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A message to Chinese members, what's your opinion about the model?


Jan 28, 2014
Reaction score
I post something last night and I try to build a model of role of forum participants and so on.

I want to know your opinions to improve this model. Any suggestions?





理性者 - 多思考,能控制情绪,参与度高
平和者 - 少思考,能控制情绪,参与度一般
情绪者 - 少思考,情绪不稳定,参与度较好
极端者 - 不思考,情绪不稳定,参与度一般

参与者 - 个人目的导向,少思考,只针对个人关注话题,参与度一般
推广者 - 个人目的导向,多思考,以赚钱为目的,只针对自己所关注的关键词、软文,参与度一般
操纵者 - 外部及个人目的导向,多思考,针对特定板块、特定主题、特点观点,参与度高
诋毁者 - 外部及个人目的导向,多思考,针对特定国家、特定板块、特定事件、特定人员、特定观点持续发表诋毁言论,参与度高

理性者 - 乾(天)卦,此类人论坛中有很多,可与其积极讨论,能成为朋友
平和者 - 兑(泽)卦,两泽相连,两水交流,上下相和,团结一致,朋友相助,欢欣喜悦。
情绪者 - 艮(山)卦,双方同处论坛,可在适当情况下采取主动措施予以沟通,同时保持原则及强硬,等待对方变化。
极端者 - 离(火)卦,直接隔离!你改变不了他的,在论坛中加入忽略清单,世界就会清静一点。

参与者 - 坤(地)卦,此类人论坛中众多,是论坛的支撑,应以宽广、包容的胸怀,与其进行交流。
推广者 - 巽(风)卦,推广者行者如风,追之莫及,可以观察,静观其变。
操纵者 - 坎(水)卦,应当明察,不要过度参与,表明观点,适可而止。若陷入已深则不拘常理,运用智慧,以求突破。
诋毁者 - 震(雷)卦,平日在论坛多看少动,对这类人有准确把握,对其行为言论能有预计,最好直接加入忽略清单。
I post something last night and I try to build a model of role of forum participants and so on.

I want to know your opinions to improve this model. Any suggestions?





理性者 - 多思考,能控制情绪,参与度高
平和者 - 少思考,能控制情绪,参与度一般
情绪者 - 少思考,情绪不稳定,参与度较好
极端者 - 不思考,情绪不稳定,参与度一般

参与者 - 个人目的导向,少思考,只针对个人关注话题,参与度一般
推广者 - 个人目的导向,多思考,以赚钱为目的,只针对自己所关注的关键词、软文,参与度一般
操纵者 - 外部及个人目的导向,多思考,针对特定板块、特定主题、特点观点,参与度高
诋毁者 - 外部及个人目的导向,多思考,针对特定国家、特定板块、特定事件、特定人员、特定观点持续发表诋毁言论,参与度高

理性者 - 乾(天)卦,此类人论坛中有很多,可与其积极讨论,能成为朋友
平和者 - 兑(泽)卦,两泽相连,两水交流,上下相和,团结一致,朋友相助,欢欣喜悦。
情绪者 - 艮(山)卦,双方同处论坛,可在适当情况下采取主动措施予以沟通,同时保持原则及强硬,等待对方变化。
极端者 - 离(火)卦,直接隔离!你改变不了他的,在论坛中加入忽略清单,世界就会清静一点。

参与者 - 坤(地)卦,此类人论坛中众多,是论坛的支撑,应以宽广、包容的胸怀,与其进行交流。
推广者 - 巽(风)卦,推广者行者如风,追之莫及,可以观察,静观其变。
操纵者 - 坎(水)卦,应当明察,不要过度参与,表明观点,适可而止。若陷入已深则不拘常理,运用智慧,以求突破。
诋毁者 - 震(雷)卦,平日在论坛多看少动,对这类人有准确把握,对其行为言论能有预计,最好直接加入忽略清单。

Have you read “The Tree of Philosophy” 《哲学之树》by Stephen R. Palmquist?

It might interest you。:-)
Jancuk suro onp trid koyo ngene meneh su, mataku iso picek iki
I post something last night and I try to build a model of role of forum participants and so on.

