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A Question To Every Single (or Heart-Broken) American

Keep your sick madrasa educted views to yourself i have nothing more to say to you as you have proved why people like you are scum i do not wish to converse with narrow minded racists like you no more.

you dump ***.... you need to be banned.
dirty sick minded person.
you have shown your pathetic mind..... madrassah educated person is thousand time better than such an infatuated person like you.
Keep your sick madrasa educted views to yourself i have nothing more to say to you as you have proved why people like you are scum i do not wish to converse with narrow minded racists like you no more.

what about your pathetic mind , why you are spoiling this forum.
better leave this forum, if u have some self respect.
or stopping looking at things through dark colored spectacles....
you dump ***.... you need to be banned.
dirty sick minded person.
you have shown your pathetic mind..... madrassah educated person is thousand time better than such an infatuated person like you.

You share the same narrow minded racist views as your fellow colleague were you both taught in the same Saudi funded Madrasa school? may you both burn in hell :agree:
My point was directed at those people who still believe 9/11 was done by CIA-MOSSAD nexus. Saudi ideology is well known in the west but our pathetic governments dare not say a word when there is oil involved. Just look at how they treat immigrant workers from asia while these rich Sheikhs are hiring prostitutes or even raping their males servents and getting caught in a London hotel :rofl:

Can't wait for Oil to run out what will happen to KSA God only knows :agree:

They reserve the right to believe because there are credible evidences being put forth by American media men, writers, independent investigators and forensics.

You have failed to establish your credentials over here on this forum/thread regarding what you want to say, you are a blatant radio head with nonsense coming out of you so one more time stick to the topic and contribute positively or leave.
You share the same narrow minded racist views as your fellow colleague were you both taught in the same Saudi funded Madrasa school? may you both burn in hell :agree:

hahhahaha............. by the way i am foreign educated and much more broadminded than a sick person like u...............
actual it is wastage of time to talk to some jahil like u..........
They reserve the right to believe because there are credible evidences being put forth by American media men, writers, independent investigators and forensics.

You have failed to establish your credentials over here on this forum/thread regarding what you want to say, you are a blatant radio head with nonsense coming out of you so one more time stick to the topic and contribute positive or leave. I believe Saudis have.

Hate to break it to you but that is not evidence but a conspiracy theory try taking what they have to say in a international court and see the outcome. B4 9/11 even happened the US consulate in Kenya was bombed by Bin ladin and co yet those so called conspiracy lunatics which America have many off do not seem to mention this wonder why.
hahhahaha............. by the way i am foreign educated and much more broadminded than a sick person like u...............
actual it is wastage of time to talk to some jahil like u..........

okay Mr Mleccha do not talk to me again and ask your school buddy to stop also :cheers:
Keep your sick madrasa educted views to yourself i have nothing more to say to you as you have proved why people like you are scum i do not wish to converse with narrow minded racists like you no more.

Leave him Rehan A person who does not respect some ones religion what his mental level should be?????
he is here for trolling .. all his posts are in other threads as well. . of no quality just trolling abusing and spoinling the forum.
Hate to break it to you but that is not evidence but a conspiracy theory try taking what they have to say in a international court and see the outcome. B4 9/11 even happened the US consulate in Kenya was bombed by Bin ladin and co yet those so called conspiracy lunatics which America have many off do not seem to mention this wonder why.

UN and ICC are a Joke, atleast ICC is a good playground for jewish deciders.

Show me the real evidence, whatever takes place is by xyz if you want to present out of the horse's mouth evidence I reject it so does atleast 5 billion people on the face of earth. No one believes in Iraqi WMDs anymore that is the end of credibility of US and Europe and all like minded nations.

Now you can take your hate to break to your corner.
Leave him Rehan A person who does not respect some ones religion what his mental level should be?????
he is here for trolling .. all his posts are in other threads as well. . of no quality just trolling abusing and spoinling the forum.

i never brought up religion it was your fellow brother who started to make comments like 'cow piss' and how 'bad' jews are shame on you for not even mentioning it may you too burn in hell for sharing this view:agree:
go and read your post no#2 and then come back. . .
even in other threads you have messed up dont act like a saint.
A secret war in 120 countries By "Nick Turse "
Somewhere on this planet an American commando is carrying out a mission. Now, say that 70 times and you're done ... for the day. Without the knowledge of the American public, a secret force within the United States military is undertaking operations in a majority of the world's countries. This new Pentagon power elite is waging a global war whose size and scope has never been revealed, until now. After a US Navy SEAL put a bullet in Osama bin Laden's chest and another in his head while storming his compound in Pakistan, one of the most secretive black-ops units in the American military suddenly found its mission in the public spotlight.
Last year, Karen DeYoung and Greg Jaffe of the Washington Post reported that US Special Operations forces were deployed in 75 countries, up from 60 at the end of the George W Bush presidency. By the end of this year, US Special Operations Command spokesman Colonel Tim Nye told me that number will likely reach 120. "We do a lot of traveling - a lot more than Afghanistan or Iraq," he said recently. This global presence - in about 60% of the world's nations and far larger than previously acknowledged - provides striking new evidence of a rising clandestine Pentagon power elite waging a secret war in all corners of the world.
According to testimony by Olson before the House Armed Services Committee earlier this year, approximately 85% of special operations troops deployed overseas are in 20 countries in the CENTCOM area of operations in the Greater Middle East: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, and Yemen. The others are scattered across the globe from South America to Southeast Asia, some in small numbers, others as larger contingents..
Read full Artical at

That is what US is doing to other countries how can we belive what there biased media report.
if he is doing this and you are doing the same whats efferent between him and you???
and Islam or any other religion is not of one person you cant abuse or say some thing bad about religion because of an individual.

I never abused Islam if you think I did im sorry i was just talking about bin ladin and his so called sick ideology that some people share.
they are not serving islam ....... If some on does something bad in the name hindusim then I am not suppose to abuse the religion.... but that person. you should name ladin and what he did ......
ok leave it and stick to the topic.
Keep your sick madrasa educted views to yourself i have nothing more to say to you as you have proved why people like you are scum i do not wish to converse with narrow minded racists like you no more.

u jump to conclusions widout any proof dat shows how ignorant u are...stop believing everything what west tells u thru dere own media.. Ive never been to any madrassa(i wish i had)...n Ive studied in a Pakistani school in Riyadh(there are no SAUDI textbooks in our syllabus) ...n now i am studying in a Chinese university..now tell me where did i get my sick mentality??no proofs rite? ...have u forgotten Gujrat riots??i havent...Jews aggression against Muslims??.. occupying Palestine and Golan Heights of Syria ILLEGALLY...Afghanistan,Iraq,Bosnia,Chechnya,Kashmir,FATA,Libya....give me one good reason to love these insects? I am just a sane person and knows what these bastards are doing to my Muslim brothers and sisters...n trust me If i get a chance I wont hesitate killing these bastards
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