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6 Haunted Places in India That Guarantee Goosebumps

Not just that man.... little north, there's a beach road connecting all the villages,, for some distances there're no houses, only small ponds and trees and two abandoned small temple(broken), if you're coming by bike, everyone will ride on the top speed, fearing that place.. though i never heared of any ghost stories, while my friend and cousin were traveling via that road at 9ok clock suddenly the bike got stopped, when they checked everything was k, didn't know the reason for the bike to stop, all of sudden my cousin bro got a big hit on his back.. when he shouted and turned back, there was no one... Thank god bike started and with scream they topped the bike speed and came to my place and both of them started crying..

My worst day when me and my friends purposely went to a place near my village that was haunted and wer told by all the elders to avoid after dark.( It was a Delta before now no more, we were told like, Virgin ghosts used to come there to take bath in full moon days, that day we say a person atleat 8-9 foot tall and head was covered by cloth so couldn't see much from the side, finnaly walked and looking south staring at the sea, while on the left side a Big Dark shade in the beach (Delta) i don't know how to say it, but only near the shade there was wind and the soil was blowing away, the dogs were following it and they couldn't bark.. i could clearly see they were trying but just couldn't....

Man oh man... My best friend got fever for 8 days since then... we had to run over 2 miles without stopping

I can see you are in Israel.
Share it or it never happened.
Ahh Dada don't do this to @BDforever after all he's our resident agent in BD:p:.Btw,now he'll have to make up a scary story just to save his face:enjoy:

i shared it already.

when i was kid, we lived in a duplex house. We had a household working girl, me and my sister called her sister. we used to play a lot. One day we were playing in the garden in the afternoon. We were playing hide and seek. It was my turn to close my eyes.
I did and then both sisters hide. when i opened i saw the older sister ( that household worker) running toward 2nd floor and then roof. I quickly followed her. After i went up to 2nd floor, suddenly i felt scared. I came down and went to 1st floor kitchen, i saw her working there. I asked her what are doing here ? she told me my mother called her while we were playing LOL
Really,after all that hype you came up with this shitty story:lol:!I expected a lot more from you,well i hate to say that you have disappointed me:tongue:
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Ahh Dada don't do this to @BDforever after all he's our resident agent in BD:p:.Btw,now he'll have to make up a scary story just to save his face:enjoy:

Really,after all that hype you came up with this shitty story:lol:!I expected a lot more from you,well i hate to say that you have disappointed me:tongue:

photo credit @bolo
Still can't forget that night, 17-18 years me and my cousin bro went to my maternal grand parents home during vacations, in their neighbourhood a lady reportedly burned herself, she could not be saved, her family did the rituals and every thing was normal, a week or so later ,while me and my bro were sleeping,my younger bro wanted to go for lo and asked me to accompany him since he is scared of dark ,I said ok, while he was peeing and I was waiting outside, suddenly I heard someone crying, and then when I looked in that direction, I saw a shadowy figure just roaming on the ledge of the terrace, where that lady committed suicide, the shadowy figure was crying continously, and suddenly our of sheer stupidity I shouted kaun hai waha, that figure turned towards me, it was that lady,who committed suicide, I still remember, completely red eyes, pitch white skin half face completely burned and she looked really angry, I just freezed at that moment, during this I didn't notice my cousin has arrived and was also looking at her, suddenly , she started laughing and I just grabbed the hand of my bro and started running, since my home is nearby, we run with even our lungs exhausted and when we reached my home I started beating the door and while beating gate, we fainted, we were like unconscious for like 36 hrs and running with high fevers.
Horse shoe story is like this and it was popular before 80s when there were few vehicles.

