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A Tense Encounter Between Indian and Chinese Soldiers

undeclared wars like this one are going on already, may be, chinese media keeps silence so that china doesn't get embarrass. i told you, india is doing ;)

may i ask you to use your brain? just figure out why this footage was released to the media. who gets embarrassed? the whole world is watching the footage. they are laughing at some helpless peasants in army uniforms doing kung fu on mountain tops. it actually bursts the bubble :-)

Apparently you are seeing something different. Watch this video below:

Chinese soldiers walk into India's territory whenever we want, and India capitulates every time:

Indian troops suspend patrols at Chumar - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: Apart from dismantling a SET of strategically-located bunkers at Chumar as part of an arrangement to end the standoff at Depsang Bulge in eastern Ladakh, the Indian troops seem to have suspended patrols to the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Chumar, at least for now. Senior officials briefed by personnel on the ground said the Army has discontinued the round-the-clock patrolling it was undertaking in the area for the last few months.

Chinese soldiers camped deep within Indian borders for over 3 weeks, India responded by demolishing bunkers in their own territory, stopping troop patrols in their own territory. :lol:

This is your sovereignty, being unable to stop foreign soldiers from entering your territory whenever we want.

Though I still don't get why you are so eager to throw away Indian lives for a white British guy called McMahon, and the line he drew. Even the white British themselves would be surprised.
Your so-called "territorial integrity" was a result of British colonialists coming to the subcontinent and drawing arbitrary lines, that's all it is. When you uphold your territorial integrity, the only thing you are doing is upholding lines drawn by British colonialists, nothing more.

Since everyone knows that India never existed before the British colonialists created it.

yes, and it proves that indians are as capable as the british were. strength earns respect, weakness invites humiliation, greatness comes to those who take it. obviously you won't get it. *land swapping* :lol:

buddy nothing comes free of cost

You are right an inch was not given up but 25 KMs. This video is distraction from the real story where PLA is sitting 25 to 30 KM inside India

this was not the location where that happened. please stop posting bs
Manchus are Chinese. Do you see a country called Manchuria? They are a Chinese ethnicity and people.

It was the centralized government of a united China that drew our border lines, composed of various Chinese ethnicities.

Not white British from the other side of the planet, who have nothing to do with Asia whatsoever.

At the time they took over, they werent Chinese, just like Mongols werent. They even had an apartheid system in place.

But like I said, ROI is one of the successors to the British Raj. Just like ROC and PRC are successors to Manchu dynasty. Both are legitimate.
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yes, and it proves that indians are as capable as the british were. strength earns respect, weakness invites humiliation, greatness comes to those who take it. obviously you won't get it. *land swapping* :lol:

buddy nothing comes free of cost

this was not the location where that happened. please stop posting bs

No it just proves that your "sacred territory" was drawn by white British people from the other side of the planet, who had no right to draw lines anywhere in Asia.

But if you want to keep fighting and dying for the white British then please, repeat Nehru's Forward Policy any time you can.

Prove your "greatness", grow some guts and stop bowing down every time Chinese soldiers decide to camp deep within your borders. Open fire if you dare, and lose another war.
Not white British from the other side of the planet, who have nothing to do with Asia whatsoever.
The implication is slightly offensive. The lines between India and China are also not the Mc Mahon Line but the LAC. The LAC does coincide with the Mc Mahon line in places, but in other areas it does not.

Plus - Arunachal (the land of Parushurama, Vyasa's meditation place, Krishna's wife Rukmini etc), Himachal and Kashmir have been as Indian as Indraprastha since times ancient. But Aksai Chin was never ours.
Only Aksai Chin was the only territory that India need not claim. Aksai Chin was actually taken by a Dogra expedition during China's century of humiliation. So that line is also not exactly British drawn. But yes, but for the expedition, India never had any control or serious claim on the area.

Accepting Chinese sovereignty in Aksai Chin and Indian over Arunachal is the smart way to move forward. The forward policy is not.

