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A truly multi-cultural India is a myth

India will break up before 2050 as people want independence from the Indian dictatorship.

There's a prediction US and Russia, will jointly attack and destroy China by 2030, do you know that ?

bdw does your hypersonic missile uses Chinese gas. Then god save you.
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you all are fighting for what...every one of you are correct at your points....
have you heard that story where a few blind persons were asked to describe the elephant by touching it...
one said elephant is like rope by touching it's tail...one said it's like big drum by touching it's belly..other said it's like tree by touching it's legs..and the other said it's like a hanging roots of trees...by touching it's trunk.....
every one of you are correct in in your points...but need to arrange them in the correct sequence to get the feel of whole picture....
not every one is bad and not every one is good....there are people of both kind in every place......so, instead of fighting among yourself try to get the larger image of the thing...that will help....not only you but also the other people of the country.....

Demigod everyone cannot be correct in their view points. There are ideas which lead to well being. There are ideas which are destructive.

You need to read Breaking India to understand the war on India.
Demigod everyone cannot be correct in their view points. There are ideas which lead to well being. There are ideas which are destructive.

You need to read Breaking India to understand the war on India.
I will tell you this...If my house is in order then what ever the provocation are there from outside...we can fight it altogether...but..
if we get divided then we will surely fall...
united we stand , ..divided we falll...
choice is ours...there will be always propaganda from outside......it's for us what we decide...:tup::tup:
I will tell you this...If my house is in order then what ever the provocation are there from outside...we can fight it altogether...but..
if we get divided then we will surely fall...
united we stand , ..divided we falll...
choice is ours...there will be always propaganda from outside......it's for us what we decide...:tup::tup:

Itne satire mat mara kar :lol:

There's a kahawat - Jaese kutta waese Lathi… hope u have heard that. :D

excuses won't work now :astagh:

I will tell you this...If my house is in order then what ever the provocation are there from outside...we can fight it altogether...but..
if we get divided then we will surely fall...
united we stand , ..divided we falll...
choice is ours...there will be always propaganda from outside......it's for us what we decide...

When the well is poisoned and you keep drinking of it thinking it is the well from your own house, then there is a problem. These are Trojan horses set to create hatred between Indians in the guise of concern for India.

Ayodhya was a kingdom with hardly any wrong, but it did not take Mantara much effort to poison Kaikeyi against her Ram.

There are men who come home and beat their women and children daily on the basis of what their neighbors say. They feel they are correcting their family by beating them daily. They use the same argument, if my house is in order why will anyone raise a finger on it. Tell you what such a family becomes a dysfunctional family. It has no future.


You did not comment on how racist I am for trying to understand the source of hatred for the word "chinki."
The Indian dictatorship will end once the Sikhs get their own country Khalistan. Then the Tamils will get their own country and the rest of the ethnicities will follow.

India is just another Yugoslavia.

India will break up by 2050.
Book it.
You did not comment on how racist I am for trying to understand the source of hatred for the word "chinki."
did i call u racist??o_Oo_Oo_O
....after reading ur posts,here n othere threads.....i feel that u r a nationalist....:tup:
but being a girl,,,,u r bound to have some drawbacks in the dimaag dept...:enjoy:...so chill;)
dont want to reveal myself here.....for obvious reasons.. :)

When the well is poisoned and you keep drinking of it thinking it is the well from your own house, then there is a problem. These are Trojan horses set to create hatred between Indians in the guise of concern for India.
Ayodhya was a kingdom with hardly any wrong, but it did not take Mantara much effort to poison Kaikeyi against her Ram.
There are men who come home and beat their women and children daily on the basis of what their neighbors say. They feel they are correcting their family by beating them daily. They use the same argument, if my house is in order why will anyone raise a finger on it. Tell you what such a family becomes a dysfunctional family. It has no future.
that's my point ma'am ...they may be trojan horses,....but we need to upgrade ourselves in a position from where we can discard these report....rather than fighting over the issue...
yes propaganda will be always there no denying in it...but we will be always free to make our choices...no one can stop us from doing that.....and if we choose the correct choice we will survive otherwise we will fail...
fighting among ourselves rather than solving the problem in itself arises new set of problem....and this fighting will only sow the seed of hatred and will lead to further division of country...
there may be manthra but choice was always with kaikai.......what she chooses in her life.....
so, we should not make the choice for what will lead us regretting over our decision......b'coz once what done cannot be undone...:tup::tup:
did i call u racist??
....after reading ur posts,here n othere threads.....i feel that u r a nationalist....
but being a girl,,,,u r bound to have some drawbacks in the dimaag dept......so chill

Now you are gender biased. When Hindu nationalists are accused of being Nazi when they have no antisemitism in them, fascists when they have no imperial objectives, majoritarian when they have no history of subjugating minorities, do you not smell something wrong?
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