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A JF-17 equipped with Aselpod & SOM cruise missiles ?

Should be given serious consideration
Turkey generated large amount of missile/guided bomb projects which can be equiped a fighter from top to end. Such a blood-thirsty self sufficient effort of industry is because of export regulations of West to Turkey's procurement wishes against Greece like countries. West always force Turkey a secret embargo in order to keep their so called power balance stories against Greece but Thanks Allah that Turkish defense industry has broken all their balance calculations and started revealing state of art missile/bomb final products which is able to find their targets with pin-point accuracy which make us proud.

Thread is about Pakistan AirForce national fighter JF-17 and likely Turkish munition integration studies so I just want to summarize about ongoing/finished projects of industry as a candidate of future JF-17 integrations.

- Turkey develops own air to air missiles. The missiles will be ready in 2019.
*Goktuğ IIR VWR
*Goktuğ RF BVR


- Cruise missile family
*Gezgin LACM
*Atmaca SSM


- Turkey produces almost all type lazer/GPS/INS guided smart munitions/miniature munitions.
*Teber family guided bombs (Roketsan)
*HGK family guided bombs (SAGE)
*KGK family winged guided bombs (SAGE)
*LGK family laser guided bombs (Aselsan)
*Miniature bomb/missile


HGK + LGK family


*NEB(Nufuz Edici Bomba) core penetrater warhead for guided bombs

-Turkey produces own aircraft pod systems as well.
*E/O pod called "AselPod"
*EW pod called "MehPod"
*SAR pod

- Turkey develops and funds two AESA radars for fighters.
*F-16 AESA radar (2019)
*TF-X AESA radar (2023)

- Turkey develops NLOS like anti-tank missiles for flying platforms
*Temren-I (Mizrak-D-17km) - 2017
*Temren-II (Mizrak-D Blk2) - 30km - Penguin equivalent

- The latest embargo Turkey faced was about EW Pod After Israel Crisses.
Yea ... we haven't seen any additional development on the Ra'ad (publicly at least). I understand our R&D capacity not being great, but it's surprising that we haven't extended an invite to a competent vendor to help us out with ALCM development. A lighter ALCM that we can easily load onto the JF-17's wings would be nice, especially one that could double as an anti-ship missile (via IIR seeker).
Calm down brother...there is a lot going on the Ra'ad project and that's much better than any other option including the SOM. Ra'ad uses more advanced systems of navigation and with nuke capability, it is hell of a weapon. However one major area where more can be done is the engine development. Ra'ad has a stated range of 350 km with current engine which as an ALCM is not bad but should be improved.

indeed but one thing that does cross my mind is what if the falcon dude as a point. if can fit inside the f35 so wont it be able to fit into the j31 ? it being a bigger bird than the f35 what wont be a problem right?
or do you boys have that side covered too?
Ra'ad II will fit J-31's internal bays.
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Since there is no official data on RAAD. And due to its bulky size as well as no IIR seeker in the RAAD. There is fairly a good chance Turkish SOM with its sleek design due to use of composites and sophisticated guidance system to be much more accurate than RAAD




I thought this is to be fairly a common knowledge or else you would have seen RAAD on export market. What is bone of contention is if the Electronics & guidance package of RAAD is as much sophisticated as SOM is. Which by the looks of lake of data, SOM wins in this category by a mile.

Just look at the integration and Overall up-gradation of SOM missile. They have integrated it onto F-4, F-16 upgraded it on regular intervals. And look at out integration efforts, in 10 years since RAAD inception, Have you seen RAAD being fired from something other than Mirage ?

RAAD might be better in Warhead and Range section as compared to SOM, But other indicators are where RAAD lacks where SOM Excels.


Bilal Khan stated something about the raad---. They can integrate their equipment to any system because they have authorization---we don't---so we cannot integrate it on the F16.

I have not seen rtaad fired from any other aircraft than mirage---but then I haven't seen any f16's or JF17's flying around with BVR missiles either.

