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A Statue for A Pakistani Punjabi Hero.....Porus

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:lol: funny,was there any land called pakistan at that time..
and when did king Paurava (Hindu)(in Greek Porus) became a muslim..
twisting the facts...:lol:

people should atleast read some histroy before opening these type of threads...

you are right. Hindus who live in Himalayan mountain dont give agni to dead. they lack wood hence they throw body in river which flows through deep Vally. they throw body from upper part of Vally in river. they call it gangarpan. i dont know whether this practice is still on.

If this practice is still on, we should stop it. They are polluting the river.
:lol: funny,was there any land called pakistan at that time..
and when did king Paurava (Hindu)(in Greek Porus) became a muslim..
twisting the facts...:lol:

people should atleast read some histroy before opening these type of threads...

King Porus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nobody is calling him Muslim. Why are you bringing his religious beliefs into this. And even if he was hindu, this doesn't mean you can take credit for him. There are many arab, turk, afghan, ect. warriors who were Muslims, should i try to claim them as my own? Well, i dont have to claim other's history as my own.. because i have my own history to be proud of.

Porus was a Punjabi King. Punjabi history is shared between all Punjabi (Muslim, Sikh, Hindu Punjabis). Punjabi history belongs to Punjabis... nobody else can claim over our history.

Your a south indian. Stick to your own south indian history.
Wow, indian inferiority complex at it's best, I will repeat my observation - we do not know the religion of the IVC people - their language has not been deciphered - I think it is more wishful thinking, and a yearning to claim an ancient civilization as their own, that feverishly occupies indian minds.

Regarding my ancestry - Porus, Manga are part of our land, they are our ancestors - and we take credit for him - modern indian attempts to claim our virsa are pathetic.
Don't be jealous.

That's like saying the people of modern-day iran can't take credit for the persian empire. Or people of modern-day Turkey can't take credit for the Ottoman empire, ect.

That's 100% right brother, our people have always lived on the land, it's just like Egyptians claiming the Pyramids.
That's 100% right brother, our people have always lived on the land, it's just like Egyptians claiming the Pyramids.

Whilst I am in agreement with you that Maharaj Porus became a Pakistani treasure after partition, I suggest that you do a bit of reading on the IVC before discarding claims that it was a hindu civilisation. Artefacts discovered there includes evidence which indicates that the civilisation was an early hindu civilisation.
Whilst I am in agreement with you that Maharaj Porus became a Pakistani treasure after partition, I suggest that you do a bit of reading on the IVC before discarding claims that it was a hindu civilisation. Artefacts discovered there includes evidence which indicates that the civilisation was an early hindu civilisation.

PW my friend, all I am suggesting is until their language is dis ciphered, all theories are conjecture. Some artefact's may suggest it is, whereas others suggest otherwise. Regarding Porus he also belongs to you, as you have sadly emigrated from this land of kings. But always remember "you can take the Punjabi, out of the Punjab, but you can never take Punjab out of the Punjabi.

Thank you, for your kind words, my wish to claim the history of my land - is always taken by some indians as some kind of threat, believe me it is not out of hate for them, but out of love for me and mine.
A little of the Punjabi Virsa to remind you of home.

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Regarding the Indus Valley we do not know their religion - but they ate beef, and had no temples. And Buddhism was wiped out in bharat - but flourished in Pakistan.

For your information, Buddhism remained localized in the UP-Bihar area until it was adopted by Ashoka ... this was well after Alexander and Chandragupta Maurya.

Know this indian - we are proud of our religion ISLAM, and we will follow this beautiful religion to the day of Judgement INSHALLAH. We still honor the Sufi that conquered our hearts, with the beauty of the Quran and the Noble Prophet's life, and the story of Imam Hussain and the Imams and also the Saints.

You should consider putting a monument to your blasphemy laws between the statues of Porus and Alexander.
As you are a foreigner your suggestion will remain that, a suggestion. Regarding the position on the blasphemy law, I believe it should be repealed, or very seriously amended, in it's current form is not satisfactory at all.

Regarding my quote I remain proud of my history and my religion, and also of the great Sufi Saint that enabled us to become followers of One of the Great Religions of the World.

This is Kalaam of Baba Bulleh Shah this and other Great Sufi's that inspired the Conversion to Islam
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Alexander was a ruthless man---I don't think that you need to put up his statue----I wouldnot mind that of Porus----as he is your ancestor.

Regarding Alexander or Sikander, Mastan he was a man of his time, it was a brutal time - where this sort of war fare was winner take all. Even though he was responsible for the defeat of my ancestor, does not change the fact that he was a brilliant and great General.

To paraphrase Gen Maximus "What we do in life, echo's in eternity" LoL
Regarding the IVC there are strong indications it was not Hindu - the houses are not separated due to caste, there are no temples, and many beef bones have been found showing signs of human consumption.

Beef bones mean consumption? You gotta be kidding me? Why can't they be animal ruins?
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