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A Pakistani at a Mumbai café

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Nopes,Delusions are your identity under islam as ideology...

Even few of you find your history under ottoman empire and no doubt many of them are brainwashed and take your history to 700 bc :lol:

No tin horn ..... go read about discovery of Mehergarh (7000 BCE to c. 2500 BCE).

You guys are lost because it is you who are seeking an identity - we already have one.
who r u to decide the color n whats ur prob? ...Its given n god gifted ...

i said those pakistani peoples( espeacially girls and women) who live out of country and work with indians give same views as she gives .....

Really? Smart girl! Ajtr shares the same vision with me as far as Indian men are concerned ;) She knows that her own Indian men are ahem ahem! Fugly! and she ended up marrying a Pakistani man. I don't blame her, I will do the same or wish to do the same if I was her. YOU GO GIRL! GO INDIANS!!

Nah i dont share your vision and reason.my reason is simply different....let me explain it to you.
This is our(India's) National Pledge

India is my country and all Indians are my brothers and sisters.
I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.
I shall always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall give my parents, teachers and all elders respect and treat everyone with courtesy.
To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion. In their well being and prosperity alone, lies my happiness.
Jai Hind

Now i took this pledge through out my life daily during assembly in school and on independence day/republic day.Now when i'm bound by my national oath which says all indians my brothers and sisters then its obvious i ve to look for hubby outside india.:tongue:

what now Ajtr married a PAkistani MAn? How many men has she married?

Last time i checked she was in India in here inlaws house hence the Indian flag in her avtar.

Well i guess lying comes naturally to the green kind.:pop:
Nah. neither i'm Panchali.nor my saas is kunti who had 5 sons to marry off to 1 woman.......:D
Really? Smart girl! Ajtr shares the same vision with me as far as Indian men are concerned ;) She knows that her own Indian men are ahem ahem! Fugly! and she ended up marrying a Pakistani man. I don't blame her, I will do the same or wish to do the same if I was her. YOU GO GIRL! GO INDIANS!!

You better do that, if you are a preview of what Pakistani women are like i.e shallow, self obsessed and immature.Then Indian men are better off without the likes of girls like you. I personally would not come with in 10 feet of women with personality and character like yours.Simply disgusting!!
Also the same people who boast about so called "1000 year rule over India" :lol:

Aryan Invasion theory or Out of India theory are seen from a academic point of view here. Nothing to do with national identity.

Oh my ...... academic point of view about what. What is the objective of such a research. Many people say it is nothing but to provide Indians with an identity and by defying the western oriented Aryan Invasion historical precepts with Out of India theory, a superior race theory is being generated.

Besides, alluding opinion on Aryan Invasion theory or Out of India theory to Indians identity crisis is real stupid. Considering we see the term Indian as a nationality not an ethnicity or ethnic group.

Like Winston Churchill said, India is a geographical term. It is no more a united nation than the Equator.

I agree with him. And that is where India is heading through Hindutva proponents and those who propound that the Indian minorities should be oppressed to the extent that they find no other option but to except their Hindu oriented Indianness.

That is the reason India has over 140 armed secessionist groups operating in India, the larget such collection in any country in the world.

You better do that, if you are a preview of what Pakistani women are like i.e shallow, self obsessed and immature.Then Indian men are better off without the likes of girls like you. I personally would not come with in 10 feet of women with personality and character like yours.Simply disgusting!!

If @Neuro is an example of classic Indian men, then even Indian women are likely to be conscious, because he says to a lady here that she may give birth to a still born. What a shame.
Oh my ...... academic point of view about what. What is the objective of such a research. Many people say it is nothing but to provide Indians with an identity and by defying the western oriented Aryan Invasion historical precepts with Out of India theory, a superior race theory is being generated.

Like Winston Churchill said, India is a geographical term. It is no more a united nation than the Equator.

I agree with him. And that is where India is heading through Hindutva proponents and those who propound that the Indian minorities should be oppressed to the extent that they find no other option but to except their Hindu oriented Indianness.

That is the reason India has over 140 armed secessionist groups operating in India, the larget such collection in any country in the world.

Discussion on claims made by you now, but previously by Atanz and some others has been done zillion times on this very forum. For each Pakistani poster owning up this legacy there were 10 refusing not writtenly mind you.

You either say this to poke Indian posters or really believe it. If it is the earlier then many of us will not mind, however it is the later then first make ur brethren agree to the same. You need not go on to the street, just ask them to own the fact that at some point they (by which i mean ancestors i don't want to give you semantic angle to troll) were Hindu and see the magic.

Finally one question, why do u think the world attributes these civilizations to India but not Pakistan?? food for thought.
Discussion on claims made by you now, but previously by Atanz and some others has been done zillion times on this very forum. For each Pakistani poster owning up this legacy there were 10 refusing not writtenly mind you.

You either say this to poke Indian posters or really believe it. If it is the earlier then many of us will not mind, however it is the later then first make ur brethren agree to the same. You need not go on to the street, just ask them to own the fact that at some point they (by which i mean ancestors i don't want to give you semantic angle to troll) were Hindu and see the magic.

Finally one question, why do u think the world attributes these civilizations to India but not Pakistan?? food for thought.

