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A small victory for China for now....

I dont hate anyone, if China wants a war, then thats up to them, if they attack american ships on the high seas, then war its going to be. I dont think americans can or will be imtimdated by the Chinese. If Obama starts kow·tow·ing, to the Chinese he is not going to be president very long. If that is something China expects they are going to very disapointed..

Ok tough guy. It is a sign of the times the US is worried about bowing down to China.

The Times They Are a-Changin'.....

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Ok tough guy. It is a sign of the times that the US is worried about bow down to China.

The Times They Are a-Changin'.....


I won't say bow down, but it is good thing that US starts to realize that there is a limit of what they can do or can not do. I guess the days of weaving a stick around for their own interests without having to worry about anything are gone, and gone for good.
I won't say bow down, but it is good thing that US starts to realize that there is a limit of what they can do or can not do. I guess the days of weaving a stick around for their own interests without having to worry about anything are gone, and gone for good.

The Yellow Sea, specifically, is an international body of water. And the United States always reserves the right to operate in those, in international waters. If China decides that america does not have that right eventually there is going to be a war, that is inevitable and that is up to China. If America gives in to China on this one, whats next.
The Yellow Sea, specifically, is an international body of water. And the United States always reserves the right to operate in those, in international waters. If China decides that america does not have that right eventually there is going to be a war, that is inevitable and that is up to China. If America gives in to China on this one, whats next.

That's not inevitable. If the U.S. doesn't believe that they can win a war in the yellow sea, then they won't fight it. Why doesn't anyone who isn't an U.S. ally stage war games in the Gulf of Mexico? Because they know the Americans don't believe anyone has that right, that there would be war if anybody tries it, and that nobody would win that war against the U.S.
The Yellow Sea, specifically, is an international body of water. And the United States always reserves the right to operate in those, in international waters. If China decides that america does not have that right eventually there is going to be a war, that is inevitable and that is up to China. If America gives in to China on this one, whats next.

There is also something called respect. The complexities of international diplomacy is way beyond of any power international law can define with enough clarities. Let's turn the table around, if China is sending a CVBG(if they have one right now) to Gulf of Mexico or somewhere near the Key West to conduct a military exercise with Cuban navy(if they have one also). How would US government and its citizen feel? The Yellow Sea that the exercise will take place is very close to China's sea boundary's that is defined by United Nations Law of the Sea Convention, which US did not ratify. With hundreds of military aircrafts from US carrier and Chinese air force or navy air force on surveillance of this exercise flying in a close proximity, any mistake whether it is accidentally or deliberately will cause a very unnecessary escalation of the situation. The priority right now is the stability of the Korean Peninsula, so it is actually to everyone's interests that US carrier group (a very aggressive and provocative arsenal of weapons) does not enter the yellow sea, and stay south of ROK.
I dont hate anyone, if China wants a war, then thats up to them, if they attack american ships on the high seas, then war its going to be. I dont think americans can or will be imtimdated by the Chinese. If Obama starts kow·tow·ing, to the Chinese he is not going to be president very long. If that is something China expects they are going to very disapointed..

There is not going to be a war between China and America.

China's economy is doing so well now, why on Earth would we "rock the boat" and risk throwing away our Economic boom?

What possible profit is there in going to war with America, who is the largest customer of Chinese goods? America who has enough nukes to start a nuclear winter all by itself?

Obama said that the relationship between the USA and China will shape the 21st century. Maybe you don't agree with Obama, but I do.

I look forward to a peaceful future between our two nations. No one benefits from a conflict between us.
in my projection america know that it canot handel china on the sea anymore beacuse of chinas upper hand in the navy but they are going to find out how to take care of the BCK and when they do itll will be simple china will choose blitz creg and that it nothing more i mean i full fleet can handel 100 missels at a time but will you get time to reload.. no.... missles and cruise missels lol that would suck to be in the US navy at thtat time jsut dont want another perl harbour
If Obama starts kow·tow·ing, to the Chinese he is not going to be president very long. If that is something China expects they are going to very disapointed.

He is already kow-towing to China and half a dozen other world leaders. Chinese netizens didn't divert the carrier, Obama's deviated spine did. Keep it up 'O great netizens of the wonderous PRC, and you can kiss your favorite American President good-bye ....
He is already kow-towing to China and half a dozen other world leaders. Chinese netizens didn't divert the carrier, Obama's deviated spine did. Keep it up 'O great netizens of the wonderous PRC, and you can kiss your favorite American President good-bye ....

