What many of you Indians fail to understand is that we (particularly those who migrated) have a huge stake in what goes on in Lucknow or Hyderabad? Why? Because we moved from those parts. Both my parents were born in Lucknow which unfortunately went to India. That is why Pakistanis will forever have a link with those regions.
We cannot stop thinking about our family that lives there. Pakistan might be forced to respond to a new babri as a result. We Pakistanis and muslims there are one and the same and have a major link. Many in Pakistan are lucknowi, hyderabadi, gujrati or madrasi by background and have family members trapped there. Almost all muslims 95% in UP voted for an independent Pakistan during the 1946 elections. You can ask any muslim there and he will tell you the truth. We share the same culture and despite being a Lucknowi I am staunchly Pakistani.
Muslims like me mujhaidind and others understand that Pakistan is the only country on the face of this planet that will protect and defend muslims trapped in India since partition. Also note my nana was extremely pro Pakistani even though he lived in Lucknow. Almost every daughter he married to Pakistanis and there used to be bets on Pakistan winning cricket matches.
But there is indeed a problem. We should protect our minorities and give them equal rights.