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A Brief History of The Warrior Rajputs

Well i don't consider someone kami or superior. I just gather these information for my own knowledge. Khokhars are not rajpout and they are/were mostly associated with agriculture tribe. British never consider them martial race either and most of their recruitment of Punjabi Muslims were limited to Gakhars, Janjuas and Awans and few others rajpout tribes mostly from Potohar district

Bhatti Naru noon kharals etc are also martial ppl..
None consider them Rajputs .. They are probably jatts??
As for Rajput vs jatt .. Rajputs consider themselves superior n jatts inferior thts the real story..

janjuas intermarry with Khokhars. janjuas will not marry them if they were not rajputs
None consider them Rajputs .. They are probably jatts??
As for Rajput vs jatt .. Rajputs consider themselves superior n jatts inferior thts the real story..

Yes there are jats khokars also, central punjabi ones are most likely jats. Again just umbrella terms most likely.
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