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A Tense Encounter Between Indian and Chinese Soldiers

The implication is slightly offensive. The lines between India and China are also not the Mc Mahon Line but the LAC. The LAC does coincide with the Mc Mahon line in places, but in other areas it does not.

Plus - Arunachal (the land of Parushurama, Vyasa's meditation place, Krishna's wife Rukmini etc), Himachal and Kashmir have been as Indian as Indraprastha since times ancient. But Aksai Chin was never ours.
Only Aksai Chin was the only territory that India need not claim. Aksai Chin was actually taken by a Dogra expedition during China's century of humiliation. So that line is also not exactly British drawn. But yes, but for the expedition, India never had any control or serious claim on the area.

Accepting Chinese sovereignty in Aksai Chin and Indian over Arunachal is the smart way to move forward. The forward policy is not.

Please relax, the aforementioned line will be accepted soon - pragmatism is the first rule of law in foreign policy. With the a strong government in the Center is will happen. Give it some time - the public mood needs to be consolidated and enough safe space gained before something like this (honorable exchange) is implemented. It is a good fortune that both India and China have behaved in a very civil way, in spite of incursions by both sides. Had it been any other country/ies - this would in all likelihood have escalated into a greater conflict.
Or the LAC was deliberately set up in terms of Mc Mahon Line? You just can't deny it.

fact is aksai chin is more strategically important than arunachal. see where the capital is. india claims aksai chin, has been doing since 1962, for a reason.

and strength matters if you are realistic, india is strong and thats why chinese are often caught red handed with their pants down. where is chinese bravado now? vietnamese and philippines and japanese are watching this. indians will become more respectable to them than chinese because india is stronger than china. :lol:

strength earn respect, weakness invites humiliation, greatness comes to those who take it. find me a single person who doesn't respect strength. india, japan, vietnam and philippines are nations who have national pride which comes from strength and power.

indian military is not a peasant army like chinese army. indian military is a professional killing machine which doesn't take nonsense.

japanese army in my eyes has earned a lot of respect. i am always with the stronger and superior.
Seems that you turn out to be some kind of glory-hog or war monger?

Is that supposed to be a joke? You know India is the largest beef exporter on the planet right?

I've read that religious Hindus consider cows to be like a mother, so how does that fit into your logic?

LOL, are you actually from BD? :P

They are literally the only ones who can be expected to believe that India is powerful enough to be a threat to China, even the Indian Army itself has admitted the idea is ridiculous.

And that's not even considering that we hold the high ground on the Tibetan plateau, the fact that we have the largest arsenal of sub strategic (non-nuclear) missiles in the world, with New Delhi even in range of our conventional rocket artillery. And vastly superior border infrastructure that will allow us an overwhelming force concentration at any point along the LAC.

Maybe India can destroy BD, they already seem to be doing so with the AL regime, but India has shown time and time again that they do not have the guts to open fire on the Chinese border, like they do on the BD border.

But I am waiting to be proven wrong. The PLA for one definitely would not turn down the opportunity for some modern combat experience, there is only so much that researching ongoing conflicts can do.
Their population does while their land is just one thirds of ours.
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