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9/11 attacks, Was it a terrorist attack or inside job?

Was 9/11 an Inside Job or terrorist attack

  • Inside Job

    Votes: 40 81.6%
  • Terrorists attacked New York City

    Votes: 9 18.4%

  • Total voters
When I was living in Saudi Arabia,

Everybody believed it was a conspiracy or an inside job.

There is huge difference in the narrative taught in Middle East/Asia and in North America/Western Europe.

Your views. Obviously 9/11 must be condemned on whoever did it.

And even if Al Qaeda terrorists did 9/11, they were non-state actors, they had acted on their own.

The following wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were considered illegal by the United Nations.

Your views?
Food for thought.

It is possible for the people from the inside to have questionable allegiance and do most damage.
Do you think Muslim terrorists would actually do something like this? Or they wouldn't because it's not true Muslim...
And what would be the tangible gain for doing such a disgusting and atrocious act? There is no point in doing such an evil act. What would countries in the Middle East gain from it?

Well we can't anex , they just have to realize it is in best interest of region to be next province of Pakistan and approach on diplomatic front

Otherwise, I support a full closure of borders unless someone has proper Visa
We should make Afghanistan a province of Pakistan.

inside job .. no doubt
Thats what most people told me in Saudi Arabia behind closed doors.
And what would be the tangible gain for doing such a disgusting and atrocious act? There is no point in doing such an evil act. What would countries in the Middle East gain from it?
Beats me. I'm assuming terrorist attacks should be enough to force Americans to pull troops out of Saudi Arabia as Osama claimed and wished for. Guess it didn't go exactly as planned. Think of like the attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon and it force the U.S. to pull troops out.

...will do? yes.

can they pull something like off? no.

one simple question that needs is answering is that where was the USAF when the planes went off course, and how did the terrorists manage to perfectly guide it into the twin towers when even landing on a runway requires extensive instrumental ATC aid.
Why can't they pull something off like this? Haven't there been past hijackings before? Just not crashing into buildings as intended. And the USAF has never had to deal with such situation.
Beats me. I'm assuming terrorist attacks should be enough to force Americans to pull troops out of Saudi Arabia as Osama claimed and wished for. Guess it didn't go exactly as planned. Think of like the attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon and it force the U.S. to pull troops out.

Why can't they pull something off like this? Haven't there been past hijackings before? Just not crashing into buildings as intended. And the USAF has never had to deal with such situation.
Looks like most people outside the USA believe 9/11 was an inside job according to the poll. Not surprising at all.
After the Mohammad Mossadegh removal, who would believe USA's narrative anyways?
Unlike the local Americans who have no clue of the outside world blindly believe their government and news channels like Fox News or CNN.

Beats me. I'm assuming terrorist attacks should be enough to force Americans to pull troops out of Saudi Arabia as Osama claimed and wished for. Guess it didn't go exactly as planned. Think of like the attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon and it force the U.S. to pull troops out.

Why can't they pull something off like this? Haven't there been past hijackings before? Just not crashing into buildings as intended. And the USAF has never had to deal with such situation.
That's a pretty illogical argument, "beats me." There is a reason for everything. When 9/11 happened, my father said he couldn't quite believe it.

Beats me. I'm assuming terrorist attacks should be enough to force Americans to pull troops out of Saudi Arabia as Osama claimed and wished for. Guess it didn't go exactly as planned. Think of like the attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon and it force the U.S. to pull troops out.

Why can't they pull something off like this? Haven't there been past hijackings before? Just not crashing into buildings as intended. And the USAF has never had to deal with such situation.
And why should we believe the American narrative? USA did the Iraq war, Mohammad Mossadegh removal.

Why is believing 9/11 was an inside job strange to you, but for people outside the USA, they believe that.
That's a pretty illogical argument, "beats me." There is a reason for everything. When 9/11 happened, my father said he couldn't quite believe it.
Really? So terrorist attacks on schools or like the Moscow theater is unbelievable, beyond Islamic teachings or maybe too complicated?
There is an American pilot living in Islamabad who is campaining about this.

Something along the lines of ' Pilots for 911 truth.'
Looks like most people outside the USA believe 9/11 was an inside job according to the poll. Not surprising at all.
After the Mohammad Mossadegh removal, who would believe USA's narrative anyways?
Unlike the local Americans who have no clue of the outside world blindly believe their government and news channels like Fox News or CNN.

