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A teenager has beheaded a teacher in northern Paris for showing pictures of Prophet Mohammed in class

I never did justify any of the above. You are being very dishonest in these replies, you shouldn't be virtue signalling your morality while dishonestly distorting and strawmanning in order to deflect from answering the question I posed many times now.

What use is your world view and morality if your integrity is compromised in such a basic consversation?

Anyway, I'll leave you to it, have fun strawmanning the next fool who presumes to question you on the basis of your own logic.

Then what justification do the French or any other white christian europeans have for hating or resenting Brown/Olive Skinned Muslims as you previously claimed? Why are you backtracking from your original claims and avoiding them?
Do you justify the extermination of 100s of millions of innocent Brown/Olive-skinned Muslims by white christian europeans going back many centuries?

PS Why are you trying to justify white European christian racism against over 2 billion Muslims just because of the action of 1 individual?

So, as per your convenience, it can be "1 individual" or "2 billion"?

The latter figure may be billion or trillion or zillion whatever you wish, but right on this thread, you will find posts which will tell you that the former figure is not "1 individual". One just said "RIP Soldier".
Then what justification do the French or any other white christian europeans have for hating or resenting Brown/Olive Skinned Muslims as you previously claimed? Why are you backtracking from your original claims and avoiding them?
They have no justification for blanket hate of minorities and muslims. However, they would be more inclined to hate given the prevalence of these instances, it's a simple and undeniable fact.

However, I wasn't the one justifying anything here, YOU were justifying this incident using colonialism:
What goes around, comes around. The French are responsible for all of this for colonising and then murdering 100s of 1000s of Brown-Skinned Muslims in North Africa in places like Algeria. Also, for attacking countless Muslim countries over the centuries.

And despite several attempts to ask you in response, you've only deflected and dishonestly strawmanned:

Alright, I disagree, but let me ask... if that's truly your logic for justification, then what about Denmark for instance? No colonies in the Muslim world, Africa, Asia etc. Danish colonies were limited to the North Sea, North Atlantic and Scandinavia.

So if the same terror attack happens in Denmark for instance, would you be against this kind of punitive terror? I'm asking because I don't believe that the quoted reasoning is your true motivation, it seems tangential. And if not, and if that is your true motivation, then the Danish hypothetical example should be an exception and easy to answer. Same can apply to a plethora of other nations.
Where did I say that? Pls answer the question.

French colonialism was brutal, as was British colonialism and Belgian. Yes they killed people. But you did not answer my question, so I'll state it again:
Now if you’d kindly quit strawmanning me and answer the question I posed @PAKISTANFOREVER. Here it is again, for the third time:

oh bhai enough of this aen baen shaen, answer the question or quit having me respond to random tangential strawman, you can debate this stuff with someone else who actually disagrees with you.

If you're saying colonialism justified this incident then surely if the same happened in Denmark (no recent wars, no colonialism in our area), you'd then be against it, right?

Simple question, pls answer, for the nth time.... :rolleyes1:
I never did justify any of the above. You are being very dishonest in these replies, you shouldn't be virtue signalling your morality while dishonestly distorting and strawmanning in order to deflect from answering the question I posed many times now.

What use is your world view and morality if your integrity is compromised in such a basic consversation? It takes guts and honesty to back down from a position.

Anyway, I'll leave you to it, have fun strawmanning the next fool who presumes to question you on the basis of your own logic.

you are calling this coward b@strd a soldier and expects him to rest in peace when the scum bag used a machete to decapitate his unarmed teacher!
There are red lines and You are still unfamiliar with them

He did the RIGHT thing.
Remember One can Disagree with existance or non existance of Allah
Also one can Disagree with Prophet Mohammad SAW and also one can disagree with Islam and its Teaching

BUT when you insult God or His prophets Then they are taught a lesson collectively or individually
There are red lines and You are still unfamiliar with them

He did the RIGHT thing.
Remember One can Disagree with existance or non existance of Allah
Also one can Disagree with Prophet Mohammad SAW and also one can disagree with Islam and its Teaching

BUT when you insult God or His prophets Then they are taught a lesson collectively or individually
Asked s10 same question to you “i see a lot of pakistanis cursing other religions all day long , you think its fair if someone takes their life ?
A question i see a lot of pakistanis cursing other religions all day long , you think its fair if someone takes their life ?
Sorry, you might have seen a few dozens of mindless creatures who know nothing and generalizing that to a Lot of Pakistaniz..

I have not seen any Pakistani in my circles disrespecting or cursing other religions
What is provocation? Is an Indian justified in killing me because I ate beef for many years and even butchered a cow?
A consequence of globalization is that people with varying beliefs now live and work together. Perhaps mutual tolerance is called for until we all start to understand each other a little better.

