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6.6 just hit Northern Iran

So you are saying that every other region of Iran receives the same treatment from the government, yet you don't even know what to do to defend any little action of government here.

Houses built for Venezuelian population on behalf of Iranian government


Reconstruction of Lebanon on funs provided by Iranian government


Houses the citizens of the same Iran live in, that caused the death of thousands of lives, in horrible povery.




Shame on you Ahmadinejad, shame on Khamenei, shame on all of these theifs. Do you think Imam Ali (hes portrait you can see in the last picture) would ever forgive Ahmadinejad and other government officials, who are to be blamed for all of these victims? These theifs actually drive their dirty game on name of Imam Ali.
May Ahura Mazda and Behram Yazd come to you and smoothen the path for your country and people.

Thank you. Just remember the Israel-baijanis are making trouble - not the Iranians.


PICTURED BELOW: Real Azaris from Iran where 80 percent of Azaris live. Azaris trace their roots back to ancient Iran prior to the arrival of nomadic Turks many centuries later.

PICTURED BELOW: The New "Azeris" sprang from Stalin's attempt to manipulate the geopolitical balance in the lower caucuses.




The impostors from the Republic of Israel-baijan are Crypto-Zionists:

So you are saying that every other region of Iran receives the same treatment from the government, yet you don't even know what to do to defend any little action of government here.
Shame on you Ahmadinejad, shame on Khamenei, shame on all of these theifs. Do you think Imam Ali (hes portrait you can see in the last picture) would ever forgive Ahmadinejad and other government officials, who are to be blamed for all of these victims? These theifs actually drive their dirty game on name of Imam Ali.
After the Bam earthquake,Iran completely rebuilt the city from the zero to full in less than 4 years,that's a good figure for building an entire city.The same will happen to these destroyed areas.You wanna say there are not any of these buildings in Aliyev republic?Or in Turkey?There maybe some problems in sending help to some areas,but right know,I spoke with a red crescent member from Tabriz (that's the point)and he said almost all areas have received food and medical supplies except some few villages in mountains that they will be dealt with too soon.

But it's still really funny you refrain from answering my question about Turkey.Should Turkish government also be called fascist because of how they acted first days after the Van earthquake?Were you blind back then?Why don't you refer to it?Why don't you send the shame to them?
Funny, this is what Abbas Fallah, the parliamentary representative from Ahar said about the same Red Crescent and everything else exposing dirty face of Iranian govermnent;

In an interview with a freelance journalist, Abbas Fallah, a parliamentary representative for Ahar and nearby Heris, pleaded for help.

"You see, no help has reached our area from the outside - a limited amount of help has reached us from Ardabil," he said, adding that the supplies received weren't nearly enough.

Emphasising that Ahar and Heris were not hard to reach, Fallah begged listeners to bring supplies - tents, dried food, hot food and mineral water - themselves rather than leaving it to any organisation to do so.

Thousands left homeless after Iran quakes - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Abbas Fallah: No help to the region from outside, donations inside the country to organizations such as Red Crescent does not reach the victims.


You forget one thing, Iran sits on a very dangerous location with regards to earthquake, thats the point, yo can except deadly earthquakes at any place at any time, as there have been several such examples recently in Iran.

Do they have to rebuilt it after all these tragedies? Instead of building houses for Venezuelans, Lebanense and Palestinians, the honourless, shameless Iranian government should look at the conditions of its own citizens.
Grim news RIP. :frown: Sad to see some people dragging politics into this as well. There is a place and time for everything guys, this is not the place for your ulterior agendas.

Thanks for noticing - see my post for who they are.
Houses the citizens of the same Iran live in, that caused the death of thousands of lives, in horrible povery.

I hope you are aware of the fact that people in remote villages of the kingdom of Alievestan live in tne same sort of houses
Oh, Jeskandari, the brave hero of Mollahs, is that all you can say? And what is your definition of "remote", as all of villages of affected areas like that, even worse then that.

The main point is that Iran sits on deadly fault lines, known to everyone, including Iranian government.

Look at this shameless, honourless responses, none of you are even able to properly answer any of the points.
No, there isn't, even in villages, I can show you images of villages. These houses are mud-brick type with woods on roof. Such housing dosen't exist, and it shouldnt either in Iran with all these oil money. And you forget one thing, Iran sits on a very dangerous location with regards to earthquake, thats the point.

Specially it is known that Iran sits on some of the worlds deadliest fault lines and you can except deadly earthquakes at any place at any time, as there have been several such examples recently.

Do they have to rebuilt it after all these tragedies? Instead of building houses for Venezuelans, Lebanense and Palestinians, the honourless, shameless Iranian government should look at the conditions of its own citizens.[/QUOTE]
Can you please cut this crap?So if there isn't any of these buildings in your countries,why 1000 people were killed in 2011 earthquake in Van,Turkey?
These villages have existed from years ago,the new buildings in cities and villages are all built to resist future earthquakes.
Those buildings in Venezuela or any other places are the exact building who are being built in Iran.and Iran is not building them for free.This is the most stupid thing to say.





Iranian government is not building them for free? Iran reconstructed Lebanon after 2006, aswell built houses for Palestinians, without any charge.

My point still stands, Iranian government, as everyone else, knows that there can be such deadly earthquakes at any time at any location in Iran. Do they have to rebuilt it (I have strong doubts about it from the fact that they didn't even care to mention the news of earthquake) after a tragedy like this?

What about when the next earthquake occurs (God forbid) and kills another thousands of people with these types of houses? Iranian government are able, can and should do something about it, they don't, because they don't care about the people.
ok as soon as i can, i will take photos of villages near my city to see that , simple houses are in all over the iran........... i'm near isfahan ..............
These houses and poverty are only part of the scandal, the other part being the points I mentioned earlier about total neglance of Iranian government with regards to this tragedy.

Anyway, I don't wish to repeat the same things, I had to mention these points because I can just not take it the way Iranian government has treated my people. So Iranian government treats everyone like that, ok, that means they are just thiefs and criminals anyway, only on larger scale in that case.
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