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9/11 attacks, Was it a terrorist attack or inside job?

Was 9/11 an Inside Job or terrorist attack

  • Inside Job

    Votes: 40 81.6%
  • Terrorists attacked New York City

    Votes: 9 18.4%

  • Total voters
I was in New York in 2000. Let it be on record my experience:-

1. At the time I was working at three main locations: close to the World trade centers near broad street , at Maddison Sq Garden and Brooklyn , Colney island Ave. At the time I was living in Manhattan just round the corner from Time sq and Broadway.

2. On my journey to Maddison sq garden I would change the train underneath the world trade centers which meant walking past the elevator entrances to the twin towers. I had been doing this for quite a while. There used to be little black lady security guards guarding the entrances to the elevators. After Feb 2000 they were replaced by big guys who looked like Federal agents. Once I got a little too close and they came rushing to meet me and said " excuse me sir, this area is closed", which surprised me I was never approached or stopped before.

3. The observation deck right at the top on one of the towers clearly said in their tourist information display that because of the close proximity to the JKF airport both twin towers were designed by the architects and the structural engineers to take a direct hit by a fully laden jet.

4. The training company I was working for in Brooklyn was owned by Pakistanis and the Jewish landlord was offering them, through his contacts, a cheap rental deal in the world trade centers. I told them it was highly suspicious that the most expensive prime real estate in the United states was being offered at the lowest rental rates and I informed them I would not move there. I left New York and returned to the UK soon after in near the middle of 2000.

5. Two identical structures impacted in different locations cannot structurally collapse in identical ways and at uniform speeds. It is near impossible. The steel beams in the structure are just too thick to collapse uniformly at different points in the structure. Any structural simulator can prove this except ones funded by George Bush.

6. It has never been investigated who gave the owner of the world trade center the right to order the demolishing of the third building world trade center building 7 and how the explosives were so readily available and so quickly installed at time of a catastrophe, while all the emergency services were so over stretched and under strain.
Your experience also prove that it was an inside job of some elements of US gov and Isreal.
Empire State building was hit directly by a large Bomber and it didn't crash vertically, even it used old technology and designs for the construction.


World Trade Center Bombing 1993​


On February 26, 1993, at about 17 minutes past noon, a thunderous explosion rocked lower Manhattan.

The epicenter was the parking garage beneath the World Trade Center, where a massive eruption carved out a nearly 100-foot crater several stories deep and several more high.

Six people were killed almost instantly. Smoke and flames began filling the wound and streaming upward into the building. Those who weren’t trapped were soon pouring out of the building—many panic-stricken and covered in soot. More than a thousand people were hurt in some way, some badly, with crushed limbs.

Middle Eastern terrorism had arrived on American soil—with a bang.

As a small band of terrorists scurried away from the scene unnoticed, the FBI and its partners on the New York Joint Terrorism Task Force began staffing up a command center and preparing to send in a team to investigate. Their instincts told them that this was terrorism—they’d been tracking Islamic fundamentalists in the city for months and, they’d later learn, were tantalizingly close to encountering the planners of this attack. But hunches weren’t enough; what was needed was definitive proof.

They’d have it soon enough. The massive investigation that followed—led by the task force, with some 700 FBI agents worldwide ultimately joining in—quickly uncovered a key bit of evidence. In the rubble investigators uncovered a vehicle identification number on a piece of wreckage that seemed suspiciously obliterated.

A search of our crime records returned a match: the number belonged to a rented van reported stolen the day before the attack. An Islamic fundamentalist named Mohammad Salameh had rented the vehicle, we learned, and on March 4, an FBI SWAT team arrested him as he tried in vain to get his $400 deposit back.

One clue led to another and we soon had in custody three more suspects—Nidal Ayyad, Mahmoud Abouhalima, and Ahmed Ajaj. We’d also found the apartment where the bomb was built and a storage locker containing dangerous chemicals, including enough cyanide gas to wipe out a town. All four men were tried, convicted, and sentenced to life in prison.

The shockwave from the attack continued to reverberate. Following the unfolding connections, the task force soon uncovered a second terrorist plot to bomb a series of New York landmarks simultaneously, including the U.N. building, the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels, and the federal plaza where our office in New York is housed. On June 24, 1994, FBI agents stormed a warehouse in Queens and caught several members of a terrorist cell in the act of assembling bombs.

Meanwhile, the mastermind of the World Trade Center bombing was still on the run—and up to no good. We’d learned his name—Ramzi Yousef—within weeks after the attack and discovered he was planning more attacks, including the simultaneous bombing of a dozen U.S. international flights.

Yousef was captured in Pakistan in February 1995, returned to America, and convicted along with the van driver, Eyad Ismoil. A seventh plotter, Abdul Yasin, remains at large.

We later learned from Yousef that his Trade Center plot was far more sinister. He wanted the bomb to topple one tower, with the collapsing debris knocking down the second. The attack turned out to be something of a deadly dress rehearsal for 9/11; with the help of Yousef’s uncle Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, al Qaeda would later return to realize Yousef’s nightmarish vision.


Investigators going through the rubble following the bombing of the World Trade Center on February 26, 1993.


The conspirators in the bombing.

Empire State building was hit directly by a large Bomber and it didn't crash vertically, even it used old technology and designs for the construction.

This aircraft is too small to burn a building. Try a passenger aircraft that is like 200 feet long and filled with fuel.

No real estate developer promises to develop a high-rise building that can withstand missile(s) as a public safety standard.

Lawlessness across Durand Line made it possible for some former Mujahids to develop incredibly sophisticated terrorist organizations that could draw recruits from all over the world as well as plot and execute sophisticated attacks around the world. These people weren't idiots but evil.

TTP managed to attack GHQ in 2009 - the most secure building in Pakistan. Inside job?
How does this thread concerns Pakistan ?

This issue is related to a foreign country and their PRABLEM

We have our own PRABLEM to deal with
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