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6 Including Major Martyred Near Turbat in IED Attack

In recent deadly attacks by Terrorists in Baluchistan killed 6 soldiers and a major.
many questions have been raised.
where are our planners what are they thinking
why still Pak soldiers are using old and unprotected vehicles especially army lovely Toyota corolla.
Why still have don't have any Loitering munitions?
why we lag behind in Counter-insurgency aircraft & Persistent Close Air Support capabilities.
What is the status of local MRAP vehicles?

If budget is the issue why armed forces and other state institutions are cutting their extra expenditures.
How much we pay the cost of losing soldiers.

Time? We had way more casualties from IEDs a few years back and little was done about it. This is nothing, unfortunately. Unless you start sending the generals in the moving tin can coffins, things won't change.
The mentality of our planners is instead of equipping soldiers with MRAP’s, they call first vehicle (pick up daala) of convey “sadqa”.
No amount of diplomacy can close RAW's operational bases in Iran and Afghanistan.
Neither i sea any reason to do diplomacy ignoring Indian role in in East Pakistan, Balochistan, NWFP, Siachin, etc.
Now since Pakistani defense equipment is most modern and advance in it's entire history, leaders are acting pussy.
Invest in FC Balochistan....
Invest in FCs reco helis and drones...
Invest in updating their ammo, equipment and weapons. Make them a deadly force to save Balochistan. Invest in their own intelligence.
FC is vital for balochistan, they have sacrifised a lot!
Invest in FC Balochistan....
Invest in FCs reco helis and drones...
Invest in updating their ammo, equipment and weapons. Make them a deadly force to save Balochistan. Invest in their own intelligence.
FC is vital for balochistan, they have sacrifised a lot!

Pakistan is hit hard by economic hit man... now a days FC and others are investing in politicians.
People forget Pakistan has a 80 year old interior minister.
20 pages of Discussion and Rant and what.

Do we really think Military leadership gonna listen to peasants like us?
If they listen;
-> So when they are providing them with MRAPs.
-> When they are going to train and equip them properly?
-> What is the battle plan.
-> If military leadership really enjoy Toyotas give them to the SOF mount some M240B use them as light assault vehicles. Not for using in Convoys in Hostile area.
-> Are they going to fire Officials responsible for equipment acquisition?
Many more things are still to say.

Do you really think these things are going to happen? I guess not.
This is a another humiliating slap for us from our snake neighbours Iranian to there supporters and sadly our Pm who goes out his way to protect and help Iran. Against trump threats against them. Something is quite rotten in our establishment, who refuse to address Iran correctly. Is a aggressive adversary against us openly helping indian , Afghani and Baluchi terrorists against us.

It seems we have faced another attack and lost more soldiers. But again we won't do anything
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