A man gets down from bus at about 3AM in a small town. He is alone and he sees one Chaiwalla making tea (not Modi:D). He goes there and drinks tea. Its winter time and the Chaiwalla has covered his face. The tourist hands over a note to him and the Chaiwalla gives him change, the tourist notice that his hand just looks like a hourse shoe. So he gets frightened and runs. after some distance he finds a rickshaw walla and asks him to take to the address. On the way he tells him the story and when he finishes, the rickshaw walla turns and and showed him his hand and tells" Babu, like this?" and the process goes on with some more people before he vomits blood and dies!!
R e this story is still quite popular among the kids in Bengal:woot:.When i was a kid i my granny frequently used to tell this story just to frighten me and believe me sir it literally scared the hell out of me:fie:
we also have two haunted places in Islamabad. PM house and President House, both are haunted by some very panch***d ghosts
I have already shared my experience here once. I am sharing it again. During my Engg. days, My best friend('S') was Muslim ( lets call him had to tell it due to story) and we used to go to our other friend's ('R') home even during late night because of sessional or semester exams. His home was at the end of the Street which was 200 mtr long and at the starting of Street there is Madarsa. Nearby to Madarsa, there is Mosque. This Mosque and Madarsa is made by S's great grandfather and his grandfather (Not real but Father's uncle) was taking care of. S was typical elite Delhite and far away from any religious stuff.

So, One night, S and I were going to R's Place and passing through street around 10 pm. We were discussing something interesting and then one very tall person just passed through me. I never bothered but suddenly my friend was hell scared and froze. He asked me to quickly walk to R's place and asked me not to look back. I was shocked but due to his scared look, didn't ask and moved quickly. When he saw that tall guy took a turn at the end of street, He told me that tall guy was Djinn and his eyes were burning like red bulb. So we took a U turn and started running and he took me to his grandfather's place and told him the story. Then his grandfather read some 'Dua' and blow some air on our face. One of his uncle accompanied to go to home and I could sleep whole night even though I haven't seen anything. Also, I can't tell my parents else I will not be given chance to go outside in late nights ever. ;)

Now this may be part of exaggeration as I am also not sure about this. Next day, when we met in college, My friend told me that his grandfather explained him that there are few Djinns come to Mosque & Madarsa and nobody disturb them. Also, not everyone can see them so not sure how come we saw him. Anyways, this place is still in my area and we crossed thousands time but I ensure not to cross that area after 8 pm. ;)
GT Road at night. I swear there are churals and rakshas on that place.
I know aap mujh se pehle wahan se bhaag jaooge :haha::haha: :P

Yar aisy sites keval unmarried logo k liye hai ... Baki shaadi shuda log to apne partner Ki shakal daily dekh K haunting ka excitement khatm kar chuke hote hai....

I have seen paranormal activity in my village n experienced it in my own life....
I would die of a heart attack if i had to visit any of these places

This one story of one of my friend's Masi (aunt) from Jalpaiguri (WB) is good, my friend told me this story:

Some years back Masi bought a new house at Jalpaiguri at almost half the market price as the house was supposedly haunted, and she knew it, but she was always a brave lady and she didn't care about the ghost stories.

Everything was going fine, the house was a single-storied old design house; main house on one side, then an open courtyard, and then toilet & latrine at one corner of the courtyard. There was no boundary wall, and there was a big open football field in front of the house, as typically seen in small towns.

At one night at around 2am or 3am Masi's mother-in-law wanted to go to latrine, and there was load-shedding, so she took her to the latrine and then she was waiting on the courtyard for the old lady to come out.

It was a full-moon night, while she was standing on the courtyard she suddenly saw a man on the other side of the field at a distance of some 150-200 meters, his head was wrapped in a rag and he was walking towards her house. Masi was observing the man and she was just thinking who could be the man and where he might be going at this time of the night. After a few moments she just casually looked at some other direction for a second or two, and then she looked again at the front.......and that man was standing right in front of her and starring right at her face!!!

Masi kept her cool, she didn't turn back and run, she slowly walked backwards facing that man or whatever and entered her room and closed the door, she had to again go out when her mother-in-law called her to take her back, but the man was gone.

true story!! :)
Yar aisy sites keval unmarried logo k liye hai ... Baki shaadi shuda log to apne partner Ki shakal daily dekh K haunting ka excitement khatm kar chuke hote hai....

