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Nov 24, 2018
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So, this is how it ends? 




Anybody's thoughts on that?
Well if you post in English, people will definitely reply!

Not meant for us dear, if it was ...he would post in English.
Curious about connection to her @Paul2
Never mind - I got my answer.:D Damn CCP is the best day time soap opera.

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Basically, a big, big, man has fell down. And for reasons not yet clear.

He was de-facto a shadow minister for state security, and a man whom Xi would've never allowed even close to state power unless he was 1000% confident in him.

Many think that China has ministry of state security as its secret police organ, but in reality there are like 5 or 6 tucked around different state organs.

State council had its own secret police organ, people armed police also had a secret wing, but it was largely axed because provincial cadres abused it, PLA had 3rd department (now reformed into strategic support force,) CCDI is a de-facto secret police by itself with power to arrest even a provincial governor in a secret jail without having to report to anybody. There is also the 8341 unit, which are general secretary's bodyguards, a personal army. They are the last safeguard of the system, and have a carte blanche to do anything.

Public security also has a "national protection" section, but in reality that section is completely independent of the PSB command chain, and kept secret from police officers. They listen directly from Beijing. That man was heading it at the time of his arrest.

Sun was a very bright cadre, with a good track record on policy initiatives, an upstanding bureaucrat, if not to say too ambitious. People were saying he could be on the road to state council or the politburo in 2022.

Very hard to guess what made him fall. CCDI reports to one man only, so only Xi himself could've given the blessing for that.

I don't think that a man like Sun was suicidal enough to stand against Xi, when he could've waited until 2022, and get many times more power to do anything he wanted. I also don't think that Xi would've done this during a "routine" purge of bureaucrats not sticking to the line, especially not at the time like this.

Three possibilities:
  1. Sun actually pissed off Xi, and this is his penance for that particular incident
  2. It is a "kill the chicken to scare a monkey," and an attack against somebody close to him
  3. It still can be a just routine anti-faction action to deny everybody not 100% on board with Xi access to future political promotion
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Basically, a big, big, man has fell down. And for reasons not yet clear.

He was de-facto a shadow minister for state security, and a man whom Xi would've never allowed even close to state power unless he was 1000% confident in him.

Many think that China has ministry of state security as its secret police organ, but in reality there are like 5 or 6 tucked around different state organs.

State council had its own secret police organ, people armed police also had a secret wing, but it was largely axed because provincial cadres abused it, PLA had 3rd department (now reformed into strategic support force,) CCDI is a de-facto secret police by itself with power to arrest even a provincial governor in a secret jail without having to report to anybody.

Public security also has a "national protection" section, but in reality that section is completely independent of the PSB command chain, and kept secret from police officers. They listen directly from Beijing. That man was heading it at the time of his arrest.

Sun was a very bright cadre, with a good track record on policy initiatives, an upstanding bureaucrat, if not to say too ambitious. People were saying he could be on the road to state council or the politburo in 2022.

Very hard to guess what made him fall. CCDI reports to one man only, so only Xi himself could've given blessing.

I don't think that a man like Sun was suicidal enough to stand against Xi. I also don't think that Xi would've done this during a "routine" purge of bureaucrats not sticking to the line, especially not at the time like this.

Three possibilities:
  1. Sun actually pissed off Xi, and this is his penance for that particular incident
  2. It is a "kill the chicken to scare a monkey," and an attack against somebody close to him
  3. It still can be a just routine anti-faction action to deny everybody not 100% on board with Xi access to future political promotion
He was in Wuhan in 02 this year - could that be reason 4? A peace offering to the west?
He was in Wuhan in 02 this year - could that be reason 4? A peace offering to the west?
Best guess, he screwed up something in Wuhan, (allowed leak to happen?) and Xi punished him? May well be.
reason 4? A peace offering to the west?
No f way. In Chinese politics, U-turns never ever happen. To do so, is to push the brake pedal on an autobahn when there are 100 fully loaded semis right behind you.

Xi has bet all his bits on the collision course with the West. He either have to prevail, or loose all that.
I don't think Xi JingPing made a mistake.
Xi Jingping and Wang QiShan have done extraordinary things. Like zhu yuanzhang and yongzheng.
The way forward is still very long. If you don't do something, there's no future
How stupid to believe Wang qishan is not with Xi.
How doesn't need to be,

Xi has shown many times, he simply does not tolerate anybody not personally picked, and will use any opportunity to expand his base, which is his weakest spot. Xi is not new to purging allies.

He was on good terms with Hu during his early years, and he was all around him in the year prior to the congress. The moment he got his footing, the first thing he did was to turn around on that.

An ally, not ally, it doesn't matter to Xi. He doesn't need a pretext, or excuse to purge people. He does it simply because he thinks he needs to.

I asked many what Xi could've used to attack Sun Zhengcai, nobody can come with any explanation. Him simply being a player on his own, and a chance of him being a remotely probable successor to Xi has sealed his fate.

He once needed Wang to fix CCDI, and use his political capital, now he doesn't.
How doesn't need to be,

Xi has shown many times, he simply does not tolerate anybody not personally picked, and will use any opportunity to expand his base, which is his weakest spot. Xi is not new to purging allies.

He was on good terms with Hu during his early years, and he was all around him in the year prior to the congress. The moment he got his footing, the first thing he did was to turn around on that.

An ally, not ally, it doesn't matter to Xi. He doesn't need a pretext, or excuse to purge people. He does it simply because he thinks he needs to.

I asked many what Xi could've used to attack Sun Zhengcai, nobody can come with any explanation. Him simply being a player on his own, and a chance of him being a remotely probable successor to Xi has sealed his fate.

He once needed Wang to fix CCDI, and use his political capital, now he doesn't.

Do you think Xi is going to be the first emperor of a new Chinese dynasty?
How doesn't need to be,

Xi has shown many times, he simply does not tolerate anybody not personally picked, and will use any opportunity to expand his base, which is his weakest spot. Xi is not new to purging allies.

He was on good terms with Hu during his early years, and he was all around him in the year prior to the congress. The moment he got his footing, the first thing he did was to turn around on that.

An ally, not ally, it doesn't matter to Xi. He doesn't need a pretext, or excuse to purge people. He does it simply because he thinks he needs to.

I asked many what Xi could've used to attack Sun Zhengcai, nobody can come with any explanation. Him simply being a player on his own, and a chance of him being a remotely probable successor to Xi has sealed his fate.

He once needed Wang to fix CCDI, and use his political capital, now he doesn't.

Too many corrupted officials/businessman hate Wang qishan, they're paying overseas liberals and falungong to bash Wang qishan.

Wang qishan is closest to Xi. No doubt~
Xi is acting like Mao but without any merit like winning the Chinese civil war. I don’t think they will allow him to rule until he is dead or even 20 years.
Do you think Xi is going to be the first emperor of a new Chinese dynasty?
No, he has no potential for that.

Just like Stalin, and Mao, Xi will not leave a strong successor.

Just like them, he stakes everything on his personal pet projects, and sees no reason for contingency beyond that.

He wants to do everything until the end of his active political career, and if he fails to reach the apex by then, then "screw it all," the party included
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