I don't disagree that my ancestors could be Hindu, could be Buddhist or for that matter Muslims who either settled in India before Muhammad Bin Qasim's invasion of Sindh in 712 AD, or later when invasions came from the west. Whats your problem with that. Yes, some would not like it, some would not mind it and some would not be bothered. That is how the response would come in a large set of population.

Secondly, the world attributes these civilizations to the old India and not the current collection of those living on equator as if it is Bombay's foot paths.

Please get out of your delusions.
Like Winston Churchill said, India is a geographical term. It is no more a united nation than the Equator.

Is it with worshiping the Goras. Last time, Pakistan too gave full support to Goras (Portugal and the West) after the liberation of Goa.
I don't disagree that my ancestors could be Hindu, could be Buddhist or for that matter Muslims who either settled in India before Muhammad Bin Qasim's invasion of Sindh in 712 AD, or later when invasions came from the west. Whats your problem with that. Yes, some would not like it, some would not mind it and some would not be bothered. That is how the response would come in a large set of population.

Secondly, the world attributes these civilizations to the old India and not the current collection of those living on equator as if it is Bombay's foot paths.

Please get out of your delusions.

While there is no national consensus in Pakistan about their identity - whether that being scions of IVC or any other civilization, there is a consensus in India - that we are scions of multiple civilizations.

While Pakistani's agonize whether they are Islamic and their culture is Islamic derived and have nothing to do with IVC which was the genesis of Hinduism , we on the other hand claim all religions residing here as Indian.

The dichotomy of Pakistani thinking is the fact that while a minority section like yours would like to claim IVC and all that belongs to the geographical land called Pakistan, there is a majority section which has worked really hard to ensure Pakistan has no links and no claims to anything that is not Islamic.

And the physical manifestations of this thinking is how Pakistani people are radicalized in Islam into making life of people of other faiths in Pakistan hell. The stone is set, the dye is cast. Majority of Pakistan would like to be associated with Islam and Islamic culture and history which is predominantly from West Asia.

Had you been like the Iranians, who even after becoming Islamic are proud of their pre-Islamic ancestry and past and embrace it, then it would have been a different issue altogether.

But your leaders and masses have not chosen that route.

You are a very small minority in Pakistan who wants to change that - but your country and people have long forsaken that. For had you chosen the other path, you would have been an inclusive society in terms of religion. You are not.

The contrast on the other hand in India as aptly put by Joe is:

"The answer is that I need not. We inherited it, proudly, including all, excluding none, and we continue to build. No quest for identity for us, for we know, and move ahead secure"

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...urt-under-police-custody-9.html#ixzz25auC5g8c
Is it with worshiping the Goras. Last time, Pakistan too gave full support to Goras (Portugal and the West) after the liberation of Goa.

No .... what surprises most is Indian culture being westernized in haste. It is your weakness for Gora and the gora skin colour which should be of more concern to you. You guys extensively use Fair and Lovely for men and women.

You need to carryout introspection before accusing others of the same, just because you yourself indulge in it too.
While there is no national consensus in Pakistan about their identity - whether that being scions of IVC or any other civilization, there is a consensus in India - that we are scions of multiple civilizations.

While Pakistani's agonize whether they are Islamic and their culture is Islamic derived and have nothing to do with IVC which was the genesis of Hinduism , we on the other hand claim all religions residing here as Indian.

The dichotomy of Pakistani thinking is the fact that while a minority section like yours would like to claim IVC and all that belongs to the geographical land called Pakistan, there is a majority section which has worked really hard to ensure Pakistan has no links and no claims to anything that is not Islamic.

And the physical manifestations of this thinking is how Pakistani people are radicalized in Islam into making life of people of other faiths in Pakistan hell. The stone is set, the dye is cast. Majority of Pakistan would like to be associated with Islam and Islamic culture and history which is predominantly from West Asia.

Had you been like the Iranians, who even after becoming Islamic are proud of their pre-Islamic ancestry and past and embrace it, then it would have been a different issue altogether.

But your leaders and masses have not chosen that route.

You are a very small minority in Pakistan who wants to change that - but your country and people have long forsaken that. For had you chosen the other path, you would have been an inclusive society in terms of religion. You are not.

The contrast on the other hand in India as aptly put by Joe is:

"The answer is that I need not. We inherited it, proudly, including all, excluding none, and we continue to build. No quest for identity for us, for we know, and move ahead secure"

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...urt-under-police-custody-9.html#ixzz25auC5g8c

I am sorry, I disagree with most of what you say. This is your perceptual bias, because of the perceptions and the propagandization of these perceptions, and the fact that so much more is written about the previous and this war that is going on in Afghanistan which obviously has influenced our environment as well.

When I was growing up, my text books had fairly appropriate mention of Indus Valley Civilization, details of Harappa and Moenjodaro. And the current text books also do the same if not more.

Because we are Muslims, we also link our entity with Islamic history and civilization. And because you have a perceptual bias, you fail to notice when the Indus Valley Civilizational entity is also being propounded equally well.

Joe at times is rhetorical, so am I and so may you. This is normal, while being in a discussion, one may tend to be emotional without agreeing that I am being one. It is perfectly understandable. I know neither you nor Joe may agree with my perceptions. No problem.

If you think that Iranians in the current theological environment accept their pre-Islamic entity in the manner, then you need to update yourself.
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