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A New Motto for Pakistan's Army?

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And yet Bangladesh dropped the motto at independence. If they thought it was perfect, wouldn't they have kept it? Or do you think that Bangladesh's founders were Muslims out of "their right minds" and their current leadership is the same way?

Don't know what "kela" is.

i am not pakistani, but i personally dont see anything wrong with the moto. unless somebody have problem with the word jihad, otherwise nohting is wrong with ti.
I think everyone here would like to know how you feel this motto could be flawed in any way.
I am not a Pakistani or enlisted in the Pakistani Army! Who am I to pick their motto, then?
the real reason is, as predicted israel with be wiped out by a secret enemy from the east, so this jew fears pakistani army motto :blink:
And yet Bangladesh dropped the motto at independence. If they thought it was perfect, wouldn't they have kept it? Or do you think that Bangladesh's founders were Muslims out of "their right minds" and their current leadership is the same way?

Two armies with the same motto? Do you think the Bangladeshis have no ingenuity and creativity? Tsk tsk.
Most people see it as East Pakistan being saved by India from the terrorism of West Pakistan. Wanted to avoid commenting on this line, but this was your second post dragging India into it. What do you say, we take it to another thread if needed..

if pakistan invades kashmir, how the world would see it, the terrorist army of bharat and pakistani saviour army??;) btw bharatis themselves say that pakistan should not poke into their matters??, remembering 71 is it for real???
I am not a Pakistani or enlisted in the Pakistani Army! Who am I to pick their motto, then?

nobody is asking you to pick one; you're asked to elaborate why the current motto gives you the creeps and why you want it changed...:blink:

i was once in your shoes, i would poke my nose into others' affairs n stuff for no decent reason but then i got a nose job done and i'm in peace now ;):yahoo:
I am not a Pakistani or enlisted in the Pakistani Army! Who am I to pick their motto, then?

because sir jee its you who brought the topic in the first place, its you who think, it should be changed, now dont waste more time and speak your mind please, we have time shortage...
This is a bull$hit thread started solely for purposes of fitna. Direct your energies elsewhere. No need to prolong this nonsensical discussion.
nobody is asking you to pick one; you're asked to elaborate why the current motto gives you the creeps -
It doesn't. But the leaders of your former compatriots deliberately chose not to establish a new Army motto of their own. So it seems sensible to speculate that other Pakistanis may want it changed as well.
This is a bull$hit thread started solely for purposes of fitna. Direct your energies elsewhere.
That was not my intent. It entered into the discussion naturally, at my surprise a Bangladeshi would even offer his/her opinion.
I am not asking any questions, hence responding to your apprehension.

How about,

Preserve wild life, pickle an aggressor.
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