I have seen paranormal activity in my village n experienced it in my own life....
I though all such stories frighten me. But still I get curious when somebody says they've experienced paranormal activity. Now tell me the story :)
This one story of one of my friend's Masi (aunt) from Jalpaiguri (WB) is good, my friend told me this story:

Some years back Masi bought a new house at Jalpaiguri at almost half the market price as the house was supposedly haunted, and she knew it, but she was always a brave lady and she didn't care about the ghost stories.

Everything was going fine, the house was a single-storied old design house; main house on one side, then an open courtyard, and then toilet & latrine at one corner of the courtyard. There was no boundary wall, and there was a big open football field in front of the house, as typically seen in small towns.

At one night at around 2am or 3am Masi's mother-in-law wanted to go to latrine, and there was load-shedding, so she took her to the latrine and then she was waiting on the courtyard for the old lady to come out.

It was a full-moon night, while she was standing on the courtyard she suddenly saw a man on the other side of the field at a distance of some 150-200 meters, his head was wrapped in a rag and he was walking towards her house. Masi was observing the man and she was just thinking who could be the man and where he might be going at this time of the night. After a few moments she just casually looked at some other direction for a second or two, and then she looked again at the front.......and that man was standing right in front of her and starring right at her face!!!

Masi kept her cool, she didn't turn back and run, she slowly walked backwards facing that man or whatever and entered her room and closed the door, she had to again go out when her mother-in-law called her to take her back, but the man was gone.

true story!! :)
Have you noticed how these ghosts never bother strong willed ppl or the small kids??
Still tat Mausi was a brave lady.
I suppose you know what would've been my reaction had it been me in that mausi's place. :ashamed:

Few days back on a Thursday (my weekend) somewhere around 3am, I was browsing through pdf and chit chatting with my group in whatsapp when suddenly I heard a loud thud on my main door. Trust me I got a mini heart attack at that moment. I could not muster the courage to walk upto my main door and check through the pigeon hole. usually hubby also sleeps late on weekends but that nite as luck would have it he was also sleeping.
Don't know how but I plodded towards the door. When I heard a few more thuds on other flat doors then I realised that It was my newspaper wala throwing newspapers from the lift. :P
That cartoon was lazy enough to step out of the lift...so he most probably throws it from the lift. (I could not see it properly through the pigeon hole) but still it was suffiecient to stop me from watching a late nite movie and browsing. Gosh!! :sad:
I though all such stories frighten me. But still I get curious when somebody says they've experienced paranormal activity. Now tell me the story :)

Have you noticed how these ghosts never bother strong willed ppl or the small kids??
Still tat Mausi was a brave lady.
I suppose you know what would've been my reaction had it been me in that mausi's place. :ashamed:

Few days back on a Thursday (my weekend) somewhere around 3am, I was browsing through pdf and chit chatting with my group in whatsapp when suddenly I heard a loud thud on my main door. Trust me I got a mini heart attack at that moment. I could not muster the courage to walk upto my main door and check through the pigeon hole. usually hubby also sleeps late on weekends but that nite as luck would have it he was also sleeping.
Don't know how but I plodded towards the door. When I heard a few more thuds on other flat doors then I realised that It was my newspaper wala throwing newspapers from the lift. :P
That cartoon was lazy enough to step out of the lift...so he most probably throws it from the lift. (I could not see it properly through the pigeon hole) but still it was suffiecient to stop me from watching a late nite movie and browsing. Gosh!! :sad:

See a good horror film alone, then go to washroom and wash your face with soap, while soap is on your face and eyes closed, try to think that the ghost is standing in front of you, starring at you, maybe smiling at you from the back, and you can't open your eyes!! It will feel awesome!! :D

Btw, I have many ghost stories to share, I have been to many ghostly places, and many in my family are in medical profession, they have some fine stories, I have learned that hospitals are very ghostly places, especially the OT. :)
See a good horror film alone, then go to washroom and wash your face with soap, while soap is on your face and eyes closed, try to think that the ghost is standing in front of you, starring at you, maybe smiling at you from the back, and you can't open your eyes!! It will feel awesome!! :D

Btw, I have many ghost stories to share, I have been to many ghostly places, and many in my family are in medical profession, they have some fine stories, I have learned that hospitals are very ghostly places, especially the OT. :)

