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A strange but stable alliance: The Senate awaits Israeli instruction

I'm a Christian and I don't feel a speck of guilt over the Holocaust. Why the U.S. supports Israel is a no-brainer. Look the area over. Who else would we support instead of Israel ? For me the choice is easy.
I'm a Christian and I don't feel a speck of guilt over the Holocaust. Why the U.S. supports Israel is a no-brainer. Look the area over. Who else would we support instead of Israel ? For me the choice is easy.

Nobody? :D

The Jewish lobby and the overrepresentation of the Jewish elites in the US. It is quite amazing really when you think about it. I mean their influence in the US and world compared to their numbers.

That happens when you have been a people that has been persecuted 99% of the time that you have existed and a people who have been denied education etc. and who were "close to extinction" not long ago.

Objectively speaking they are far ahead every other nation on earth and people and one can only have a respect for that. Compared to their numbers obviously. If just the Zionists were more sensible….
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I disagree. At the very least they (the Israelis) should be severely tested on their willingness to "share" Palestine with the non-Jewish Palestinians. If the non-Jewish Palestinians offered a settlement of the conflict base on an economic federation of the West Bank with Israel, accept calling the West Bank a province of Israel called Palestine, and offered to accept Israeli federal management of foreign policy and defense forces, then I'm not confident that Jewish Palestinians (Israelis) could refuse and still maintain support of Europe, Canada and, perhaps , even of the USA.

Simply will not happen. Never.
Not unless they give up democracy.

The whole idea behind Zionism and Israel was to create a country where Jews could be in control of their destiny. The Israeli Jews will never accept any solution that gives non-Jews a democratic and demographic superiority over Jewish concerns.
But, Hazzy997, sir, I also blame Muslims in the region, and around the world, who deny the fact of Jewish suffering for centuries, and, will not make any concessions to allow Jews to live in peace. I believe that Jews have a right to live in Palestine. Personally I think Muslims should accept a single state solution, merge with Jews in a single state of Israel, provided they have equal civil rights under the law, the constitution. Then, over time, if Muslim demographics are superior to Jewish demographics, so be it. If, 50 years later, Israel is a Muslim majority state and wishes to change its name to "Palestine" by democratic vote, then fine.

I agree with this sir but I think both sides have waged propaganda campaigns against the other and the hatred runs too deep.

Nobody is "nochoice" :D
Nobody is typically for those who don't care about this world such as hermits, and monks :D

Seriously! World powers always look for better partners.

Palestinian leadership went with wrong kind of world power and paid the price.
Israeli influence over USA foreign policy in the mid-East is based on four factors:
(1) Jewish-American political strength in the USA Congress;
(2) Jewish-America strength in USA print, television and movie media;
(3) Jewish-American financial contributions to political campaigns at all levels; and
(4) Christian guilt over the German holocaust.
No, I do not think (truly) that there are any USA strategic interests involved with our support of Israel. Our support of Israel is entirely due to the successful manipulation of our political processes by Jewish Americans and the effective exploitation of Christian propensity to be guilty about the holocaust, even though American Christians had nothing to do with it. Muslim intransigence in being willing to recognize Jewish suffering and their rights to a place in Palestine also plays into American sympathy for underdogs.

You cannot name any factual strategic benefit to the USA for our relationship with Israel. Every "benefit" that people argue is really only the "supposed" negation of a harm that our support has caused us. That is, all of our "benefits" are circular arguing. If we did not support Israel at all, then we would have zero need for these supposed benefits of our alliance.
LOL, for some mysterious reason Jewish influence and Christian guilt over Holocaust appeared in 1967 :lol:
LOL, for some mysterious reason Jewish influence and Christian guilt over Holocaust appeared in 1967 :lol:

It's not a "mysterious" reason. Two factors were involved. First, the Israeli victory in the June '67 war changed the perception of Israel in the minds of the "average" American to one of Israel as a "winner" and therefore a nation to be respected and admired. Secondly, antisemitism in the USA was on the wane, partially helped by the civil rights movement which was mainly for American blacks but had the effect of reducing prejudices against all minorities.
the Israeli victory in the June '67 war changed the perception of Israel in the minds of the "average" American to one of Israel as a "winner" and therefore a nation to be respected and admired.
Good, u are making progress.
I'm a Christian and I don't feel a speck of guilt over the Holocaust. Why the U.S. supports Israel is a no-brainer. Look the area over. Who else would we support instead of Israel ? For me the choice is easy.

What is your second choice in Middle-East? Turkey aside?
LOL, for some mysterious reason Jewish influence and Christian guilt over Holocaust appeared in 1967 :lol:

Good point.

However we must allow conspiracy theories to go on.

Arab culture these days prefers conspiracies over rationalism.

What is your second choice in Middle-East? Turkey aside?


once it dumps the nukie toys.
and its paranoia

you just replaced 1967 conspiracy theory with 1917 conspiracy theory. :lol:

Keep digging, at least you are not stuck with 1967 like so many in the region.

I think I will believe actual studies by prominent Jewish scholars and institutions over your claims of "conspiracy theories".

PS. Did you even bother to read the link I posted?
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