I agree with all your points perhaps but not this is "not subject to interpretations" isn't that what the hardcore mullahs say about the rulings they give?We in religion devote ourselves to God , so do you think God will simply reject that persons eid ?
Perhaps i am going off topic but i wanted it to run by you?
I took no offense , perhaps i sounded mad/annoyed but i was just trying to be serious/have a serious discussion as @
Armstrong puts a joke everywhere
Yes, they do and about most, if not all of the rulings they give, making the religion inflexible and stringent, that is most true. But the moon sighting, in my opinion, can't be held to difference of opinion/interpretation because the moon has to be sighted, so either its there or it's not, its not left to the stretch of imagination or open to different views. A single valid testimony (mostly character of the reporting person and his past record) of moon sighting has to be accepted and the festival declared. Today, there are telescopes and high powered binoculars available to make sure there's little to no error, possible to a certain extent with the naked eye, the lunar chart though relatively ancient also is there which can tell about the position of the moon for the next thousand years. As I said earlier, this is a question of fact first, a question that has be answered with respect to facts and evidence first, the question of law comes after to determine the validity of that testimony. Consider the following example, Material Engineers use XRF/XRF/C-S test to determine the composition of materials, it isn't subject to different interpretations like other diagnostic tests performed to evaluate/predict failures with Non Destructive Testing methods, because either a particular element is found present in the material or its not. There are no two opinions there. The same isn't true for diagnostic tests used for evaluating the health of materials or performing failure analysis ( with Infrared Thermography, Liquid Penetrant, Magnetic Particle Inspection, Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Ultrasonic Testing and dozen others e.t.c), where each give a set of data/results which are subject to more than one interpretation by different engineers. Because what constitutes a failure or defect isn't always clear under different conditions. Where and why did the material start to fail isn't clear too. How a material's existing defect will affect its future performance, is the most difficult of all. The same engineers arguing to no end, why their theory is correct, cant do so with composition analysis, because either an element is found or it isn't.
The problem is this, bon ami.
There was no moon present on the 27th of July in this region for anyone to see it!
No, God looks at intentions, why would he reject someone's Eid because of the intentional mistakes of a few Mullahs? It isn't possible.
P.S You didn't, but someone else make it look like you did, clarification is better under those circumstances since you quoted the same post which wasn't addressed to you.