Republican in the house! You health care supporting, abolition loving, big government types better watch out.
Keep it up 'O great netizens of the wonderous PRC, and you can kiss your favorite American President good-bye ....

When is this going to happen?

I didn't know there was a Republican candidate yet who has enough support to rally the people. Palin, McCain, etc?

What's wrong with Obama anyway? Isn't peace better than war?

Obama knows it's not a good idea to start a fight with another nuclear nation, even George BUSH backed off the Georgian war. Nuclear powers do not want to commit to full-scale war against other nuclear powers, even North Korea is being left alone after it developed the bomb.

So the only thing left to do is improve the trade balance, which is what Obama is trying to do, by pressuring the revaluation of the Chinese currency in order to help American exporters, etc. If it works, it will have tangible economic benefits for the American people, which is better than sending carriers around.
What's wrong with Obama anyway? Isn't peace better than war?

Hey, you Chinese guys here are very patriotic. You love your country and want your leaders to represent that love of country to the outside world. Hence you want your leaders to complain about USA carriers in your back yard. Right? Well some of us Americans still love our country and we want a President who loves our country to represent us. Obama is a world citizen, not an American patriot. That's why the world likes him so much, but I don't.
Hey, you Chinese guys here are very patriotic. You love your country and want your leaders to represent that love of country to the outside world. Hence you want your leaders to complain about USA carriers in your back yard. Right? Well some of us Americans still love our country and we want a President who loves our country to represent us. Obama is a world citizen, not an American patriot. That's why the world likes him so much, but I don't.

I'm not sure what you mean?

I don't care if carriers go into the Yellow Sea.... as long as they are in International waters I don't see the problem? Yes I am patriotic, I would like to see our Economy do well but I am not really that bothered if America sends carriers overseas, it's standard procedure anyway, it's been going on for decades.

In my city of Hong Kong, people were actually quite happy to see American Carriers docking here because the Navy personnel would come down and spend loads of money and have a friendly drink with the locals. The ones I have met seem very polite and well-mannered. :cheers:

The Chinese government always makes noise about most issues, it's just standard procedure. They are just "fishing" to see how much leeway they can get. Carriers have been coming over to Asia for decades anyway.

Also if you don't mind me asking, how is the Republican campaign going with regards to the next Presidential election? Is there any frontrunner that you will be happy to see in charge?
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最爱高古陶;1006587 said:
you HK think of America as god, we mainland chinese don't. now ,america has almost spit on your face(the carrier into yellow sea).

I agree with chauism and though I support China your comments are really uncalled for. One must look at both sides of the coin before making a decision. Otherwise its just called a dictatorship.
I agree with chauism and though I support China your comments are really uncalled for. One must look at both sides of the coin before making a decision. Otherwise its just called a dictatorship.

You are right, Mike. :cheers:

For the record, we Hong Kong people do NOT think of America as God. I personally try to be objective and see the good and bad side of everything.

Read some Hong Kong newspapers, the SCMP or the Standard have many stories to show that the VAST majority of Hong Kong people identify themselves as "Chinese people" rather than "Hong Kong citizens".

When asked to make a choice among six given identities in the survey, feelings amongst Hongkongers are strongest as "members of the Chinese race," followed by "Hong Kong citizens," then "Chinese citizens," "Asians," then "global citizens".


I even put my flag as Chinese, that will show you how Hong Kong people feel about China. Remember that 99% of Hong Kong people are Han descendants from the mainland. My ancestors came from Guangdong.
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You are right, Mike. :cheers:

For the record, we Hong Kong people do NOT think of America as God. I personally try to be objective and see the good and bad side of everything.

Read some Hong Kong newspapers, the SCMP or the Standard have many stories to show that the VAST majority of Hong Kong people identify themselves as "Chinese people" rather than "Hong Kong citizens".

Hongkongers becoming more Chinese as handover recedes - The Standard

I even put my flag as Chinese, that will show you how Hong Kong people feel about China. Remember that 99% of Hong Kong people are Han descendants from the mainland. My ancestors came from Guangdong.

Thanks mate, Singaporean & Malaysian Chinese mostly feel the same too since we have relatives back in China. My ancestors were from Xiamen, there's still a cultural gap in some areas but with the generations getting more modernize I can see it closing up :D

Already I'm in Shanghai as we speak lol
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