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A question for Pakistanis: In case of war between Iran and Saudia which one should Pakistan support?

A question for pakistanis: In case of war between Iran and Saudia which one Pakistan should support?

  • Iran

    Votes: 7 4.7%
  • Saudia

    Votes: 48 32.2%
  • Neither

    Votes: 94 63.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The Pakistani leadership aka Pakistan army thinks that it is best for Pakistan to sustain a hostility with India. Now India is far bigger than Pakistan. Therefore Pakistan cant even imagine to have any other adversary. Pakistan will never do anything that will turn Iran against it. Hence Pakistan will remain neutral in Arabi-Farsi rivalry for the foreseeable future.
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another myth
Thats was different Iran, Pakistan had better relationship with Shah's Iran than Saud's Saudia

Shah was a usa tattoo. now saudi is a usa tattoo. so wrong answer. :lol:
Neither..they both were playing a proxy war in Pakistan and thats all in the name of religion, although saudi did help us in time of need but unfortunately iran is in our neighbourhood and a very very untrustworthy one too, they were only good with us during shahs era apart from that iranian mullahs never liked pakistan.

We should only help saudies if they are directly under threat at their own soil otherwise no.
Shah was a usa tattoo. now saudi is a usa tattoo. so wrong answer. :lol:

how is it a wrong answer? Saudi's are US tatoo from the beginning. Iran under Shah let Pakistan Use their air bases in 65. US Pakistan and Iran were all in the same block and so were Saudis. Dont argue with someone who had seen that era kiddo.

now you turn to create a myth....yes all material and centrifuge machines imported from some muslim country.

I hate arguing with kids, Pakistan's Nuclear program started in 70s, that was the time when China was not in the position to go against US to provide Pakistan any nuclear tech. The reason AQ Khan was important for Pakistan is not that he is some genius scientists but because of this metalergical background and the knowledge he had about all the supplier needed for Pakistan to import parts required for centrifuge, how he setup fake companies in the west to buy equipment and then export it to Pakistan illegally...this has all been well documented.
really? how they supported Pakistan?
how is it a wrong answer? Saudi's are US tatoo from the beginning. Iran under Shah let Pakistan Use their air bases in 65. US Pakistan and Iran were all in the same block and so were Saudis. Dont argue with someone who had seen that era kiddo.

Few Saber Squadrons and new acquired artillery pieces from US in both major war. A airbase near Chaman, Baluchistan and free oil.

I wasn't born yet. You can ask @B@KH. I'm logging out

PS. in future war between Pakistan & India (God forbid) Iran must try to make truce between the two.

IRAN supported PAK in its wars against India. Interesting they all Admit this reality. may be they will start denying after sometime.

when it was the matter of Support to IRAN against Saddam they stayed Neutral and avoided any help to Iran.

Now when again it is war between Iran and Saudi. why they do not support IRAN ?

Infact they all are collectively building Sufiani Army. so let them build it happily. we all should be happy.
God is there to trash them.

If Pak stay neutral, Iran should stay neutral.
If Pak support Iran, Iran should support Pak.
If Pak support Iran's enemy, then Iran too should support.

It should be a open deal like this.

Never think of Good from the eastern side. It will be a mistake.

In Pakistan all Shias, and majority of Sunnis do not like saudi.
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IRAN supported PAK in its wars against India. Interesting they all Admit this reality. may be they will start denying after sometime.

when it was the matter of Support to IRAN against Saddam they stayed Neutral and avoided any help to Iran.

Now when again it is war between Iran and Saudi. why they do not support IRAN ?

Infact they all are collectively building Sufiani Army. so let them build it happily. we all should be happy.
God is there to trash them.

If Pak stay neutral, Iran should stay neutral.
If Pak support Iran, Iran should support Pak.
If Pak support Iran's enemy, then Iran too should support.

It should be a open deal like this.

Never think of Good from the eastern side. It will be a mistake.

In Pakistan all Shias, and majority of Sunnis do not like saudi.
Its best to stay neutral and act as mediators a war is the last thing middle east needs right now
These wars give the instablity in which groups like isis grow from
Being a Pakistani, i would not support anyone of them against each other. Pakistan loves both Iran and Saudi Arabia, we'll act as a mediator to settle the dispute. :pakistan:
For all the 'neutrality' that Pakistan is putting forward, everyone knows the kind of influence that KSA enjoys in Pakistan. Personally,If I were Pakistan I will supports Iran as both are neighbors. Any enmity with Iran, is going to cost Pakistan a lot. Pakistan already has India and Afghanistan as enemies. If Iran too were an enemy, it will be hard for Pakistan to manage three enemies at its door steps.
Any enmity with Iran, is going to cost Pakistan a lot.

Not as much as it will cost Iran, trust me. If Pakistan puts it weight in Saudi camp, Iran will be encircled. Pakistan kept its Iranian border areas free of military presence. That will change with CPEC. If India increases its footprint in Iran and Iran extends favours to India in context to Afghanistan, it is likely to push Pakistan closer to KSA. As of now we are neutral and observing.
For all the 'neutrality' that Pakistan is putting forward, everyone knows the kind of influence that KSA enjoys in Pakistan. Personally,If I were Pakistan I will supports Iran as both are neighbors. Any enmity with Iran, is going to cost Pakistan a lot. Pakistan already has India and Afghanistan as enemies. If Iran too were an enemy, it will be hard for Pakistan to manage three enemies at its door steps.

yes. the only valid, reliable and best option for the future of PAK generations is to unite with IRAN against the saudi stooges. India and Afghanistan will not dare to damage Pak and China support will increase several manifolds.

In case of neutrality, Pak will be punished by saudi stooges i.e. India and Afghanistan and inside terrorism.

In case of alliance with saudi then PAK will become part of the Arab problem and will be doomed. it will become like Afghanistan with many groupings and no progress. only metro busses or malls. and few tattoos building their business empire and will result in a bloody revolution and poverty stricken people and destroyed institutions.
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Not as much as it will cost Iran, trust me. If Pakistan puts it weight in Saudi camp, Iran will be encircled. Pakistan kept its Iranian border areas free of military presence. That will change with CPEC. If India increases its footprint in Iran and Iran extends favours to India in context to Afghanistan, it is likely to push Pakistan closer to KSA. As of now we are neutral and observing.

LOL!. Observing :lol:

With IRAN helping PAK in the wars against India.

today when IRAN's turn came now observing. neutral, supporting saudi.

get this into your head. saudi stooges have no future.

I don't know why Indians vote...
I did not want to vote as I am aware that it is not at all an Indian issue. But I was curious to see the result----which I cannot see without casting my Vote. I voted for "neither" to see the result.

Please allow to see the result without casting the vote to avoid unnecessary voting
With IRAN helping PAK in the wars against India

When did that happen with current Iranian regime? Current Iranian regime has continously worked against Pakistan's interest in Afghanistan, Balochistan, nuclear issue and fanning sectarianism in Pakistan as well as Afghanistan. Claim to angelic super innocence doesn't suit either of KSA or Iran. Pakistan’s interest lies in keeping this fight away from its society and respond in kind if a regional country steps over our interests.
None and you two should sort out your problems and Pakistan should work as a mediator we should stay neutral
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