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A Sri Lankan national lynched in Sialkot by mob of terrorists for blasphemy

Islam again shows what it brings to a society. Intolerance, bloodshed and inhumanity.

Pakistan rightly got the image it has in the world - people who do such crimes are inhumanes. Abolish Islam, jail all fundamentalists and eradicate Islam from the constitution. Hope countries boycott Pakistan for what is happening there. Islam is simply a cancer for society. If you call my religion violent, I will kill you!

How about the Christians in Africa or the Hindus from India or the Buddhist in Burma .
will they get a free pass ?

in Islam this is not allowed , a sin so how can it be Islamic & Blame Islam & all Muslims ? .
In Israel in India in Africa in South America you think the outcome would be different .... heck no .
Emotions , honour and pride is the cause of this act .
it’s wrong to burn him as I said a bullet to he’s head would have sufficed and no I’m not an extremist just stating what I would do if I seen anyone disrespect quraanic verses , firstly I wouldn’t let anyone put them up as it’s not from Islam to hang Quran on wall as Quran is to read and non of early Muslims nor companions of prophet Muhammad pbuh hung verses on the wall as verses are to read but no ornament , however if I seen anyone disrespect quranic verses by ripping them up and dashing them in the trash can I would launch my fathers pump rifle straight in he’s head .
This post should be posted all over Sri Lankan news to deter future "adventurers" from going to Pakistan.

Can't blame animals for acting like animals but it's our responsibility to not throw ourselves into animals and having necessary protection when going into the jungle that is Pakistan if traveling there is absolutely necessary.
stop turning this into a shitflinging contest between india and pak. Everytime something goes wrong, we look at india and say BUT THEY HAVE THIS THEY HAVE THAT, who cares, we need to get our shit together. This country is so fucked, i am lost for words at this point. This is the Naya Pakistan

The problem is, it's the Indians who are coming here and trying to take the moral high ground so they have to be shown their true faces, if the mods here did not allow such kind of trolling to take place by the Indians then the topic will not diverge.

Whenever the Indians show up the overall quality of the threads plummets, whether it's their own media or here.
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By the way, Sialkot is the same place where in 2010, two young brothers were beaten to death. This city, this entire upper eastern Punjab region has a big fkn problem with violence, mob justice, paedophilia, rape etc.

When Mughees and Muneeb the two brothers who were lynched in the same city Sialkot way back in 2010, the state responded by awarding the capital punishment to the seven people who were involved, six others got life imprisonment while all the policemen that were involved in one way or another got 3 years imprisonment terms as well, justice was served then and justice will be served with this incident as well, no criminal here will be going unpunished.
What is good is that there is overwhelming condemnation of this tragedy not only on this forum but also in the Pakistani press and official circles. And contrary to those Pakistanis who claim the situation is hopeless, I don't think so. The second largest province of Pakistan is Sindh in terms of population--a province big enough to be bigger than most countries of the world in its own right. And yet such things are almost unheard of in Sindh. These problems are often because of abuses of the Blasphemy Laws for business or personal disputes, and, as I said above, most victims are Muslim Pakistanis themselves; I had narrated my brother's ordeal above when the Law was abused to settle a business dispute.
I am hoping this is a turning point like the TTP attack on the Army Public School. The govt should take strict measures against such groups. Maybe ISI forms a cell to clandestinely target such groups and remove from the public life--one by one. Pakistan faced off the terrorism of TTP before. Pakistan will beat back the terrorism of TLP and similar groups in time.
I am sure in the coming days the murderers will be celebrated. Pakistan is a gone case.

The people running it know it. Ask yourself, why are the General and Bureaucrats sending their children outside. They know its just a matter of time.

