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Egyptian presidential election, 2014

Muslim Brotherhood is done in Egypt. At least politically.
They are an opportunistic and ideological movement (that they exist in several other countries gives credence to that fact) which first and foremost promote their own ideology instead of the national interests of the state of Egypt.
It was the April 6 movement and young Egyptian students that risked their lives and protested against Mubarak, not Muslim Brotherhood.
Am I confused....... I'm talking about that Firon who thinks he is Allah and Prophet Musa A.S wage war against him......

Is calling someone Firon complement or bad name????

It would be, if only such a character actually existed. Unfortunately, there isn't any physical evidence to back up that story.
I am a muslim and Pharaohs are a big part of our history and our ancestors islam is my religion and Egypt is my homeland

Egypt has a rich history and culture, and Egyptians should never let it go and never forget it is part of who they are.
Islamist extrene nutjobs dont like anything that is not related to Islam, they see everything else as pagan.
Like when those taliban motherfuckers blew up ancient buddhist sites in Afghanistan.

Islamist terrorists must be crushed and have their head cracked open with a bat, until they learn culture and civilization.
Or alternatively stay backward in their own caves, and not impose their backwardness on the rest of the people.
Saudi devils are the biggest harm for the Muslims even worse than israel and USA.
They are hugest criminals against Muslims in the history.
It would be, if only such a character actually existed. Unfortunately, there isn't any physical evidence to back up that story.

Ok you need to go back to school or read Quran if you are Muslim . in Quran there is clearly written about Firon and how his body will remain in good condition even in water.....
Ok you need to go back to school or read Quran if you are Muslim . in Quran there is clearly written about Firon and how his body will remain in good condition even in water.....

I'm sorry, in my school we were always taught to think critically and find out whether certain evidence supports a certain hypothesis or theory.

I'm afraid there is no physical evidence of any of the events the Quran detailed, the body of the Pharaoh may have indeed been waterproof, however, his army were all substantially un-waterproof, I'm afraid there's no evidence of any ancient army at the bottom of the Red Sea. There is also no evidence of any mass exodus in the Sinai. I'm sorry to break it to you but it is a fairy tale.
I'm sorry, in my school we were always taught to think critically and find out whether certain evidence supports a certain hypothesis or theory.

I'm afraid there is no physical evidence of any of the events the Quran detailed, the body of the Pharaoh may have indeed been waterproof, however, his army were all substantially un-waterproof, I'm afraid there's no evidence of any ancient army at the bottom of the Red Sea. There is also no evidence of any mass exodus in the Sinai. I'm sorry to break it to you but it is a fairy tale.

Ok soory I cannot talk about my religion with a dumb who in one statement agress about Firon death and his body in red sea but also neglect in other statement.....
You need to broaden your knowledge on this topic....

Firon history
I personally don't like MB either, in any way. But I also think Sisi is not good as a president. History has shown military guys in political posts don't work out very well. The best option would be he go away and let others run for president. He could also announce his favorite candidate.

Anyway, whatever others say, it's up to Egyptians to decide and I really wish for a prosperous Egypt where it can gain back its influence and greatness in Arab world. I hope Sisi can do the job properly.
Are you Muslim???
Non of your business.

Saudi devils are the biggest harm for the Muslims even worse than israel and USA.
They are hugest criminals against Muslims in the history.
Why are you bring Saudi Arabia into this ? Are you only programmed to talk about them ?
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