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A Statue for A Pakistani Punjabi Hero.....Porus

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The names of missiles are named after noted and famous Islamic Warriors - but not all Pakistani Missiles are named like that, for example the Shaheen series is named after the eagle, and the Raad Air Launched Cruise Missile means Thunder.

Why would someone name a country's most valuable defence assets after foreigners? Especially foreigners that invaded the land you presently occupy? What other country does this?

I am only mentioning this because some people said that India cannot claim the history of its ancient civilization, just because the borders of present-day India do not conform to the borders of ancient India. But apparently, Pakistan can claim the history of any Muslim, whether they be Arabs, Uzbeks, Turks, or Afghans....

Double standards at their worst.

Regarding the Armed Forces - yes the vast majority do adore their Armed Forces.

That's what I thought. Thanks for verifying.
But over the millennia - that has been the exception rather than the rule, in fact the present day borders of india and Pakistan have been the de facto border of the Indus and Ganges based civilizations.

No, it was only starting in the 18th century, with the collapse of the Mughal Empire and central authority, that a cultural drift between the people of the Indus and the Ganges emerged. The Durranis and tribal factions in AfPak region took advantage of the Mughal decline to exert their influence over present-day Pakistan, and the long-term effects of this power struggle are still felt today.

However, before that time the Indus and Ganges shared much the same civilization. You could call this civilization anything you want, but most historians call it as dharmic civilization because of the ideals of dharma, which were represented in three main religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

Starting with Chandragupta in the 4th century B.C.E., most Indian empires had their base in the Ganges and their borders on the Indus/Afghanistan.
A few examples:

Maurya Empire, 320-185 B.C.E.
Base of power is Pataliputra, in the Ganges. Boundaries extended to Afghanistan.

Gupta Empire, 320-600 C.E.
Base of power is Pataliputra, on the Ganges. Boundaries extended to the Indus.

Pala Empire, 750 C.E. - 900 C.E.
Base of power is Pataliputra, on the Ganges. Boundaries extended to Afghanistan.

Delhi Sultanate, 1200-1500 C.E.
Base of power is Delhi, on the Gangetic Plain. Boundaries extended to the Indus.

Mughal Empire, 1526-1800s C.E.
Base of power is Agra, on the Gangetic Plain. Boundaries extended to Afghanistan.

Do you see a pattern here?

The Indus Valley, for most of its history, has been within the cultural, economic, and sociopolitical orbit of Ganges-based states.
Why would someone name a country's most valuable defence assets after foreigners? Especially foreigners that invaded the land you presently occupy? What other country does this?

not only naming thier defence assets by thier names but actually glorifying them as if they were some prophets.
they glorify those same people who happned to have killed and murdered thier own forefathers, raped their mothers and sisters. (sorry for my language).
any respectful human being having an iota of dignity would not glorify those animals who murdered his own parents and people.
if i come across a person who happend to have murdered and raped my people and my women, i will rip that person at once, forget about treating him as a messiah and glorifying him.

but then u see, its too late for them now.
they have to keep glorifying them, there is no falling back now.
They fool no one but themselves but that is the whole idea.
They have nothing left to fall back. They despise their ancestral culture. They have to cling to this glorification of invaders at all cost.
they just have to somehow convince themselves that they were liberated by the invaders, they have to take pride in being assaulted by the invaders.
but then u see, its too late for them now.
they have to keep glorifying them, there is no falling back now.
They fool no one but themselves but that is the whole idea.
They have nothing left to fall back. They despise their ancestral culture. They have to cling to this glorification of invaders at all cost.
they just have to somehow convince themselves that they were liberated by the invaders, they have to take pride in being assaulted by the invaders.

As a lover of history, what pisses me off the most is how Pakistanis selectively chose certain aspects of their history to glorify themselves, while ignoring the rest.

For example, they claim the IVC just to claim that they had an ancient civilization, and they claim Purushotam just to show they defeated Alexander. Their view of history is inconsistent and nonsensical.
For example, they claim the IVC just to claim that they had an ancient civilization, and they claim Purushotam just to show they defeated Alexander. Their view of history is inconsistent and nonsensical.

