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A Tense Encounter Between Indian and Chinese Soldiers

This is not about strength friend. This is about being realistic. Take it from a Kashmiri - the sole claim to Aksai Chin(!) comes from an expedition of Kashmiri/Punjabi forces into Tibet.

India will never give up Arunachal. But Aksai is not ours.

fact is aksai chin is more strategically important than arunachal. see where the capital is. india claims aksai chin, has been doing since 1962, for a reason.

and strength matters if you are realistic, india is strong and thats why chinese are often caught red handed with their pants down. where is chinese bravado now? vietnamese and philippines and japanese are watching this. indians will become more respectable to them than chinese because india is stronger than china. :lol:

strength earn respect, weakness invites humiliation, greatness comes to those who take it. find me a single person who doesn't respect strength. india, japan, vietnam and philippines are nations who have national pride which comes from strength and power.

indian military is not a peasant army like chinese army. indian military is a professional killing machine which doesn't take nonsense.

No, we respond with our handsome smiles. ;)

japanese army in my eyes has earned a lot of respect. i am always with the stronger and superior.
listen retard, do you even know the abc of armies ? do you know the importance of marching ? having an idea of what the terms 'mass' and 'mobility' mean in military context ? if not then better keep your mouth shut and spew your jingoistic BS somewhere else.
Chinese are the best marchers, the whole world knows it but you obviously cant understand what that means.
you cockroach :crazy: so the skills depend upon marching style or just you are cry baby for your big daddy :rofl:
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lol, appeasing a superior force like usa is understandable but appeasing chinese...? go to indian government websites and see where aksai chin is. buddy, let me give you a secret, i know chinese, they pretend to be strong but they are in fact a weak nation who can only take on philippines and vietnam, even then they are pushed back by these small countries. chinese will one day accept indian claims, they fear indians more than they fear americans. indian military should continue pushing forward, don't stop. superior wins

Yep India is so much stronger, that's why Chinese troops can go 30 km into Indian territory whenever they like, right? :P

If India had guts they would throw them out, but instead they bow down and stop troop patrols in their own territory, and break their own bunkers.

strength earn respect, weakness invites humiliation, greatness comes to those who take it.

You say that, but your action is the exact opposite. Look at how Chinese soldiers can enter your territory whenever we like, and you can't even tell them to leave without granting concessions like breaking your own bunkers and stopping your own troop patrols.

Show us your "greatness" with another Forward Policy. If you dare. :lol:

Otherwise we will keep entering whenever we like. Like you said, strength earns respect, weakness invites humiliation.

On the day you finally have enough guts to open fire against foreign troops intruding into your soil, we will be waiting and ready. To defeat you again, and considering how the power imbalance has grown, to cut away of all of NE India too.
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I don't know how they hold their temper. I would of swung as soon as the other soldier gets with in arm length distance.
Yep India is so much stronger, that's why Chinese troops can go 30 km into Indian territory whenever they like, right? :P

If India had guts they would throw them out, but instead they bow down and stop troop patrols in their own territory, and break their own bunkers.

what a traitor you are man to your own nation :D you just accepted indian claims.
look, going 30 kms in a no man's land isn't a big deal, you think, indian side doesn't do that?
why are you so persistently denying that chinese army looked like a joke in front of indian army? someone, mentioned f-insas, just look at thew sorry state of affairs of your army (the real one, not those for photo session), chinese soldiers didn't even have sufficient weapons, no body armour and they looked feeble, heck, the chinese officers of rank looked helpless crying children and were utterly humiliated by the lowest rank indian troops who were abusing them on their face. man.. if i were in the chinese officer, i would have committed suicide out of shame and humiliation because self respect is something that makes a human being a human being. i know it hurts you to see chinese soldiers utterly humiliated. but its reality. had hong kong been a separate nation, your army would have done something you can be proud of. this is why i say, don't get associated with weaker people, otherwise, you will be embarrassed and humiliated.

i say it again, india is doing, and thats why chinese army is discovering more forward posts like this one and will continue doing so. you can't do $hit. :lol: chinese meanwhile keep making some toys and take photos of them to boost their ego. vietnamese are watching this and they are learning how to throw away the chinese kung fu. i have never seen soldiers without sufficient weapons, body armor, gear --- heck even the i. state militants have them. just watch youtube and see how armed to teeth they are.