Year ago my father unintentionally caused grievous offence to his Egyptian colleague by the very simple act of putting his feet on his desk and thus showing the soles of his shoes to his Egyptian colleague. The Egyptian in a fit of rage struck my father - long story short, my father did not mean to cause offense. People raised under different circumstances cannot be expected to understand the emotions of someone from a different culture.

Is it a part of the Christian religion that they are required to insult and blaspheme our Rasulullah saws, who is more beloved to us than our parents, children, spouses, and anyone waking on this earth? I don't think so.

The intention of the French is to demean and ridicule Muslims, hence the strict laws against Hijab. They have sworn a neo-Crusader war against Islam.

Some of their other activities include murdering Tuaregs in Northern Mali, funding terrorists against Turkey, openly supporting all enemies of Turkey, supporting/financing Indians against Pakistan, and antagonizing their large Muslim minority.

Well that shpiel has gotten very old. The world has been very patient with the whole "don't tarnish the whole community with the acts of one person" schtick. It's time the said community started addressing the extremist elements within it.

Two weeks ago a man in Paris stabbed a Charlie Hebdo editor. No surprises for guessing who he was.

Oh if a Shia or Ahmedi dares to attack a Sunni in Pakistan. See what happens. Whole cities are burned down. Yesterday Karachi had a payya jaam strike by sectarian parties because a Sunni scholar was shot. Aurangzeb Farooqui- that ASWJ terrorist was out threatening Shias to stay in line. Where was your logic then?

Double standards no? If white people take out rallies then you start whining.

Back from your ban, eh.

You are criticizing some acute tensions between Sunnis and Shias, while you are a racist against Pukhtoons, Punjabis, Kashmirirs, and others. We are all probably misguided Muslims to you anyway.

I guess you are not privy to increased racism and attacks on minorities in the Western world, be it in Charleston, NC in the US, for example, or anti-immigrant attacks and arson.

There will come a time when the world will have enough of Jihadism. The West is still taking it easy, the way things are going, they might lose their patience and go the China way.

Dreams are free, enjoy.

You'll find your answer in Surah 3:186

It preaches to be steadfast in your belief of Allah.
IMO the Quran preaches tolerance and reinforcement of ones faith in Allah.

You, a Non-Muslim, are trying to teach us our religion?

Don't you think this is not suitable for someone of your background. Please stay within your limits.

I can quote you Sahih Ahadith to show that Rasulullah saws directly ordered the elimination of blasphemers.

Let us not turn this forum into a joke.

Why is introspection so fcking hard for the majority people of my faith?

Its like they're taught from the start to obfuscate and deflect. A Muslim just can't be wrong and evil. It always has to be the fault of the White, the Zionist, the Hindu, the Kafir who provoked him.

And this phenomenon is compounded in my countrymen. They've added internal enemies like Ahmedis, Shias and different sects of Muslims to that list as well.

When did you convert to Islam? You claimed before that you are an Atheist.

You just keep making lists like a typical Islamophobe. I even saw some idolize Chengiz Khan as some anti-Muslm hero, lol, which ofcourse he was not.

Our religion is clear about blasphemy.

Yes, the TJ is present everywhere. I feel that Saudis get blamed for many things but Saudia just provides the funding but the ideology is provided by the TJ.

Some years ago a Turkish member said to me that in Turkish language the TJ is called Teblegh ( or Tebligh ) and they were involved in rioting in some European city.

Yes, TJ is banned in Russia and the Central Asian stan countries. But this young man was probably influenced by a TJ in France or via internet from Britain.

I think that explains why Mumtaz Qadri is considered a hero by some and why some consider the shooting of Malala to be staged.

The Salafis/Wahabbis are against Tabligh.
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oh bhai enough of this aen baen shaen, answer the question or quit having me respond to random tangential strawman, you can debate this stuff with someone else who actually disagrees with you.

If you're saying colonialism justified this incident then surely if the same happened in Denmark (no recent wars, no colonialism in our area), you'd then be against it, right?

Simple question, pls answer, for the nth time.... :rolleyes1:
It ok for you to generalise about 2 billion and duck my post conveniently and carry on your crusade against @PAKISTANFOREVER ?
You want all Muslims in France to take responsibility for the actions of one? Are you attempting to troll?
I will stand up and say this man committed a hortic act but don’t blame Islam for this
There are red lines and You are still unfamiliar with them

He did the RIGHT thing.
Remember One can Disagree with existance or non existance of Allah
Also one can Disagree with Prophet Mohammad SAW and also one can disagree with Islam and its Teaching

BUT when you insult God or His prophets Then they are taught a lesson collectively or individually

what our prophet did when people were throwing trash and stones on him ? Did he killed them ?

