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A Question To Every Single (or Heart-Broken) American



New Recruit

Apr 2, 2011
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Neocon, Zionist, fear-mongering and hate-mongering blah blah blah! can you guys get a life and STOP spreading your wars (crusades) in all corners of the world in the name of protecting western values? Come on! grow up... it has already started to feel like a stupid war-mongering Obama Administration just like Bush Administration. When will you stop? Only when you'd create another 9/11 or a holocaust to justify more murders (or extra-judicial killings) all across the world? There's definitely some life if you'd start seeing life in other people's choices of religion, culture or whatever they want to believe or practice without you minding their business at all. You are too busy in destroying your own institutions and a whole country against the very wishes of your own founders. Carry on doing it in a gung-ho cowboy style and soon, you'd find yourself looking for the last sip of rum in the deserts of a 3rd-world country called USA.

Oops... sorry I forgot to ask the question!:sick:
9/11 done by Jihadi wahhabi pigs like Bin ladin and co, every action has a reaction and America did the right thing in attacking Afghanistan and getting rid of the barbaric Taliban
9/11 done by Jihadi wahhabi pigs like Bin ladin and co, every action has a reaction and America did the right thing in attacking Afghanistan and getting rid of the barbaric Taliban

after 10 years waste of trillions of dollars suck of economy waste more solders lifes taliban finished? or USA done it? extremism is growing or falling ?USA sucks nothing happen but they burn whole afghanistan pakistan thats make you happy .USA nearly bankrupt ans soon go back so wait for next episode USA has no power for more or new war .its injured snake now .
after 10 years waste of trillions of dollars suck of economy waste more solders lifes taliban finished? or USA done it? extremism is growing or falling ?USA sucks nothing happen but they burn whole afghanistan pakistan thats make you happy .USA nearly bankrupt ans soon go back so wait for next episode USA has no power for more or new war .its injured snake now .

Taking in hindsight is always easier, but after the 9/11 attack anger was running high and Americans wanted revenge & who could blame them. I still remember the famous speech given by Bush 'You either with us or aganist us'. Iraq has proved to be a expensive mistake but fighting the so called 'war on terror' still has mass support in USA even today.
getting rid of??, dude are you living on mars or what??

There is 2 sets of Taliban now, the ones who will fight america to the end and who are deemed the 'bad' taliban and the other 'taliban' who are intrested in making peace and talking to the yank,s they are part of the wider solution if you believe the neo-cons.
9/11 done by Jihadi wahhabi pigs like Bin ladin and co, every action has a reaction and America did the right thing in attacking Afghanistan and getting rid of the barbaric Taliban
I differ! 9/11 was a conspiracy hatched by the CIA/DIA/MOSSAD/AMAN for OIL! And its trade in currency other than the dollar which would have ripped apart the American economy.

America will be dead as a dodo if oil is traded not in dollars but the Yen or Euro. The Yanks are making sure no country in the middle East changes the status quo or there would be another Iraq in the offing. Saudi Arabia etc know this and have shut the heck up, listening to American diktats.

So, 9/11 was manufactured as an excuse for invading Iraq as Saddam was contemplating trading oil in other country specific currencies. That would have spelt doom for the American economy.
I differ! 9/11 was a conspiracy hatched by the CIA/DIA/MOSSAD/AMAN for OIL! And its trade in currency other than the dollar which would have ripped apart the American economy.

America will be dead as a dodo if oil is traded not in dollars but the Yen or Euro. The Yanks are making sure no country in the middle East changes the status quo or there would be another Iraq in the offing. Saudi Arabia etc know this and have shut the heck up, listening to American diktats.

So, 9/11 was manufactured as an excuse for invading Iraq as Saddam was contemplating trading oil in other country specific currencies. That would have spelt doom for the American economy.

Your view is your own but not shared by me
9/11 done by Jihadi wahhabi pigs like Bin ladin and co, every action has a reaction and America did the right thing in attacking Afghanistan and getting rid of the barbaric Taliban

good you also learned Wahhabi and jihadi names.
would you please eleborate who are wahabis???
Hang on a little! I'll be opening a thread soon on how and why 9/11 was done. You probably would change your views after reading it.

Umm no i wouldent i read all the bullshit conspiracy crap from people like you but you more then welcome to try :lol:
good you also learned Wahhabi and jihadi names.
would you please eleborate who are wahabis???

Wahabi is a idealogy the Saudi's and taliban share. Cutting off hands and feet and not allowing women to drive is some of the examples of this sick cult.
9/11 done by Jihadi wahhabi pigs like Bin ladin and co, every action has a reaction and America did the right thing in attacking Afghanistan and getting rid of the barbaric Taliban

YOU PIG...........................
who has given right to abuse any sect.
wahabis are muslims with some goods ideology ...................
shut your mouth you.............................................
Wahabi is a idealogy the Saudi's and taliban share. Cutting off hands and feet and not allowing women to drive is some of the examples of this sick cult.

what about your sick culture...............
keep your bloody thoughts with u.
i think its rule of forum not to hit any religion or sect.
every sect has some clear ideology behind it and no one has right to criticize it.
those who misuse it should be condemned ............
a terrorist has no religion.....
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