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A new cure for AIDS from the Egyptian army


Nov 28, 2012
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Cure AIDS? The Egyptian army announced it found a cure ... it compares the kebab
HuffPost Maghreb | Chaouch By RebeccaPublished:01/03/2014 8:10 CET | Updated:03/01/2014 8:52 CET

0Abdel Fattah al-Sisi ,

EGYPT - A "medical miracle" , a "scientific breakthrough unprecedented" , and even"a gift from god" .

According to a study published in 2013 , Egypt is the country that has the most people infected with hepatitis C (approximately 14.7%) and WHO has identified in 2012 over 35 million people living with HIV in the world.

But the Egyptian people and reassure the world bows down, the Egyptian army arrives savior. Diagnose and even completely eradicate these epidemics? Nothingeasier , according to the military body in Egypt. It is in any case what was announced last week with overflowing enthusiasm, first via a official statement and at a news conference Saturday, February 23 .

No blood samples required, no side effects, and conclusive results after only ten days.Not quite convinced? Imagine that the success rate is announced ... 100% (for AIDS)!

Cure compared to kebab

Dubbed the "Complete Cure Device "and invented by Colonel Ahmen Amin, this machine would destroy infected cells and replace them with amino acids distance using electromagnetic waves.

"Rest assured, we defeated AIDS (...) You not find ever patient with hepatitis C after today, inshallah! "said Ibrahim Abdel Aaty, head of the military medical team.

Full of enthusiasm, it adds a layer by comparing the supposed cure for a base Kofta: "I extract the AIDS patient and I fed AIDS ... I give him as a kebab skewer for food . I take the disease and give him to eat as food, and that is the 'top' scientific miracles ".
Which earned him a sentence, after the site CairoScene the nickname "Abo Kofta".

"An insult to the country"

An invention out of nowhere? Not really, since the "Complete Cure Device" have been secretly developed over 22 years, the project had already been raised in February 2013 by The Guardian .

At the time, the scientific community was equally skeptical, a Nobel laureate noting that the invention "is simply not enough scientific basis." The Italian professor Massimo Pinzani of University College London had nevertheless raised a "potential revolution" in the medical field , provided that the invention is validated by a "panel of independent experts . "

Today is (surprisingly?) Essam Heggy, science advisor to President acting , which protests, denouncing what he considers to be a "scientific scandal" for the country.

"I want to be clear and explicit what has been said and published about the invention of the armed forces undermines the image of scientists and science in Egypt," he has told Al- Watan .

"The level of doubt it would be important for the international breakthrough? was surprised meanwhile Maha Salim journalist Tahrir TV . "This could benefit all humanity and solve a crisis that medicine was not able to solve all these years. This is some-thing that we should celebrate. " Finally, it is perhaps HA Hellyer, a researcher specializing in Egyptian politics at the Brookings Institution that best sums up the situation:

Soigner le sida? L'armée égyptienne annonce avoir trouvé un remède... qu'elle compare au kebab

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