I don't know how they hold their temper. I would of swung as soon as the other soldier gets with in arm length distance.

do you think firing incidents should be made public? i asked @cirr about the casualties on chinese side, he is not answering. :azn:
A non-issue, bot sets of soldiers have their weapons slung behind their backs and not a shot is fired or weapon pointed at the other- these are disciplined and professional soldiers. Par for the course in areas where there is no clear demarcation of borders but just compare this to what the Pakistani's are doing on the Western border for some perspective.
Meri jaan abhi tujhay hamari kadar nahi hai !!! :D
what a traitor you are man to your own nation :D you just accepted indian claims.
look, going 30 kms in a no man's land isn't a big deal, you think, indian side doesn't do that?
why are you so persistently denying that chinese army looked like a joke in front of indian army? someone, mentioned f-insas, just look at thew sorry state of affairs of your army (the real one, not those for photo session), chinese soldiers didn't even have sufficient weapons, no body armour and they looked feeble, heck, the chinese officers of rank looked helpless crying children and were utterly humiliated by the lowest rank indian troops who were abusing them on their face. man.. if i were in the chinese officer, i would have committed suicide out of shame and humiliation because self respect is something that makes a human being a human being. i know it hurts you to see chinese soldiers utterly humiliated. but its reality. had hong kong been a separate nation, your army would have done something you can be proud of. this is why i say, don't get associated with weaker people, otherwise, you will be embarrassed and humiliated.

i say it again, india is doing, and thats why chinese army is discovering more forward posts like this one and will continue doing so. you can't do $hit. :lol: chinese meanwhile keep making some toys and take photos of them to boost their ego. vietnamese are watching this and they are learning how to throw away the chinese kung fu. i have never seen soldiers without sufficient weapons, body armor, gear --- heck even the i. state militants have them. just watch youtube and see how armed to teeth they are.

You are hilarious. :rofl:

Keep losing wars while fighting for lines drawn by white British men, i.e. the Indian borders.

When you find the guts to be able to stop these incursions, and open fire, we will be waiting. Until then you can keep talking and boasting, while we keep pushing across and doing what we want.

'India cannot match China's military force': Indian Naval Chief - IBN Live

New Delhi: Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta has set off a storm by saying India cannot match China military force. Is it a warning from India's military that the government needs to hear?

"In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force," said Admiral Sureesh Mehta.

For a nuclear-armed military representing the interests of a billion-plus people, the lack of confidence is quite striking. India's military leadership has made a stunning confession that New Delhi doesn't have the stomach for a fight, if push came to shove on the disputed Sino-Indian boundary.

"Whether in terms of GDP, defence spend or any other parameter, the gap between the two is too wide to bridge and is getting wider by the day," he said.


That is from the Indian Army itself. :lol: But I guess you fanboys know better than your own Army, right?
You are hilarious. :rofl:

Keep losing wars while fighting for lines drawn by white British men, i.e. the Indian borders.

When you find the guts to be able to stop these incursions, and open fire, we will be waiting. Until then you can keep talking and boasting, while we keep pushing across and doing what we want.

lol being a business student you are not getting it.:crazy: china is intimidated and retreating while india is advancing. see the effect of intimidation that indian military doesn't need to fire shots (if we go by this footage only) to advance and build forward posts while blocking entry of chinese. i know you will still say, "open fire at us if you dare" even if the forward post is made in lhasa lol while chinese will be blocked to enter lhasa. this is happening and you are finding excuses to get rid of embarrassment :o:
lol being a business student you are not getting it.:crazy: china is intimidated and retreating while india is advancing. see the effect of intimidation that indian military doesn't need to fire shots (if we go by this footage only) to advance and build forward posts while blocking entry of chinese. i know you will still say, "open fire at us if you dare" even if the forward post is made in lhasa lol while chinese will be blocked to enter lhasa. this is happening and you are finding excuses to get rid of embarrassment :o:

I think you are actually delusional, or winding me up on purpose. :lol:

EVERYONE knows that China holds a massive conventional and non-conventional advantage, as the Indian Army itself has admitted on many occasions.

Everyone can see India crying about "Chinese incursions", while backing down and giving up every time. Last time they destroyed their own bunkers and stopped their own troop patrols. :P

Everyone knows that India doesn't have the guts to open fire against Chinese incursions, even though they are willing to open fire on Pakistani and Bangladeshi borders, killing scores of soldiers, cattle traders and civilians alike. Because if they tried that with China, it would end up with a repeat of 1962, except that we are no longer poorer than India, and we are no longer in the middle of the worst famine in our history, and our massive advantage means that India could even lose the entire NE once the Chicken's neck corridor is cut.

But if that is wrong, feel free to prove it. We are waiting for the day that India finds enough guts to repel the incursions with force, but I think we will be waiting forever, they will never find any guts. :wave:

Hmm... an Indian who says this:

this tibetan thing was a british invention, there is nothing tibetan, its all chinese, please don't parrot british imperial lyrics

Are you really an Indian? You sound like another member I have talked to before, but who was wearing a different flag. Maybe from BD?