There is a fundamental difference in the VENDOR types in Turkey and pakistan---. In turkey---it maybe govt or investors---in pakistan---it is owned by the military.

Over there---any conflciting technology sold---can be blamed on the business ventures---over here it would be blamed on pak military---.

You have to comprehend the back ground and understand the difference. Tomorrow if Aselsan is sanctioned---big deal---but if tomorrow kamra or pof is sanctioned---we got serious issues---.

Does that explain things in a different perspective,
Turkey generated large amount of missile/guided bomb projects which can be equiped a fighter from top to end. Such a blood-thirsty self sufficient effort of industry is because of export regulations of West to Turkey's procurement wishes against Greece like countries. West always force Turkey a secret embargo in order to keep their so called power balance stories against Greece but Thanks Allah that Turkish defense industry has broken all their balance calculations and started revealing state of art missile/bomb final products which is able to find their targets with pin-point accuracy which make us proud.

Thread is about Pakistan AirForce national fighter JF-17 and likely Turkish munition integration studies so I just want to summarize about ongoing/finished projects of industry as a candidate of future JF-17 integrations.

- Turkey develops own air to air missiles. The missiles will be ready in 2019.
*Goktuğ IIR VWR
*Goktuğ RF BVR


- Cruise missile family
*Gezgin LACM
*Atmaca SSM


- Turkey produces almost all type lazer/GPS/INS guided smart munitions/miniature munitions.
*Teber family guided bombs (Roketsan)
*HGK family guided bombs (SAGE)
*KGK family winged guided bombs (SAGE)
*LGK family laser guided bombs (Aselsan)
*Miniature bomb/missile


HGK + LGK family


*NEB(Nufuz Edici Bomba) core penetrater warhead for guided bombs

-Turkey produces own aircraft pod systems as well.
*E/O pod called "AselPod"
*EW pod called "MehPod"
*SAR pod

- Turkey develops and funds two AESA radars for fighters.
*F-16 AESA radar (2019)
*TF-X AESA radar (2023)

- Turkey develops NLOS like anti-tank missiles for flying platforms
*Temren-I (Mizrak-D-17km) - 2017
*Temren-II (Mizrak-D Blk2) - 30km - Penguin equivalent

- The latest embargo Turkey faced was about EW Pod After Israel Crisses.

Thanks for the very well detailed post. There are very few non western countries that are currently engaged as much R&D and production of cutting edge technology like Turkey. It will be very exciting to see where Turkey is in a decade. An excellent example for Pakistan both technological and economic development. I have always said Turkish military coups fundamentally reset and reconfigure Turkish political older while in Pakistan, military coups continuously preserve and energize the old failed political order.

Thread is about Pakistan AirForce national fighter JF-17 and likely Turkish munition integration studies so I just want to summarize about ongoing/finished projects of industry as a candidate of future JF-17 integrations.


The news item is just the begining---barely scratching at the top---but a sure sign as to how things would progress in the future.

What is ' mine is better than your ' will ultimately change into ' ours is better than their's---or ours is as competitive as theirs--- '.

Rome was not built in a day.
So, Ra'ad and Babur has better ranges. It's okay.

He can assume that he is an ex PAF pilot. But i doubt that, he has inside knowledge about our development programs.

Nope, i couldn't understand your point. Can you expand your post a little bit more ?

Are you comparing SOM with Babur and Raad or to some unknown Pakistani missile ?

He broke the ASELPOD,F-16 news... He's a war veteran and that has been confirmed by the forum management..
Thanks for the very well detailed post. There are very few non western countries that are currently engaged as much R&D and production of cutting edge technology like Turkey. It will be very exciting to see where Turkey is in a decade. An excellent example for Pakistan both technological and economic development. I have always said Turkish military coups fundamentally reset and reconfigure Turkish political older while in Pakistan, military coups continuously preserve and energize the old failed political order.
With all due respect, there's no bad or good coup - all coups set the country backward..
With all due respect, there's no bad or good coup - all coups set the country backward..