That's a pretty illogical argument, "beats me." There is a reason for everything. When 9/11 happened, my father said he couldn't quite believe it.

And why should we believe the American narrative? USA did the Iraq war, Mohammad Mossadegh removal.

Why is believing 9/11 was an inside job strange to you, but for people outside the USA, they believe that.
Poll in this thread is not representative of global opinion. It is too small to be indicative of anything in regards to the topic.



I posted links for your benefit and I am pretty sure you haven't checked them.

From the horse's mouth:

"It is important to hit the economy (of the United States), which is the base of its military power...If the economy is hit they will become reoccupied." - Osama Bin Laden

This recording was retrieved from Flight 93:

Al-Qaeda Network had global footprint - it recruited people in multiple countries to do its bidding. There is substantial academic record of these activities.

You will not learn anything unless you are willing to dig into this subject on a much deeper level in search for evidences.
The two best proves about inside job:

1) The Lone Gunmen Pilot Episode (X Files Spinoff): Aired 6 six months before 911 attacks, in the episode USA deep state plans a crash of air flight against WTC, with remotely controlled aircraft.

I think that is the more likely way happened: remotelly controlled modified planes.

2) The hour of attacks, only a few hours later the attack were would have killed thousands more, the attack happened in the very first hours days, when only maintenance employees and a few more were in the WTC.
Imagine what would happen after a WWIII lost by USA if 911 was a inside job.
If it was a inside job and Afghanistan, Iraq wars proved as lies, something will happen to Muslim people after WWIII like happened to Jewish people after WWII, they will be seen as victims of the WW loser.
This could be seen in part as Islamic eschatology prophecies fulfiled.
Really? So terrorist attacks on schools or like the Moscow theater is unbelievable, beyond Islamic teachings or maybe too complicated?
And why should we believe the imperial American narrative after the Mohammad Mossadegh affair. It means USA government can do an inside job.

Anyways everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Poll in this thread is not representative of global opinion. It is too small to be indicative of anything in regards to the topic.



I posted links for your benefit and I am pretty sure you haven't checked them.

From the horse's mouth:

"It is important to hit the economy (of the United States), which is the base of its military power...If the economy is hit they will become reoccupied." - Osama Bin Laden

This recording was retrieved from Flight 93:

Al-Qaeda Network had global footprint - it recruited people in multiple countries to do its bidding. There is substantial academic record of these activities.

You will not learn anything unless you are willing to dig into this subject on a much deeper level in search for evidences.
You forgot to mention that in the MIddle Eastern Countries they believe it was the U.S. government/Israel. A disconnect in the narrative in the European countries who believe otherwise.

Really? So terrorist attacks on schools or like the Moscow theater is unbelievable, beyond Islamic teachings or maybe too complicated?
Another point made by another member. The Iraq War was based on lies. Then why should we believe the American narrative?
Is it because USA is the strongest nation in the world? lol, please don't flatter yourself.

USA has done wrong before, therefore I refuse to believe the American narrative.

Really? So terrorist attacks on schools or like the Moscow theater is unbelievable, beyond Islamic teachings or maybe too complicated?
And even if 9/11 was done by religious extremists who were non state actors, it does not justify the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
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It's 2022 more important issues at hand....

However if conspiracy theory is what you want I will give you one

> 90's Hollywood is obsessed with Arab Terrorism, every next movie Arabs are depicted as , hijackers or terrorist, this is what I call a soft preparation for impacting mind of local audience to start believing certain view point (May be coincidence? )

1) 2001 , Shanghai Corporation is formed , China and Russian are key players
<an event I am not aware of at the time, as it is modestly announced a small blimp on radar>

2) Pentagon is hiding secret plans and has plans for Iraq , Libya and Syria being worked out for last 10 years prior to 2001, main objective is to weaken Russian Allies globally and hit them using next available excuse.

