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A Photo released from Chinese side in regard of Pangong Tso conflict

Its Nothing About Me its CCP Image that Plays it part more :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Even you trying hard Paint Unreliable Image With current Accident without Timeline Or Place:tup::tup:
Whatever float your boat, everything you need to know and see is in the photo,this is my last reply to you as you started to shift to politics.

PS: a person who doesn't even knows about the cammo paint of both your soliders and counterparts defintely sounds very reliable.
PDF Chinese And Pakistani Posters Try as Much as You can But are video graphic Evidence trumped Any unreliable Photo :D:D by Chinese non authentic forum

Whatever float your boat, everything you need to know and see is in the photo,this is my last reply to you as you started to shift to politics.
Why should I See Fake photo from unreliable source
Shows us video If u have any :whistle::whistle:

So, Chinese retaliate...in a swift manner.

Indians are in for rude awakening...

Some big shit going on over there and we are not being told about it yet.

That is the difference between Pakistani and Chinese regimes, it seems like Chinese don't believe in any kind of niceties towards their hostile adversaries.
Indians will keep jumping up and down to disprove any inconvenient reality.

Face it, India got defeated badly, and this is only the beginning.

In sha Allah, I hope the next punch comes from Pakistan. We could do wonders with some more 50 or so km of Indian occupied territory.
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