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A leaked fottage Shows How USA is killing Afghan civilians

LOL, tell me one combat zone in the world where the combatants haven't committed a single war crime ??? Just consider Syria, Iraq, Vietnam, Sri-Lanka or even Kashmir and East Pakistan. I can give you ton's of testimony and statements. Above is just one such incident nothing more. :p:
tell me one time indians dont jump in to lick white balls? how the F can someone defend such acts!only a chotia indian can!
America just doing their job, giving Afghanistan human right and democracy...
Nothing wrong with that :no:
tell me one time indians dont jump in to lick white balls? how the F can someone defend such acts!only a chotia indian can!

You should be blind or may have serious comprehension issues. Where in my comment you can see me defend any such act of war crime ???? I was just stating historic facts so read again carefully if you can.

FYI, the entire world know, who are the established ball licker's of the Whites, especially Yankees. Your rant here on a forum is ain't gonna change the global truth. :p:
lol this is just one there are thousands of war crimes committed by USA and the Crime that has been caught should be punished.

I guess, you missed the bold title of this very news in the first place. :p:
Few ppl..seems... suprised...
In the Past... US soldiers or US contractors did the same and still do...
No one remember that group of Soldiers who wiped out an entire Afghani Village... to feel at war...
Or those Blackwater in Iraq... that killed hundreds of civilians in a shooting range? (BTW... Blackwater founder, Prince, is living in Abu dhabi... and his company is contracted by UAe, in Lybia and Yemen, for "logistical purposes"...)

Many American soldiers come from the deep conservative Christian South, they actually join war to go abroad and kill some ''sand niggers'' as they put it.
If by any means you find yourselves scratching your heads over why Afghan Taliban are gaining more territory, remember this video and be at ease.
Yet the Afghans love Trump, more so after his anti Pakistan rants.
Had a chat with a guy a few months ago who just left the German military a guy I trust totally. He told me this story of a German army officer in his unit who had been posted to Afghanistan.

This officer wanted to know what it felt like to kill somebody.
So he walks around the town he is posted in, and sees three Afghans. He opens fire and kills all three. At the inquiry he said he thought that they were wearing suicide belts, and shot them in self-defense.

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