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92 per cent of Pakistani netizens believe iron brotherhood between China and Pak will last

I would say Pakistanis are good friends.A good friend that will sacrifice anything for their friendship and Of Course for friends.United States of America once exploited that honest behaviour with a bundle of dollars.
Let wait for future course of Pak China relation.

and also tension with India will never reduced.

We didnt ask for a reduction and we dont cares about it.
Biological entity?,friendship is never biological.
There is absolutely no harm in two or x number of nations in developing or holding affable feelings towards each other. This thing also plays its part in intl relations.
Why else are students,scientists, reasearchers and all other kinds of exchange programs are organized.
Here the article is abt internet users from both ends,
There could be diplomatic friendly ties btw two govs but could exist mutual feelings of hostility amongst citizens and vice versa.
But if relations btw pak and china thrive on all fronts then why not?

And btw we Pakistanis are also some very loving,sincere, cordial, hospitable people.
Oh ihope no one from accross the eastern border felt hurt. Lolz one never knows ,some people.

Of course you right there. However I was talking about state to state relations. This can feed into creating mutuel friendships on the ground.
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Over emphasis on culturally parts always bring xenophobias. Lets broaden our horizons.

This alliance is indeed based on geopolitics, but cultural similarity is not required for peoples to have positive feelings for each other.

In the survey, 92 per cent of Pakistani netizens said the iron brotherhood between China and Pakistan will never go rusty.

I am just pointing out that the alleged 92% Pakistani netizens claimed that Pakistan and China has Iron Brotherhood. Which I personally think is not the right description. I would say Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia may have more claim to that prize.
Few things, it's not Pakistan occupied Kashmir it's Pakistan side of liberated Kashmir.

There is no such thing as **** it's Pakistan.

Last but not the least who gives a fcuk what NDTV a fcuking Indian tv channel thinks. You can only expect a deliberate mistake by a moronic Indian tv channel.

Haha.. do you even read what are you writing ? How can Kashmir be a part of Pakistan and liberated, both at the same time ? Hocus pocus ?
For chinese here and @Chinese-Dragon , a hi 5. (its from all pakistanis here basically)

Haha i know i am funny
I am just pointing out that the alleged 92% Pakistani netizens claimed that Pakistan and China has Iron Brotherhood. Which I personally think is not the right description. I would say Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia may have more claim to that prize.
Pakistan's co-operation with China is more than that with Iran or Turkey, and relations with Iran have been strained by some of the recent incidents on the border. Saudi Arabia, maybe. Iron Brotherhood isn't an official title so you can call it whatever you like.
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and rest 8% are sensible....just joking dont attack me :D
Pakistan's co-operation with China is more than that with Iran or Turkey, and relations with Iran have been strained by some of the recent incidents on the border. Saudi Arabia, maybe. Iron Brotherhood isn't an official title so you can call it whatever you like.

I don't see Indians giving affectionate titles to Russians ! Pakistanis seems emotional. We have close geopolitical relations with China.

and rest 8% are sensible

Could be.
I am sure Pkaistans will also convert to Chinese religion soon enough.

After all, how long can iron brothers differ over petty stuff like religion.
Even a Drunk person can tell this is not a Brotherly relation but a Master slave relation.
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