Brother, Pakistan did have an ancient civilization - The Indus Valley Civilization - The oldest Civilization of the face of this Earth - 5000 year old history.
Sure the people of North West india can claim IVC as their own, but certianly not the vast majority of indians. Whilst the vast majority of Pakistanis have every right over IVC.

Claiming the IVC belongs to the whole of south Asia is like saying the whole of the middle east can take credit for Persian Empire/Civilization because modern-day Iran happens to apart of middle east. :laugh:

And regarding King Porus - He was a Punjabi king/warrior, and all and only modern-day Punjabis have a right over him.
Brother, Pakistan did have an ancient civilization - The Indus Valley Civilization - The oldest Civilization of the face of this Earth - 5000 year old history.
Sure the people of North West india can claim IVC as their own, but certianly not the vast majority of indians. Whilst the vast majority of Pakistanis have every right over IVC.

Claiming the IVC belongs to the whole of south Asia is like saying the whole of the middle east can take credit for Persian Empire/Civilization because modern-day Iran happens to apart of middle east. :laugh:

And regarding King Porus - He was a Punjabi king/warrior, and all and only modern-day Punjabis have a right over him.

I don't care what history you claim, just stick to your beliefs and be consistent.

You can't claim Porus and the Ghaznavids and Babur too. They were all completely different people, who happened to rule parts of present-day Pakistan at different parts of history. Stick to one, or none.
You can't claim Porus and the Ghaznavids and Babur too. They were all completely different people, who happened to rule parts of present-day Pakistan at different parts of history. Stick to one, or none.

I'm not claiming ghaznavids, babur, ect. as my own. I dont give a damn for them.

I have every right to claim Porus as my own. I'm a Punjabi. King Porus fought for my land and people. Just because Punjab is apart of the subcontinent doesn't give every other ethnic group in south Asia, the right to claim Punjabi history as their own.

I dont want to share my history and identity with you.
And indians don't get a say on what we name our missiles, trying to derail this thread, lay off our history. And all the history in our country belongs to us.
And indians don't get a say on what we name our missiles, trying to derail this thread, lay off our history. And all the history in our country belongs to us.

So is Gupta,Maurya, nanda Dynasties..If you claim, claim the whole, no probs....
So is Gupta,Maurya, nanda Dynasties..If you claim, claim the whole, no probs....

Yeah but what is exclusively on our territory is ours and ours alone.
Yeah but what is exclusively on our territory is ours and ours alone.

What is your territory today, was not yours before 1947.

Even Pakistan's name did not exist before 1940's.

Your nation was formed out of the blue. Overnight. Just like that.
Yeah but what is exclusively on our territory is ours and ours alone.

Rafi....not with retrospective effect....you can only claim all the stalwarts post 1947 ( creation of Pakistan).....I am sure no other country dare claims all the heroes that you have producing and which you are globally known as exporters.

Don't be so delusional....tomorrow you will claim Guru Nanak, Hindu Gods and all Hindu & Other Faiths stalwarts coz they were born there before your country birth.,...

why not claim Advani and Manmohan Singh...Can we claim Late Jinnah, if you do not have the copyright?

I do not intend to flame....all that we want to say is everything in South Asia belongs to every body, Tajmahal , Lal Quila, QutabMinar ..these are always a symbol of India and can be claimed by Paksitansi and Bangladeshis too..why not...
Yeah but what is exclusively on our territory is ours and ours alone.

There is no exclusiveness, there were no boundaries in pre-Pakistan period that time..

It is all Indian Sub continent. Name your next missile Chandragupta, or Porus, it will be nice...
There is no exclusiveness, there were no boundaries in pre-Pakistan period that time..

It is all Indian Sub continent. Name your next missile Chandragupta, or Porus, it will be nice...

Well I would prefer the missile to be called Manga after my ancestor lol -

Regarding the sub-continent it was never a nation - it is too culturally and ethnically diverse to be 1 civilization. It is not out of hatred that we love what is ours and mine, but the complete opposite.
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