I want to know your opinions to improve this model. Any suggestions?





理性者 - 多思考,能控制情绪,参与度高
平和者 - 少思考,能控制情绪,参与度一般
情绪者 - 少思考,情绪不稳定,参与度较好
极端者 - 不思考,情绪不稳定,参与度一般

参与者 - 个人目的导向,少思考,只针对个人关注话题,参与度一般
推广者 - 个人目的导向,多思考,以赚钱为目的,只针对自己所关注的关键词、软文,参与度一般
操纵者 - 外部及个人目的导向,多思考,针对特定板块、特定主题、特点观点,参与度高
诋毁者 - 外部及个人目的导向,多思考,针对特定国家、特定板块、特定事件、特定人员、特定观点持续发表诋毁言论,参与度高

理性者 - 乾(天)卦,此类人论坛中有很多,可与其积极讨论,能成为朋友
平和者 - 兑(泽)卦,两泽相连,两水交流,上下相和,团结一致,朋友相助,欢欣喜悦。
情绪者 - 艮(山)卦,双方同处论坛,可在适当情况下采取主动措施予以沟通,同时保持原则及强硬,等待对方变化。
极端者 - 离(火)卦,直接隔离!你改变不了他的,在论坛中加入忽略清单,世界就会清静一点。

参与者 - 坤(地)卦,此类人论坛中众多,是论坛的支撑,应以宽广、包容的胸怀,与其进行交流。
推广者 - 巽(风)卦,推广者行者如风,追之莫及,可以观察,静观其变。
操纵者 - 坎(水)卦,应当明察,不要过度参与,表明观点,适可而止。若陷入已深则不拘常理,运用智慧,以求突破。
诋毁者 - 震(雷)卦,平日在论坛多看少动,对这类人有准确把握,对其行为言论能有预计,最好直接加入忽略清单。


Proper online etiquette / manners for forums, email, internet parties, chat, evites
Holy moly, you build that model? You must have very deep research into Yi Jing.
Yes, I do. I do have interesting to research Yi Jing. Its simple but also complex to me. I recommend you to watch 百家讲坛 - 易经的奥秘 - 曾仕强. That will help you, buddy.
@jkroo ,

I give you credit and respect for building this model. Your explanation is also very well worded.
Have you read “The Tree of Philosophy” 《哲学之树》by Stephen R. Palmquist?

It might interest you。:-)
No, I don't. Acctually, in my post graduate student times, I was good at Phylosophy and Political Economic Science. I didn't read phylosophy books when I touched Yi Jing. I really love our own phylosophy - the source of Chinese culture.

@jkroo ,

I give you credit and respect for building this model. Your explanation is also very well worded.
Surprise, so you do comprehend these words.
Any suggestions?
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Yes, I do. I do have interesting to research Yi Jing. Its simple but also complex to me. I recommend you to watch 百家讲坛 - 易经的奥秘 - 曾仕强. That will help you, buddy.

Thanks for your recommendation. Will do!
Are you doing a research on the behavoural trends of forumers by categorising them into yi-jing‘s principles? :cheesy: or you are using 易经 to define forumers' behaviours?

Some of the characters of the forumers can be overlapping 理性者 and 平和着; 极端者 and 诋毁者 etc o_O
Surprise, so you do comprehend these words.
Any suggestions?

For one, I really like your description of rational individuals, the calm individual, emotional individual and the extreme individual. I agree with you that the emotional and extreme individual can become emotionally unstable and allow their feelings to shape their thoughts and postings. I would even expand this and say that the emotional and extreme individual both show no consideration of the feelings of the person whom they're discoursing with. In that respect, when one is fueled by passion and emotion, coherence thought can be minimized by one's blind rage. This is how trolling happens, and this does not nurture a learning environment.

I hold the position that in the online discussion format, we should be more like the two persons whom you have identified: the rational individual and the calm individual. Both are are able to control their emotions, both participate. And contribution may be more qualitative. By adopting this kind of posting behavior, this cultivates and nurtures a learning environment, and a transfer of information amongst peoples of varied backgrounds, nationalities, political backgrounds et al.

To quote Kong Zi, "The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large."

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