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When the philosophy of the separation of the state and the church is fully implemented, it leaves a power vacuum at the church from the state, which allows some so called religious clerics who have little to no knowledge of Islamic law and jurisprudence to fill the vacuum which degrades the overall stature, critical and theological thought of the community, when some professions like medicine and engineering is more valued and Islamic theology is largely ignored then incidents like this will continue to occur.
yes Indian like I said in previous posts in this thread it’s not religious for me if someone disrespects me I don’t back down turn the other cheek nor bend over like you.

if a Hindu tore down quranic verses from the wall and dashed them in the trash can in front of me at work I would phone someone to go and bring me my gun and I’d put a bullet in he’s temple go home go sleep calm .

but as stated later in the thread which I have to go over for your pussified Indian dumbass which can’t read , for a TLP sticker I wouldn’t give a flying monkeys balls for .

now in your shining india if a Pakistani Muslim tore off religious Hindu script off of the wall at work in India you think the workforce would sit and clap him ?

they would most likely as history bares probably burn all Muslims of the locality also .
you as an Indian should know this .

Hindu tears down quranic verses and discards them in garbage pan and you think people would give him ladoo ?

I don't think anyone will be killed in India, if poster of any Hindu god is removed from the office wall. First of all Indian govt offices, factory are very secular. No religious stuff on the walls. At most there are some cultural activities around the diwali, dasara etc based on the region. As I said, Pakistan is very different level than India.
Looks like it is very easy to create troubles in pakistan. India has its own problems but it is not like pakistan for sure.

Not only in Pakistan, but it is also easy all around, just change your Pakistan-specific spectacles as you are unable to accept the ground realities in your own backyard.
Sure you could not be like Pakistan and we could not like to be Indian. That is why the partition happened.
Islam again shows what it brings to a society. Intolerance, bloodshed and inhumanity.

Pakistan rightly got the image it has in the world - people who do such crimes are inhumanes. Abolish Islam, jail all fundamentalists and eradicate Islam from the constitution. Hope countries boycott Pakistan for what is happening there. Islam is simply a cancer for society. If you call my religion violent, I will kill you!

Pakistan is a Muslim country bruv, you want to act like a brown white man then do it in Germany don't tell us to lose our faith, values and culture
Not only in Pakistan, but it is also easy all around, just change your Pakistan-specific spectacles as you are unable to accept the ground realities in your own backyard.
Sure you could not be like Pakistan and we could not like to be Indian. That is why the partition happened.
Killing your own co-worker based on the torn poster inside the workplace? Very rare, people feel office/workplace is second home. You spend half of your life there. It will never happen in India at least in organized sectors like office/factory etc.

Who makes the mob judge jury and executioner.

Will you please use your brain b4 your keyboard. These animals may do this to you or your family soon

Listen burger boy. I clearly said the courts should've been the ones to decide on the matter and not some random mob.

But blasphemy should be a serious crime in the ISLAMIC republic of Pakistan.
The world considers Pakistanis as being radical fundamentalist cavemen who have no brain because Islam has eaten it. You just have to look to Pakistan and what happens there regularly to be confirmed. If you don‘t kick out the disgusting cult of Islam, you will remain a backward shithole full of terrorists.
you sound like a filthy indian. according to me Pakistani versions of Islam are the revenge of the turk, parsi and hindu.

you are raving and ranting against Islam but forgetting that there are no lynchings in Arabia and Iran. but these are plentiful in india, sri lanka, burma and Pakistan. what do these countries have in common?

Looks like it is very easy to create troubles in pakistan. India has its own problems but it is not like pakistan for sure.
peas in a pod, exactly same
I don't think anyone will be killed in India, if poster of any Hindu god is removed from the office wall. First of all Indian govt offices, factory are very secular. No religious stuff on the walls. At most there are some cultural activities around the diwali, dasara etc based on the region. As I said, Pakistan is very different level than India.

People have been lynched in India for eating beef inside their own homes.
When the philosophy of the separation of the state and the church is fully implemented, it leaves a power vacuum at the church from the state, which allows some so called religious clerics who have little to no knowledge of Islamic law and jurisprudence to fill the vacuum which degrades the overall stature, critical and theological thought of the community, when some professions like medicine and engineering is more valued and Islamic theology is largely ignored then incidents like this will continue to occur.
what the....
Pakistan is the country with a great separation of religion and state? and that's why the population is controlled by clerics? someone rightly gave the analogy of a drunkard and liver failure in another post. after each failure event, the drunkard is convinced he's not drinking enough and more will fix everything.

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