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99.99% of the world is wajib-ul-qatal for insulting the Prophet

Kill every non-Muslim, Taseer called it the Black Law, non-Muslims don't even believe in the entire Islam! They think its fiction. Kill them.

Atheists don't even believe in the existence of God, kill them!

Kill em all, <muahahahhahahaha>

sir here we are not talking about non-Muslims and Atheists Mr. TASEER was a muslim
I beleive Asim is kiding around and people here are taking things sereiously xD. Notice the Laughing refrence in his second post =p
so when are we going on the mission to purify this world :rolleyes:
he is listening rock music :D

buddy it has got nothing to with music. the death of the governer is a huge shock for anybody who is a man of sense and think for his country, he probably cant get peices together for whwat and why this happened, i dont blame him if he acts taht way. and i am amazed by some pakistani friends to see how relaxed/happy they are.
Some people have such a hard time with obvious sarcasm :P

It's called Taanay maarna, people.

---------- Post added at 08:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ----------

I beleive Asim is kiding around and people here are taking things sereiously xD. Notice the Laughing refrence in his second post =p
More of an evil laugh, than a chuckle.
Incorrect quote

you poke my eye.
Ipoke your eye.
you poke my eye.
Ipoke your eye.

Both of us out of eyes.

end of story

Actually the problem is on your end is that you poke both the eyes just because someone tries to look in your eyes and if you are in majority
buddy it has got nothing to with music. the death of the governer is a huge shock for anybody who is a man of sense and think for his country, he probably cant get peices together for whwat and why this happened, i dont blame him if he acts taht way. and i am amazed by some pakistani friends to see how relaxed/happy they are.

bhai why r u so worried, karzai is not dead brother lollzz
lets get to work then, you use pole & a stone, i'll use a 'knife', Damn we are all such sadistic people...

aah will be fun with your eyes all blacked out with a cloth and Asim tied to pole. will be fun. you throw knife i will throw stones. 1 hit = 1 point. Ok deal....
it is a worrying matter, as per karzai, i dont wish his death, i wish nobody's death.

its not a worrying matter, the worrying matter is that pakistanis are being killed at the north while govt is dead silience on it...

a corrupt persons death is just a part of thousands of common pakistanis who have died...

the bad security in our country is just because of the policies of amreeka nawaz govt in islamabad..
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