D-Ray I'm all ears.....go on. :)

And about that soap and bathroom story...well I've tried it already. And there was nobody in the mirror.:lol:
I though all such stories frighten me. But still I get curious when somebody says they've experienced paranormal activity. Now tell me the story :)

Have you noticed how these ghosts never bother strong willed ppl or the small kids??
Still tat Mausi was a brave lady.
I suppose you know what would've been my reaction had it been me in that mausi's place. :ashamed:

Few days back on a Thursday (my weekend) somewhere around 3am, I was browsing through pdf and chit chatting with my group in whatsapp when suddenly I heard a loud thud on my main door. Trust me I got a mini heart attack at that moment. I could not muster the courage to walk upto my main door and check through the pigeon hole. usually hubby also sleeps late on weekends but that nite as luck would have it he was also sleeping.
Don't know how but I plodded towards the door. When I heard a few more thuds on other flat doors then I realised that It was my newspaper wala throwing newspapers from the lift. :P
That cartoon was lazy enough to step out of the lift...so he most probably throws it from the lift. (I could not see it properly through the pigeon hole) but still it was suffiecient to stop me from watching a late nite movie and browsing. Gosh!! :sad:

Mam it took me almost 3 yrs to come out of fear, I used experience that someone behind me all the time & if I am alone I used hear very strange voices around me n that time I was just 12 yrs old. My family was living a small hilly town called Narendra Nagar area 25 kms away from Rishikesh.
That incident forced my dad to take transfer to come down Rishikesh...
During those periods there was no baba left from Rishikesh - Roorkee whom we missed including Muslim baba.... Situation were so worse that my parents once thought of dropping my schools for one year...
First time encounter happened to be like this
Day- Sat
Month- Nov starting
Wearing- Red sweater
Time - 8 pm eve
Dasha as per my janmpatri- Shani Dhaiya(2nhalf yrs)
Observed- First snake kind of stuff passed over my feet then I walked 2-3 meter further I saw I a white cloudy shape of human under a tree called Raat Ki Raani. Instantaneously in dreadful voice I shouted with full force Mummyyyyyyy n gone out of conscious for 10-15min hearing my voice my father bare foot ran to see me ( Since i saw that white cloudy figure at the entrance of our main gate building of Post office)....
My dreadful voice even reached to police chowki( 100m away) n policeman rushed to post office building.....
I had lot restrictions in those days n I never worn a red stuff for at least 15 yrs in my life......
Kyu in logo ko tour pe le Jana padega apne pahad p jha Ki ye supernatural powers ko dekh sake ....
Mam it took me almost 3 yrs to come out of fear, I used experience that someone behind me all the time & if I am alone I used hear very strange voices around me n that time I was just 12 yrs old. My family was living a small hilly town called Narendra Nagar area 25 kms away from Rishikesh.
That incident forced my dad to take transfer to come down Rishikesh...
During those periods there was no baba left from Rishikesh - Roorkee whom we missed including Muslim baba.... Situation were so worse that my parents once thought of dropping my schools for one year...
First time encounter happened to be like this
Day- Sat
Month- Nov starting
Wearing- Red sweater
Time - 8 pm eve
Dasha as per my janmpatri- Shani Dhaiya(2nhalf yrs)
Observed- First snake kind of stuff passed over my feet then I walked 2-3 meter further I saw I a white cloudy shape of human under a tree called Raat Ki Raani. Instantaneously in dreadful voice I shouted with full force Mummyyyyyyy n gone out of conscious for 10-15min hearing my voice my father bare foot ran to see me ( Since i saw that white cloudy figure at the entrance of our main gate building of Post office)....
My dreadful voice even reached to police chowki( 100m away) n policeman rushed to post office building.....
I had lot restrictions in those days n I never worn a red stuff for at least 15 yrs in my life......
Kyu in logo ko tour pe le Jana padega apne pahad p jha Ki ye supernatural powers ko dekh sake ....
Oh Yaar!
Thats spooky!!
How did u manage??
Usske baad bhi kabhi kuch aesa hua?
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