I was taught he didn’t. He prayed Allah guide them.
good going man good going why these guys move to west first place . its EU fault why they let in these guys .
we needed cheap non-educated labor to clean our office spaces and perform other more menial jobs in our societies in the 1960s.. whites were getting more and more educated, and simply not enough people could be found for the non-educated work.. we are now in a state where especially in our larger cities we have many immigrants living among whites and they're also getting more educated, higher-paying jobs, now.

that does mean however that ocassionally we'll find a religious believer of some sort who is misguided about matters of life and death. i doubt the teacher was even aware that showing a picture of your Prophet in public could lead to such consequences.
shame upon the murderer.
I was taught he didn’t. He prayed Allah guide them.
Yes he paryed for their Guidence.

Those were childrens unaware of what they were doing and were provoked by others. The Teacher did the act in full consciousness and delibrately.

Also Later on Have you not read what happened to those who Delebrately Disrespected the Prophet or God?

Earlier in History before Prophet Mohammad SAW Have you not read what happened to Nations who Disrespected God and prophets of those times?

As long as they Disagreed they were unharmed but Prophets continue to Argue and convince them... But when they decided to Humiliate or disrespect the Prophets History marked their end for generations to learn

If someone is unaware of prophecy Can be neglected for Disrespecting that after publicly admitting his mistake after he realises
It ok for you to generalise about 2 billion and duck my post conveniently and carry on your crusade against @PAKISTANFOREVER ?
You want all Muslims in France to take responsibility for the actions of one? Are you attempting to troll?
I will stand up and say this man committed a hortic act but don’t blame Islam for this
I missed your post, was too busy responding elsewhere. Even if I had ignored it, I did not leave you multiple tangential comments, obfuscating and deflecting. There's an important distinction. Here's your reply:
No sane Frenchman or Muslim would not be disgusted at anyone taking this course of action - let’s firstly universally start by this statement.
However your attempt to join in with the “let’s blame all actions of Muslims “ on a handful of acts like this is rather naive and with respect immature. You really going to generalise 2 billion people like this? One would desire a more robust and mature post from yourself.

Agree with the part in bold, unfortunate every society has groups of nationalists, hardliners, far field political elements. And France already has Muslim haters in the Front Nationale of Marine Le Pen and others. What I meant to say in that post is NOT that hate would be justified, only that hate would result from prevalence from incidents. Which is a fact, and I've witnessed it myself in the UK as a result of several terror attacks here.

Let’s also allow the fact to sink in of the approach the state of France has on the international stage. Allowing and participating in the wholesale slaughter of innocent across the African and Arab world - I don’t need to surely bring this to your attention? This by no means is a justification of this behaviour but surely the actions sometimes tips the mindset of a vulnerable few. Perhaps the recent events of the Hebdo events should have alerted the teachers mindset of not approaching or perhaps approach with caution the subject matter?

Any prominent figure speaking up today of the atrocities of the Jews is immediately labelled and stamped upon by the press - with respect we need people to speak up and point the obvious discrepancies in approach rather than blaming 2 billion people for the actions of a minuscule amount of retards.

Brother I am well versed on French colonialism, I perhaps know even more than you on this subject. This is not meant to be a brag, but rather just conveying to you that I know about these issues and I'm not justifying them.

France was a brutal colonizer, I could recall reading of some horrific colonial era treatments that the French and their buddies the Belgians did in Africa. Heck, even today, France maintains colonial political interests in North and West Africa. Be it "intervening" in Libya, or Mali, backing coups in West Africa, or forcing many West African nations to put their central banking system through Banque de France (you can look up the CFA Franc). Etc etc. As for the Jews, I think Europe needs to move on and allow healthy debate on certain subjects related to anti-semitism, the holocaust and Israel. These subjects are often conflated in the defence or criticism of the state of Israel. This is another rabbit hole convo I don't want to go down, it'll waste another 30 mins of my time convincing you that there's no disagreement,

The point is, I'm no apologist for the French, or anyone else. Nor do I justify any hate as a response. But I point out that a) People justifying this, including the perpetrator can't use tangential arguments about colonialism to do so. b) That acts like these lead to an increase in hate in these societies, justified or not, it is a fact.

Resentment has been building everywhere in Europe, not just France, take UKIP (UK), AfD (Germany), Front Nationale (France), Golden Dawn (Greece), Jobbik (Hungary), Nord Lega (Italy), DPP (Denmark), Geert Wilders (Netherlands), Sweden Democrats (Sweden). Far right, muslim hating scum like these are emboldened and vindicated when terror attacks happen. The consequences of this are borne by honest, law-abiding Muslims like us. And it gets worse everytime some piece of shit commits a terror attack in our name.
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