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A New Motto for Pakistan's Army?

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but he is literary guy, and he write blogs and stuff :S

but u r misinterpreting, jiad is not considered terrorism, its refered to the terrorist activities, but itself jihad is not considered meaning of terrorism

Jihad an Islamic term, is a religious duty of Muslims according to wiki. Now when terrorists uses word jihad before performing suicide killing, it tends to confuse even, because the term itself means " religious duty of Muslims". So you can't blame people like Solomon 2, but you gotta blame the terrorists for misinterpreting it. A Muslim will know what the term truly mean, because they read quran and are muslims , but others will only see it as it's being shown.
Jihad an Islamic term, is a religious duty of Muslims according to wiki. Now when terrorists uses word jihad before performing suicide killing, it tends to confuse even, because the term itself means " religious duty of Muslims". So you can't blame people like Solomon 2, but you gotta blame the terrorists for misinterpreting it. A Muslim will know what the term truly mean, because they read quran and are muslims , but others will only see it as it's being shown.

u r not implying pakistan army is a terrorist organization, or are you ;):cheesy::mod:
I think u r concerned with the word jihad

Well their nothing wrong in it,it's a sacred word,i think it mean holy war

So basically any war fought for a sacred purpose and with good intension's can b called a jihad,weather it is against ur enemies or against corruption and poverty

The problem is that some religious morons had tarnished the image of this word, christening Jihad for all wrongful purpose and massacring innocents
Big misconception .. Jihad means Struggle. Nowhere it means Holy WAR.
LOL....Lame reasoning...

"God" is the english word for Allah, Rab, Bhagwan, Hashem etc..etc.
It does NOT denote Christian faith in any form....so your point is moot...
I can see if it said "In Christ we trust" to be a purely christian motto

"Jihad" is a purely Islamic concept....

Being an Islamic country, Pakistan is free to include Religious innuendos in their mottos, symbols etc...

Maybe Solomon can explain his POV on why he thinks its inappropriate or needs change...Im quite interested to hear his reasoning..
They have not taken atheist into consideration. ;)

Every army is fine with its motto. This thread is the biggest troll in the history of defence.pk
Kitna waqt hai logon ke pas..

Arre.. jiski fauj uska motto.

If they are happy ..good luck.

The bottom line for all armies lies in the inscription on Chetwode Hall at IMA

"The safety, honour and welfare of your country, come first, always and every time. The honour, welfare and comfort of the men you command comes next. Your own ease, comfort and safety comes last, always and every time."

Applicable to Officers, JCO's & NCO's of all armies world over and modified locally to suit national aspirations.

Lastly, the old saying holds good ..Don't fix something if its not broke .
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This thread has started flaming. :coffee:
We are perfectly fine about our motto, just this much is enough for our motivation.
Actually, our army doesnt need motivation as we are dedicated, motivated and loyal.

If our motto needs to change, how about adding "Finishing anti-Pakistanis"
To boot, our war cry is "Allahu Akbar" which means "God is great" so the motto is quite relevant to the battle cry and since our army is almost completely muslim it makes sense.
The very few Christians and Sikhs are free to shout "I love Jesus" or any anything else they may feel is appropriate, I don't think the men will mind.........
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