanistan - also demanded to testify in a similar outburst Wednesday.

Judge Richard Berman told her she had a right, but no obligation, to testify - and warned he wouldn't put up with any more courtroom antics.

She stayed quiet for a day and a half. Siddiqui has repeatedly vowed to boycott her trial and says she does not trust her defense team.

Asked if Siddiqui would be allowed to take the stand in her own defense, lawyer Dawn Cardi was non-commital.

"It remains to be seen," she said.

Siddiqui is accused of snatching a M-4 Army rifle and firing two rounds at a team of Americans who tried to question her in Afghanistan on July 18, 2008.

She was under arrest at the time after being caught by Afghan cops with two pounds of poisonous chemicals, handwritten bioweapon-making documents, and a list of targets including the Statue of Liberty and the Brooklyn Bridge.

Her defense team says no fingerprints were on the rifle and no bullets or fragments were found at the scene.

An FBI ballistics expert testified Friday that M-4 rifle shots travel at 2,700 feet per second and could have disintegrated.

Read more: 'Lady Al Qaeda' Aafia Siddiqui booted from her trial ... again
So will someone tell me why Al Qaeda is tolerating a woman with an education :lol: :lol:
So will someone tell me why Al Qaeda is tolerating a woman with an education :lol: :lol:

FreekiN, Sir,

Some of Osama bin Laden's wives were highly educated:

Bin Laden did eventually marry a total of four wives. In 1982, he married his second one, a woman seven years his senior, allegedly a descendant of Prophet Muhammad’s family—and the holder of a doctorate in child psychology. She bore bin Laden one son and continued teaching at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. She was known as Umm Hamza.

A few years later bin Laden married another doctorate holder (in Arabic grammar, this Ph.D., which, like the child-psychology doctorate, came handy around the house with the education of the children). Umm Khaled, as Wife No. 3 was known, originally from Medina, would bear bin laden three daughters and a son.

Bin Laden, Family Man? Osama bin Laden and His Children
Lawyers seek to silence al Qaida-linked scientist

By LARRY NEUMEISTER, Associated Press, January 26, 2010; 4:16 PM

NEW YORK -- Lawyers for a Pakistani scientist accused of shooting at U.S. Army personnel in Afghanistan have asked a judge to stop her from testifying because she suffers from "diminished capacity."

Lawyers for Aafia Siddiqui (ah-FEE'-uh sih-DEE'-kee) said Tuesday that the 37-year-old Pakistani scientist should not be allowed to testify when the defense case begins Wednesday.

Authorities describe Siddiqui as an al-Qaida supporter and say she tried to kill FBI and Army officers in Afghanistan in 2008. Siddiqui has insisted the U.S. justice system is unfair and says she is boycotting her trial.

She also says she wants to testify before the jury in federal court in Manhattan. She is charged with attempted murder.

Two jurors released from 'Lady Al Qaeda' Aafia Siddiqui trial

BY Alison Gendar AND Helen Kennedy
Updated: Monday, January 25th 2010, 7:50 PM

Two jurors were released from the tumultuous trial of the so-called "Lady Al Qaeda" on Monday, and the defendant was thrown out of the courtroom again - twice.

Sources said the jurors saw a man in the audience motion as if he were firing a gun at them and mouth an obscenity.

"They felt they would no longer be fair," said Federal Judge Richard Berman, who spoke to the jurors in private.

In a transcript released Monday night, one juror told the judge he was "really freaked out" by the man "pointing in a gun gesture."

A second juror said he would have trouble keeping an open mind "anytime anyone makes what I view as a death threat."

The spectator was questioned and then released.

Read more: Two jurors released from 'Lady Al Qaeda' Aafia Siddiqui trial; Wounded soldier relives day of attack

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