Absolutely! My point is if you are gonna do it, at least reset the system so previous failures don't return to power. For a country in Pakistan, it's crucial that the feudal grip and corrupted two party hereditary system that hinders economic growth is dealt a critical blow.
Thanks for the very well detailed post. There are very few non western countries that are currently engaged as much R&D and production of cutting edge technology like Turkey. It will be very exciting to see where Turkey is in a decade. An excellent example for Pakistan both technological and economic development. I have always said Turkish military coups fundamentally reset and reconfigure Turkish political older while in Pakistan, military coups continuously preserve and energize the old failed political order.
With all due respect, there's no bad or good coup - all coups set the country backward..
Absolutely! My point is if you are gonna do it, at least reset the system so previous failures don't return to power. For a country in Pakistan, it's crucial that the feudal grip and corrupted two party hereditary system that hinders economic growth is dealt a critical blow.
I agree with you. These need to go, but if it's done through a political process changes will be more stable...


The news item is just the begining---barely scratching at the top---but a sure sign as to how things would progress in the future.

What is ' mine is better than your ' will ultimately change into ' ours is better than their's---or ours is as competitive as theirs--- '.

Rome was not built in a day.

Thanks for your optimism. Old order is crumbling down to make room for a brave (hopefully, more just) new world...
There is a fundamental difference in the VENDOR types in Turkey and pakistan---. In turkey---it maybe govt or investors---in pakistan---it is owned by the military.
There are private vendors in Pakistan too but they are given a very limited access and thus the scope their work is kept in check due to security concerns. Almost all of them are never made aware of the whole picture, info is provided on need to know basis. Even within organisations not all the departments are aware of all the projects.
Absolutely! My point is if you are gonna do it, at least reset the system so previous failures don't return to power. For a country in Pakistan, it's crucial that the feudal grip and corrupted two party hereditary system that hinders economic growth is dealt a critical blow.
Although going off-topic.
But the fact is that Musharraf did ban more than two terms for a prime minister which would have ruled out Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto but it was under pressure from your country that he had to change that rule.
The US itself plays a big role in continuing " the feudal grip and corrupted two party hereditary system that hinders economic growth" (as you put it).
Mate, i see it meaningless to discuss with anonymous forumers in the internet whom claims things that can't be verified. Also, to prevent any future misunderstanding, i'm saying that i will only feel proud and happy if Pakistan is ahead of us on some or all of the programs. Strong Turkey benefits Pakistan and Strong Pakistan benefits Turkey as we are brother countries.

But i think that i see a logical mistake in your post;

You suggest that there are secret / top secret projects of Pakistan that is not available for public&foreigners. Can't we assume the same thing for Turkey ? Like we are developing secret / top secret projects that are not available for public&foreigners.

Than how can you suggest that Pakistan is ahead of Turkey regarding to stand off missiles ?

It really doesnt matter if Pakistan is ahead or Turkey in this very field as whosoever is ahead is kind of win win situation for both as it can assist the lagging one. Thats what brothers do :-).
Mate, i see it meaningless to discuss with anonymous forumers in the internet whom claims things that can't be verified. Also, to prevent any future misunderstanding, i'm saying that i will only feel proud and happy if Pakistan is ahead of us on some or all of the programs. Strong Turkey benefits Pakistan and Strong Pakistan benefits Turkey as we are brother countries.

But i think that i see a logical mistake in your post;

You suggest that there are secret / top secret projects of Pakistan that is not available for public&foreigners. Can't we assume the same thing for Turkey ? Like we are developing secret / top secret projects that are not available for public&foreigners.

Than how can you suggest that Pakistan is ahead of Turkey regarding to stand off missiles ?

He means Pakistan has achieved that milestone a while ago.. and there are programs for further developement..
I like the Turkish SOM it has modern design , is advaced technologically and most important, it has a range of 2500 kms.which is quite an achievement..
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