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A fighter is shotdown near the border


23 Mart 2014

SAAT : 16:15

NO : BA - 04 / 14

(2 Syrian Mig 23's approached the Turkish border so F-16's were dispathched. The Mig 23's were warned as they approached the Turkish border)

Suriye’ye ait iki adet MIG-23 uçağının, Suriye hava sahasında kuzeye doğru uçuşu, 23 Mart 2014 saat 13.01’den itibaren Diyarbakır’daki Birleştirilmiş Kontrol İhbar Merkezi (BİKİM) tarafından 80 deniz mili mesafeden izlenmeye başlanmış ve Suriye uçakları Türk hududuna on deniz mili mesafeden itibaren Türk hava sahasına yaklaştığına ilişkin dört kez ikaz edilmiştir.

(1 of the migs did flew away from our border but the 2nd mig entered turkish airspace and flew 1km deep into it. This happened in the Yayladah area)
Yapılan ikazlar üzerine, Suriye uçaklarından birisi hava sahamıza girmeden bölgeden uzaklaşmış; ancak ikinci Suriye uçağı, uyarılara rağmen saat 13.13 sularında Hatay/Yayladağı’na bağlı Çamlı Tepe Hudut Karakolu bölgesinde Türk hava sahasına girerek yaklaşık bir kilometre kadar hava sahamızı ihlal etmiş, daha sonra batıya doğru yönelerek 1,5 kilometre kadar hava sahamızda uçmaya devam etmiştir.

(1 Turkish F-16 fired an Air to Air missile at the Mig. The Mig crashed into syrian Territory)

Bu esnada bölgede hava devriye görevinde (havada hazır) bulunan iki adet F-16 uçağımızdan birisi, angajman kuralları gereğince saat 13.14’de Suriye uçağına füze atmış ve isabet alan Suriye uçağı hududun 1200 metre güneyinde ve Suriye topraklarında yer alan Kesep bölgesine düşmüştür. Uçağın Kesep bölgesine düşüşü, bölgede bulunan hudut birliklerimiz tarafından gözlemlenmiştir.

Kamuoyuna saygıyla duyurulur.

Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Resmi Kurumsal İnternet Sitesidir - Anasayfa - Turkish
General Staff Official Web Site - Main Page

Atlantique was shot down inside Pakistan territory, if the boogie is hostile, it is always shot down.
I don't know which incidence of escorting are you talking, but in war time, IAF pilots always surrender first and than they were handed back.
sir they are only escorted back when no offence from other side is intended and i am talking just about border breaches.
@Kaan good performance by TuAF!

sir they are only escorted back when no offence from other side is intended and i am talking just about border breaches.

Which incident of escorting BACK do you remember?
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Another "ummah" fundo. Calling all Talibitches eradication staff....... :o:

Pakistan will always be there for All Islamic countries In sha ALLAH Pakistan Is the Fortress of Islam and we will defend the Whole Islamic world IN SHA ALLAH
If the plane was already in the Syrian territory, what was the motive behind shooting it?

According to our military sources the plane was in the Turkish territory but even if it wasnt, according to new rules of engagement, which has been declared in 2012, any military approach by Syrian forces near the Syrian border is considered a threat. Shouldn`t been tested

MASHA ALLAH. Nicely done.
Syrians have nothing to do with it. They're being bombed by these jets
It is a divided country... Syrians are being involved. Although from the looks of it is more an Authoritarian but Syrian government fighting Sunni extremists from other Arab(and others) nations with the True Syrian people being minced in the middle of it. It is a Shia-Sunni conflict where the only Muslims that are being killed are Syrian Civilians.
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