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99.99% of the world is wajib-ul-qatal for insulting the Prophet

aah will be fun with your eyes all blacked out with a cloth and Asim tied to pole. will be fun. you throw knife i will throw stones. 1 hit = 1 point. Ok deal....

Stoned to death & then cut to pieces bwaaahaaaa
Excuse me divya and dark wave, can I know what is going on here?

Taseer's death is nothing special, from Islamic point of view.

Every person is common in Allah's sight, and if giving this death so importance, they give all others who die daily in Pakistan because of people like Taseer (Gov Officials, No offense), and we sit and watch them die!

thank you Asim!

Very interesting post, which some here didn't quite understand :tup:
Excuse me divya and dark wave, can I know what is going on here?

Taseer's death is nothing special, from Islamic point of view.

Every person is common in Allah's sight, and if giving this death so importance, they give all others who die daily in Pakistan because of people like Taseer (Gov Officials, No offense), and we sit and watch them die!

PPS see it was nothing serious what we were just doing.

On the topic i just wanted to say 1 single sentence

"Only Allah and only Allah has the right to give life and take life of anyone. When we humans cannot give life we are noone to mar someone from it"

Rest I would refrain to say else me being Indian second me being a hindu things will get ugly then being sensible debate. So let me stop here. Hope you understand.
Mullahs love to use the "What if your mother is insulted" argument, won't you fight back then?

Errr... fight back violently over an insult? No, not me. I might hurl similar insults back, or, more likely given my typically calm and passive nature, just walk away from the situation.

The argument of the Mullah's is flawed from inception - using violence to respond to verbal insults is a stupid and immature act, though I know from personal experience that many Pakistanis have made it an 'honorable act'.
Excuse me divya and dark wave, can I know what is going on here?

Taseer's death is nothing special, from Islamic point of view.

Every person is common in Allah's sight, and if giving this death so importance, they give all others who die daily in Pakistan because of people like Taseer (Gov Officials, No offense), and we sit and watch them die!

Taseer's death is not 'significant' because of who he was or what he did, but because of WHY he was killed.

He was killed because of intolerance and bigotry, killed because all he did was believe in the innocence of a woman accused of Blasphemy, killed because all he did was oppose the draconian laws that make it possible to incarcerate and punish people over someone's say so and someones opinions.
Seriously there was no need to open a thread in order to show your frustration. But what can be done in this case with the God Fathers of the forum. Get over it and get on with your lives, Taseer's death is not the end of the world.
Seriously there was no need to open a thread in order to show your frustration. But what can be done in this case with the God Fathers of the forum. Get over it and get on with your lives, Taseer's death is not the end of the world.


What has to happen, is done. We cannot cry over it, as he cant come back. Better leave this all stuff, get back normal :tup:
Seriously there was no need to open a thread in order to show your frustration. But what can be done in this case with the God Fathers of the forum. Get over it and get on with your lives, Taseer's death is not the end of the world.


What has to happen, is done. We cannot cry over it, as he cant come back. Better leave this all stuff, get back normal :tup:

No, you cannot ignore this incident and forget it because of what it implies - it shows us that bigotry, hatred and prejudice is on the rise in Pakistan. The people are so knuckle-headed as to resort to deadly violence over political and ideological positions others take.

Taseer's death and the reasons behind it cannot be forgotten, and those who support actions such as those of Taseer's murderer need to be expunged from society - physically or ideologically.
No, you cannot ignore this incident and forget it because of what it implies - it shows us that bigotry, hatred and prejudice is on the rise in Pakistan. The people are so knuckle-headed as to resort to deadly violence over political and ideological positions others take.

Taseer's death and the reasons behind it cannot be forgotten, and those who support actions such as those of Taseer's murderer need to be expunged from society - physically or ideologically.

AM, isn't there a disconnect here, when by a wide majority, and officially, Ilm Ud Din is a great hero who was supported by none other than Iqbal? To me its a fundamental issue and not an issue of getting rid of 'some' non state people, when the state thinks Ilm Ud Din is a hero???

Then the state will have to change its thinking and go against not only the vast and armed religious bigots who have obviously infiltarated pakistan's all state apparatus, including security and judiciary, but to go against none other than Iqbal, thus committing another blasphemy???
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Taseed wanted the blasphemy law eliminated, and he was killed for that desire, not blasphemy. So abolish the blasphemy law! What better way to frustrate the assassin and deter future attempts on the lives of Pakistan's politicians?
Taseed wanted the blasphemy law eliminated, and he was killed for that desire, not blasphemy. So abolish the blasphemy law! What better way to frustrate the assassin and deter future attempts on the lives of Pakistan's politicians?

first ask the europeans and americans to remove the holocaust laws, which dont permit criticism of holocaust..
first ask the europeans and americans to remove the holocaust laws, which dont permit criticism of holocaust..

Criticism of holocaust is not only permitted but encouraged. Holocaust was obviously wrong and all civilised people agree on that.
AM, isn't there a disconnect here, when by a wide majority, and officially, Ilm Ud Din is a great hero who was supported by none other than Iqbal? To me its a fundamental issue and not an issue of getting rid of 'some' non state people, when the state thinks Ilm Ud Din is a hero???

Then the state will have to change its thinking and go against not only the vast and armed religious bigots who have obviously infiltarated pakistan's all state apparatus, including security and judiciary, but to go against none other than Iqbal, thus committing another blasphemy???

I think we have to recognize that people, even those who were great thinkers and leaders, are fallible, not perfect.

Opposing Iqbal on the issue of supporting an act of murder by an individual on the basis of so called 'religious sensitivities' is the correct thing to do, and IMO it does not necessarily bring into question his other actions or philosophies.

One could point out several flaws in Jinnah's personal life as well - the manner in which he treated his daughter for example, but that does not take away from his political achievements and the gift of nationhood he gave Pakistanis.
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