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A newly-released picture shows a large group of Indian soldiers captured by China PLA in Galwan Valley in 2020

maybe they really did captured 200 pla soldiers in alternate realities. hinduism and buddhism believe in multiverse. you never know.
Going by their claims, i won't be surprised if actually 200 Chinese soldiers detained Indians on Indian soil and Indians think they did detain chinese ๐Ÿคฃ
China's dripping out india's humiliation slowly haha. Stay tuned folks, there's a ton of good stuff still in the pipe.
They is even a video of an captured Indian officer forced to crawl thru the leg of a Chinese private and barking like dog.

The Chinese side threaten to release the video unless Indian clown media keep quiet. :enjoy:
China's dripping out india's humiliation slowly haha. Stay tuned folks, there's a ton of good stuff still in the pipe.

well, they have secret weapon - bollywood, in which 10 PLA soldiers got killed by one Jawan single handedly, then hindu supa hero dragged another 10 down the cliff :rofl:
They is even a video of an captured Indian officer forced to crawl thru the leg of a Chinese private and barking like dog.

The Chinese side threaten to release the video unless Indian clown media keep quiet. :enjoy:
I don't believe you!, That'll be unprofessional imo
Say what you want and Indians are big as*h*** I know

But most professional armies would never do something like this

This is crude, not how armies should behave
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I don't believe you!, That'll be unprofessional imo
Say what you want and Indians are big as*h*** I know

But most professional armies would never do something like this

This is crude, not how armies should behave
The Indian soldiers in first place are not professional. They dont deserve professional treatment. :enjoy:
They need to be humiliated so Indian troll pride will be hurt badly and they know their place. :lol:
So basically the Indian army allowed 80 Pakistanis actors to be transported by the PLA to heavily contested territory without notifying their superiors or taking action?

They are even less competent than I gave them credit for.
The best part is the Pakistani soldiers were handed over to the IA. These Jai fools and the way their brains work. :lol:
They is even a video of an captured Indian officer forced to crawl thru the leg of a Chinese private and barking like dog.

The Chinese side threaten to release the video unless Indian clown media keep quiet. :enjoy:
Is this true?
Hi man, it has been one week since your claim. But where are the photos that you promised us would be released in 2-3 days??
No photos. Only paintings :lol:
The Indian soldiers in first place are not professional. They dont deserve professional treatment. :enjoy:
They need to be humiliated so Indian troll pride will be hurt badly and they know their place. :lol:

Exactly Chinese are paying too much respect to Indians. They are better off being ruled instead of ruling other people. The harder you torture them the more respect you get from them. These Indian captives should be kicked into kneeling position. Executed one by one just like Chinese did to them in Nerbudda incident.
Exactly Chinese are paying too much respect to Indians. They are better off being ruled instead of ruling other people. The harder you torture them the more respect you get from them. These Indian captives should be kicked into kneeling position. Executed one by one just like Chinese did to them in Nerbudda incident.
Damn, that was a bad period for the Chinese. We were weak against the Brits. Don't want to be reminded of those days.
The Indian soldiers in first place are not professional. They dont deserve professional treatment. :enjoy:
They need to be humiliated so Indian troll pride will be hurt badly and they know their place. :lol:

what? how dare u saar? my phuul support professional Indian army from super pooper is not professional? :rofl:
Exactly Chinese are paying too much respect to Indians. They are better off being ruled instead of ruling other people. The harder you torture them the more respect you get from them. These Indian captives should be kicked into kneeling position. Executed one by one just like Chinese did to them in Nerbudda incident.

Exactly, it's India culture, when PLA treat them with respect and save face for them, they think because PLA is weak and fearful of them, their logic is if we don't fear them, why wouldn't we completely trash them. that's their historical experiences and expectation of being subjugated.

If we don't treat them as slave servants, they would think we are weak. These thoughts and logic are completely foreign to Chinese
I don't believe you!, That'll be unprofessional imo
Say what you want and Indians are big as*h*** I know

But most professional armies would never do something like this

This is crude, not how armies should behave
I think he is just speculating, otherwise such a video would have been all over the forums.
So the Indian "facts" stated that;

43 Chinese soliders were killed
Indian troops had lost 20 men with no one missing.

The facts emerged later that China had actually captured 10 men, four of whom were high ranking including a colonel;

The Chinese released footage of the moments before the battle.

Now photos clearly showing of around 100 troops having been beaten to a bloody pulp and captured

No wonder the world doesn't believe anything they say.

Everything from India is fake
View attachment 783544

At least some people are sharing the bollywood movie scene proving to the stupid bhakts.
Never realized before Indians are this cheap and stupid. Actually using a scene from their own fake movie to show people they are strong marshal race.

Use movie shot as evidence, this is the dumbest thing I have ever see, but no surprise from Indians
View attachment 783544

At least some people are sharing the bollywood movie scene proving to the stupid bhakts.
Never realized before Indians are this cheap and stupid. Actually using a scene from their own fake movie to show people they are strong marshal race.

Use movie shot as evidence, this is the dumbest thing I have ever see, but no surprise from Indians

Indians so shameless, even so called general insult people's IQ by these outrageous lies? a landslide rescue mission? :rofl: :rofl:

how do they live with themselves?

Photos of Chinese soldiers detained last month in Arunachal Pradesh likely to be released in 2-3 days.

come on man, I know you Indians are incompetent, but does it take this long to shoot some photos in Bollywood?

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