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A New Motto for Pakistan's Army?

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Not in this context. Rather, by "appropriate" I wondered if more Pakistanis thought it was time to revise a motto that has existed since independence. Pakistan's army, government, and society have evolved a great deal since then.

No matter how much time passes or we as an army, govt & society evolve we remains committed to Pan-Islamism particularly in SA and in world at large, thats the only strongest bond keeping us together.

Now i knows the real direction of your attack.
You can read. I think you and AA are just looking for an excuse to halt discussion of the topic and close the thread entirely.
Your question is absurd, rather it wasn't a question it was a dictation. "Can't you find something more appropriate?" First you should ask, "Do you find it inappropriate?"

Or you could've said "I find your motto inappropriate" and we could've said "We don't care". Your initiation of this topic was pushy and inappropriate
Not in this context. Rather, by "appropriate" I wondered if more Pakistanis thought it was time to revise a motto that has existed since independence. Pakistan's army, government, and society have evolved a great deal since then.

lolzz so you mean after 63 years the traits like faith, discipline, fight (jehad) against tyrants/invaders/ oppressors and ills/evils should be reversed ??

Pakistan army and society in general still holds these traits worth believing and following.

You please keep your flam to yourself. I wonder how much the countries you represent has changed
:rofl::rofl::rofl: you being an Indian origin American are poking your nose into our internal affair and calling our army motto as "inappropriate" and you are questioning al-Zakir who being a BD Muslim atleast have some right to speak for the motto itself as Imaan, takwa and jihad-e-fi-sabilillah should be traits of every Muslim.

Ideally you should be reported for your intentional useless flaming

Jana, how do you know that he is Indian origin? Has he told you about it, or are you simply jumping on your hate-Hindu, hate-"Bharti" bandwagon as usual?
And why is Pakistan Army's motto dependent on what Israel's motto is?

It isn't.

Let Pakistanis be concerned with their Army's motto and let Israelis worry about theirs. I think that's the point the poster is trying to make. It's absolutely absurd for someone to - out of the blue, without providing any background or motivation - ask Pakistanis what their Army's new motto should be. That would have been the more appropriate question to ask.
Jana, how do you know that he is Indian origin? Has he told you about it, or are you simply jumping on your hate-Hindu, hate-"Bharti" bandwagon as usual?

No sane person other than Indians/bhartiyas can support state terrorism of India in Pakistan in 71.


please dont drag all hindus in it because i dont feel any hate against hindus in many parts of India, nepal, Pakistan
Guys: stick to the topic. We aren't discussing India or Bangladesh or 1971. The question Solomon2 raised was addressed to Pakistanis since that is the only relevant group in this context. If you are a Pakistani and feel that the Pakistan Army's motto is perfect the way it is, just say so. If you feel otherwise, express yourself.

All other off-topic nonsense should be kept out of this thread.
Moderators please do not remove it. It is merely to update my members.
Its quiet funny someone drag's 1971 into this thread and then tries to run away Now thankyou for bringing 1971. Allow me to list as well.

The King David Massacre
The Massacre at Baldat al-Shaikh
The Semiramis Hotel Massacre
The Massacre at Dair Yasin
Salha Massacre
The Massacre at Qibya
Khan Yunis Massacre
The Massacre in Gaza City
Aitharoun Massacre
Kawnin Massacre
Hanin Massacre
Bint Jbeil Massacre
Abbasieh Massacre
Adloun Massacre
Saida Massacre
Fakhani Massacre
Beirut Massacre
Sabra And Shatila Massacre
Jibsheet Massacre
Sohmor Massacre
Seer Al Garbiah
Maaraka Massacres
Zrariah Massacre
Homeen Al-Tahta Massacre
Jibaa Massacre
Yohmor Massacre
Tiri massacre
Al-Naher Al-Bared Massacre
Ain Al-Hillwee Massacre
Siddiqine Massacre
Aramta Massacre
Deir Al-Zahrani Massacre
Nabatiyeh (school bus) Massacre
Mnsuriah Massacre
The Sohmor Second Massacre
Nabatyaih Massacre
Qana Massacre
Trqumia Massacr
Janta Massacre
24 Of June 1999 Massacres
Western Bekaa villages Massacre

Now I'll get back at the topic..
Guys: stick to the topic. We aren't discussing India or Bangladesh or 1971. The question Solomon2 raised was addressed to Pakistanis since that is the only relevant group in this context. If you are a Pakistani and feel that the Pakistan Army's motto is perfect the way it is, just say so. If you feel otherwise, express yourself.

All other off-topic nonsense should be kept out of this thread.

The thread starter brought 71 into this.

and another ignorant person said Bangaldeshi people in 71 lolzz he doesnt know that in 71 there was NO BD. It was Pakistan facing Indian terrorism.

Our motto is perfect and this thread starting post it low level BS.

Iman, Taqwa, Jihad fi Sabilillah ("Faith, Piety and Fight in the path of God")

Change it? CHANGE IT??? when hell freezes over....:pakistan:
Al-Zakir has hopefully explained to you that Bangladeshi muslims, like Pakistani muslims and pretty much every other muslim on the planet, identify themselves as muslims first and citizens of their nation states second. No muslim in their right mind can disagree with the Pakistan Army's motto. It is absolutely perfect.
And yet Bangladesh dropped the motto at independence. If they thought it was perfect, wouldn't they have kept it? Or do you think that Bangladesh's founders were Muslims out of "their right minds" and their current leadership is the same way?

Don't know what "kela" is.
And yet Bangladesh dropped the motto at independence. If they thought it was perfect, wouldn't they have kept it? Or do you think that Bangladesh's founders were Muslims out of "their right minds" and their current leadership is the same way?

Pakistan is not Bangladesh! We, Pakistanis, want to keep our motto this way, and Bangladesh simply wants to differ after separation.

Come on, this should be clear.

I think everyone here would like to know how you feel this motto could be flawed in any way.
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