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92 per cent of Pakistani netizens believe iron brotherhood between China and Pak will last

Few things, it's not Pakistan occupied Kashmir it's Pakistan side of liberated Kashmir.

There is no such thing as **** it's Pakistan.

Last but not the least who gives a fcuk what NDTV a fcuking Indian tv channel thinks. You can only expect a deliberate mistake by a moronic Indian tv channel.

You left out cheerleading for China in your post.
I am sure Pakistanis will also convert to Chinese religion soon enough. After all, how long can iron brothers differ over petty stuff like religion.

Somethings are non-negotiables and worth sacrificing your life. Just read the current news where Hindu Valmikis converted to Islam when somebody suggested it a way to save their homes. You would not see Muslims doing that.

To ‘save’ their houses in Azam’s Rampur, 80 Valmiki families set to embrace Islam

Even a Drunk person can tell this is not a Brotherly relation but a Master slave relation.

It could be termed as close friendship.
And here come all the Indians with their self-assuring statements. It's a shame that some Indians can't sleep at night without reassuring themselves of their imaginary superiority to Pakistan.

But their is no co-operation only dependence.....
Actually China gains a lot from Pakistan, from economic support, trade, access to ports like Gwadar to strategic support, border security, military co-operation and support against India's expansionism. The very definition of co-operation.
Somethings are non-negotiables and worth sacrificing your life. Just read the current news where Hindu Valmikis converted to Islam when somebody suggested it a way to save their homes. You would not see Muslims doing that.

To ‘save’ their houses in Azam’s Rampur, 80 Valmiki families set to embrace Islam

It could be termed as close friendship.
pls don't boost yourself there will not be any friendship with such a huge gap in almost all aspects. This relation ship is a true example of master and slave relation.
pls don't boost yourself there will not be any friendship with such a huge gap in almost all aspects. This relation ship is a true example of master and slave relation.

You are entitled to your opinion.
pls don't boost yourself there will not be any friendship with such a huge gap in almost all aspects.
The Chinese seem to disagree with you. A lot. Just tag some Chinese members here and see what they think - they don't care about any gap.
And here come all the Indians with their self-assuring statements. It's a shame that some Indians can't sleep at night without reassuring themselves of their imaginary superiority to Pakistan.

Actually China gains a lot from Pakistan, from economic support, trade, access to ports like Gwadar to strategic support, border security, military co-operation and support against India's expansionism. The very definition of co-operation.
Gwadar is just a insurance for china in case of hostility with india...if the relation between these 2 countries will improve then Gwadar will lose its significance...(* thanks for pointing mistake)
The Chinese seem to disagree with you. A lot. Just tag some Chinese members here and see what they think - they don't care about any gap.
Chinese member on PDF will not represent whole china ...pls tag them and try to find out how many Chinese really cares abut Pakistan.
and also tension with India will never reduced.

Tension with india will be reduced since more inter dependent on business.Every year india-china business growing much larger even though it favours more towards china.
Gwadar is just a insurance for china in case of hostility with india...if the relation between these 2 countries will improve then Gwadar will lose its significance.
Possibly, but then, that's just what foreign relations are; assurances. Gwadar isn't a main point anyways.
(* thanks for pointing mistake)
You're welcome.
Chinese member on PDF will not represent whole china ...pls tag them and try to find out how many Chinese really cares abut Pakistan.
For example, here's a translation of a Chinese forum post
Google Translate
The true relationship between China and Pakistan

I don't know many Chinese members here on PDF, @Chinese-Dragon could you please tag some?
Chinese member on PDF will not represent whole china ...pls tag them and try to find out how many Chinese really cares abut Pakistan.

Here is the latest pew research about how asian view each others and china favours pakistan only 30 % and even though we are a foe, still they view as 30%.


How Asians View Each Other | Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project
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