And now I am absolutely sure you are winding me up. :lol:
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I think you are actually delusional, or winding me up on purpose. :lol:

EVERYONE knows that China holds a massive conventional and non-conventional advantage, as the Indian Army itself has admitted on many occasions.

Everyone can see India crying about "Chinese incursions", while backing down and giving up every time. Last time they destroyed their own bunkers and stopped their own troop patrols. :P

Everyone knows that India doesn't have the guts to open fire against Chinese incursions, even though they are willing to open fire on Pakistani and Bangladeshi borders, killing scores of soldiers, cattle traders and civilians alike. Because if they tried that with China, it would end up with a repeat of 1962, except that we are no longer poorer than India, and we are no longer in the middle of the worst famine in our history, and our massive advantage means that India could even lose the entire NE once the Chicken's neck corridor is cut.

But if that is wrong, feel free to prove it. We are waiting for the day that India finds enough guts to repel the incursions with force, but I think we will be waiting forever, they will never find any guts. :wave:

Hmm... an Indian who says this:

Are you really an Indian? You sound like another member I have talked to before, but who was wearing a different flag.

And now I am absolutely sure you are winding me up. :lol:

listen, let me be clear, if you mess with india, don't expect flowers from indians. i was trying to be good with china but it appears you chinese can't be trusted. yes, the british created it but is today's india a british country? think tank, don't you have brains. does that make me different member? india will take what india claims, i say it again on your face. and get all your thanks back, even you can negative rate me, i don't care, i don't trade motherland like you, may be you don't respect mothers but indians do.
Yep India is so much stronger, that's why Chinese troops can go 30 km into Indian territory whenever they like,
Yep India is so much stronger, that's why Chinese troops can go 30 km into Indian territory whenever they like,
Yep India is so much stronger, that's why Chinese troops can go 30 km into Indian territory whenever they like,
Yep India is so much stronger, that's why Chinese troops can go 30 km into Indian territory whenever they like, right? :P

If India had guts they would throw them out, but instead they bow down and stop troop patrols in their own territory, and break their own bunkers.

You say that, but your action is the exact opposite. Look at how Chinese soldiers can enter your territory whenever we like, and you can't even tell them to leave without granting concessions like breaking your own bunkers and stopping your own troop You say that, but your action is the exact opposite. Look at how Chinese soldiers can enter your territory whenever we like, and you can't even tell them to leave without granting concessions like breaking your own bunkers and stopping your own troop You say that, but your action is the exact opposite. Look at how Chinese soldiers can enter your territory whenever we like, and you can't even tell them to leave without granting concessions like breaking your own bunkers and stopping your own troop You say that, but your action is the exact opposite. Look at how Chinese soldiers can enter your territory whenever we like, and you can't even tell them to leave without granting concessions like breaking your own bunkers and stopping your own troop patrols.

Show us your "greatness" with another Forward Policy. If you dare. :lol:

Otherwise we will keep entering whenever we like. Like you said, strength earns respect, weakness invites humiliatiOtherwise we will keep entering whenever we like. Like you said, strength earns respect, weakness invites humiliatiO
i thought, it was chinese that were behaving like monkeys. indians were mature

Lol- i see indians jumping up and down on the wall acting like wild animals-

video was soo long but you extracted exectly what I wanted to hear :D

See jocker came to cry for his big daddy :D

dare that along LOC and we will show you who is your DADDY-:D-
may be you don't respect mothers but indians do.

Is that supposed to be a joke? You know India is the largest beef exporter on the planet right?

I've read that religious Hindus consider cows to be like a mother, so how does that fit into your logic?

yes, the british created it but is today's india a british country?

LOL, are you actually from BD? :P

They are literally the only ones who can be expected to believe that India is powerful enough to be a threat to China, even the Indian Army itself has admitted the idea is ridiculous.

And that's not even considering that we hold the high ground on the Tibetan plateau, the fact that we have the largest arsenal of sub strategic (non-nuclear) missiles in the world, with New Delhi even in range of our conventional rocket artillery. And vastly superior border infrastructure that will allow us an overwhelming force concentration at any point along the LAC.

Maybe India can destroy BD, they already seem to be doing so with the AL regime, but India has shown time and time again that they do not have the guts to open fire on the Chinese border, like they do on the BD border.

But I am waiting to be proven wrong. The PLA for one definitely would not turn down the opportunity for some modern combat experience, there is only so much that researching ongoing conflicts can do.
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