3) Globally a Unilateral attack on Iraq or Syria would alarm Russian , so a diversion is needed Something visible , and daring which will sway public opinion to go to war. Russia is recovering from economic melt down , at end of USSR. However plans exist pre-planned what needs to happen in case , certain conditions happen

<An event occurs in Somalia , prompting , some retaliation from USA the first time , world hears the name bin ladin on western TV outlets >

4) Enron Corporation , tanks and massive corruption case involves big players

5) Twin towers are bought by a last minute investor , who buys massive insurance on it
People can swear construction workers were doing something mysterious in the
towers. The architecture of building is designed to not collapse impossible"

6) Enron Corporation's corruption cases are threatening major elites in society , the files
are stored in near by buildings most of the records (This information remains hidden
for majority of early years)

7) US oil companies have failed talks with Taliban for a oil pipeline as Taliban refuse to deal with US companies , again one of the un talked about items in history or forgotten
USA also demands Taliban kick out their foreign mercenary warriors who fought with them vs Russians who are disrupting business. Taliban's view is that the people who fought with them a war are their guests and they can't be kicked out

8) <Missing information>

9) Everyone wakes up to new realities , and Old Pentagon's plan meant for attacking Russian allies is put in motion , instead of focusing on Afghanistan only

10) USA turns into a surveillance state , closer to objectives of world order to control "Information media" , individual personal data , and tracking individual transactions
One of major objectives of NWO , or elite group who operates above USA , state the top 5% of world, The term "Terrorism" is coined for Muslims as the word "Savages" was coined for Native Americans

UN is convinced of WMD of course one way or other these were days when United Nation was relevant, Ironically the black dude was sent to lie , and be rediculed for eternity

11) The group loans unlimited amount of loan to USA , Markets are manipulated to keep dollar afloat , while poor nations of world are lead to believe their currency has devalued
While USA itself has debt of 20 trillion dollars

12) Videos/Audios leaked in media of Ex General who recalled being told we will attack at least 5-7 countries in next 10 years using the window of opportunity

*Financial crisis 2007-2008 / Bankruptcies

* Prisoner Abuse images

* Wiki Leaks , the wiki Leaks person is sought by USA government for leaking criminal activities data

* Arab Spring

Based on this conspiracy theory , what happened since 2005-2017 was planned event
a preplanned motion to weaken Russian Allies in world

Russia begins to assert it self after Libyan war , where against it's will Civil war in Libya is financed using proxy nations

  • Steps up presence in Syria
  • Greater collaboration between Russia/Iran which has not yet expanded to fighter jet sales
  • Current Ukraine war
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Inside job !

Does not mean that Us gov did it. Some forces inside US did it !
Yes, outside USA, a totally different narrative is taught.

But unfortunately Americans believe whatever their government says.

After the Mohammad Mossadegh affair, I refuse to trust the west. They are so treacherous.
When I was living in Saudi Arabia,

Everybody believed it was a conspiracy or an inside job.

There is huge difference in the narrative taught in Middle East/Asia and in North America/Western Europe.

Your views. Obviously 9/11 must be condemned on whoever did it.

And even if Al Qaeda terrorists did 9/11, they were non-state actors, they had acted on their own.

The following wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were considered illegal by the United Nations.

Your views?
I was in New York in 2000. Let it be on record my experience:-

1. At the time I was working at three main locations: close to the World trade centers near broad street , at Maddison Sq Garden and Brooklyn , Colney island Ave. At the time I was living in Manhattan just round the corner from Time sq and Broadway.

2. On my journey to Maddison sq garden I would change the train underneath the world trade centers which meant walking past the elevator entrances to the twin towers. I had been doing this for quite a while. There used to be little black lady security guards guarding the entrances to the elevators. After Feb 2000 they were replaced by big guys who looked like Federal agents. Once I got a little too close and they came rushing to meet me and said " excuse me sir, this area is closed", which surprised me I was never approached or stopped before.

3. The observation deck right at the top on one of the towers clearly said in their tourist information display that because of the close proximity to the JKF airport both twin towers were designed by the architects and the structural engineers to take a direct hit by a fully laden jet.

4. The training company I was working for in Brooklyn was owned by Pakistanis and the Jewish landlord was offering them, through his contacts, a cheap rental deal in the world trade centers. I told them it was highly suspicious that the most expensive prime real estate in the United states was being offered at the lowest rental rates and I informed them I would not move there. I left New York and returned to the UK soon after in near the middle of 2000.

5. Two identical structures impacted in different locations cannot structurally collapse in identical ways and at uniform speeds. It is near impossible. The steel beams in the structure are just too thick to collapse uniformly at different points in the structure. Any structural simulator can prove this except ones funded by George Bush.

6. It has never been investigated who gave the owner of the world trade center the right to order the demolishing of the third building world trade center building 7 and how the explosives were so readily available and so quickly installed at time of a catastrophe, while all the emergency services were so over stretched and under strain.
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