Please relax, the aforementioned line will be accepted soon - pragmatism is the first rule of law in foreign policy. With the a strong government in the Center is will happen. Give it some time - the public mood needs to be consolidated and enough safe space gained before something like this (honorable exchange) is implemented. It is a good fortune that both India and China have behaved in a very civil way, in spite of incursions by both sides. Had it been any other country/ies - this would in all likelihood have escalated into a greater conflict.
The implication is slightly offensive. The lines between India and China are also not the Mc Mahon Line but the LAC. The LAC does coincide with the Mc Mahon line in places, but in other areas it does not.

Plus - Arunachal (the land of Parushurama, Vyasa's meditation place, Krishna's wife Rukmini etc), Himachal and Kashmir have been as Indian as Indraprastha since times ancient. But Aksai Chin was never ours.
Only Aksai Chin was the only territory that India need not claim. Aksai Chin was actually taken by a Dogra expedition during China's century of humiliation. So that line is also not exactly British drawn. But yes, but for the expedition, India never had any control or serious claim on the area.

Accepting Chinese sovereignty in Aksai Chin and Indian over Arunachal is the smart way to move forward. The forward policy is not.

Please relax, the aforementioned line will be accepted soon - pragmatism is the first rule of law in foreign policy. With the a strong government in the Center is will happen. Give it some time - the public mood needs to be consolidated and enough safe space gained before something like this (honorable exchange) is implemented. It is a good fortune that both India and China have behaved in a very civil way, in spite of incursions by both sides. Had it been any other country/ies - this would in all likelihood have escalated into a greater conflict.

I'm just responding to Indian members insulting China's territorial integrity. If they can give it, they should learn to take it too. :wave:
I'm just responding to Indian members insulting China's territorial integrity. If they can give it, they should learn to take it too. :wave:
Let's just accept that there are kids on both sides of the border who know nothing about the harsh conditions of high altitude warfare, who have no experience in braving the snowstorms, the numbing frostbites and then the merciless bullets and shrapnel from a mortar shell landing in a distance. An imaginary line on the map becomes something to live and die for.

In a few years this hatchet will be buried - the problem in India is political alone. Not military. The Indian Armed Forces have NO ISSUE in relinquishing claim over Aksai Chin because they have no control there. Just like they will keep control over Arunachal. The IA has time and again stated that China is a rival and NOT an enemy. The political cards will fall in place once the Govt is secure. :agree:
As if India does not claim Chinese land either. :lol:

That was the whole reason why Nehru launched the 1962 war.
Nehru was a quasi-dictator. And also a braindead idealist. The Cabinet stood and sat at his beck and call. He also considered himself to be the Leader of Liberated Asia! Hell, Nehru did not even manage to start the 1962 war. He was not capable of that. He single handedly made it impossible for China to ignore his pinpricks.

After the debacle he became a broken man(or rather realized that he always was), and Indian foreign policy matured quickly - which resulted in India winning the Kutch and Sikkim joining the Indian Union. Not to mention the liberation and recognition of Bangladesh. Had the Nehru clique been there - none of this would have happened.

The only plus point of Nehru's regime was that it gave us some stability and gave us the institutions that we have today. Unlike the toppling Govts in Pakistan for example.
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But Aksai Chin was never ours.

lol, appeasing a superior force like usa is understandable but appeasing chinese...? go to indian government websites and see where aksai chin is. buddy, let me give you a secret, i know chinese, they pretend to be strong but they are in fact a weak nation who can only take on philippines and vietnam, even then they are pushed back by these small countries. chinese will one day accept indian claims, they fear indians more than they fear americans. indian military should continue pushing forward, don't stop. superior wins
lol, appeasing a superior force like usa is understandable but appeasing chinese...? go to indian government websites and see where aksai chin is. buddy, let me give you a secret, i know chinese, they pretend to be strong but they are in fact a weak nation who can only take on philippines and vietnam, even then they are pushed back by these small countries. chinese will one day accept indian claims, they fear indians more than they fear americans. indian military should continue pushing forward, don't stop. superior wins
This is not about strength friend. This is about being realistic. Take it from a Kashmiri - the sole claim to Aksai Chin(!) comes from an expedition of Kashmiri/Punjabi forces into Tibet.

India will never give up Arunachal. But Aksai is not ours.

they fear indians more than they fear americans
Right. Let me tell something. The Chinese, just like the Indians - don't really fear death. In combat we both are fanatics. Fearing Americans? Pls dont kid me :P
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