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Indian non-Intervention a myth or reality?

Well... Those who can't beat others in fair debates with proper arguments, usually try to drown the opposing voices by shouting.. Its a sign of lack of either intellectual depth or self-confidence or in some cases, both. We see this behavior on news debates quite too often. Don't we?
I've asked before, got an angry bold response.

I think its safe to assume that he's always shouting and making an angry point. :pissed:
Well... Those who can't beat others in fair debates with proper arguments, usually try to drown the opposing voices by shouting.. Its a sign of lack of either intellectual depth or self-confidence or in some cases, both. We see this behavior on news debates quite too often. Don't we?
indeed we do, all too often on this forum.

the guy's an extremist wahhabi type anyway, always railing about how the poor mooslims are victims of evil democracy and secularism, isis is israeli etc.. :rolleyes:
Fully agree with you.
He don't have the capacity to have logical understanding about a matter.
He keeps chanting "India did this,secular states or west is doing that & as always they are the victims."

indeed we do, all too often on this forum.

the guy's an extremist wahhabi type anyway, always railing about how the poor mooslims are victims of evil democracy and secularism, isis is israeli etc.. :rolleyes:
Oh She wasn't the first to start the game.. Not at all.. Her bereaved father had been playing the same game. India had great relations with Sheikh Mujib and Bangladesh at that time. And General Zia comes along and murders him and his whole family, and this was done on 15th August, when India was celebrating her Independence day. Haseena Wajid survived because she was in Germany with her sister. Anyways, General Zia didn't stop at that. He then started harboring Mizo and Naga insurgents and gave Pakistani ISI a free run in Bangladesh.

You can't expect India to take all this on her face and not hit back. And India did finally hit back. Mujib's daughter is in power now. And she is full of spite and yearning for vengeance. Karma is cruel indeed.. Isn't it..?

P.S. What's your fascination with bold letters??

Shanti bahini terrorists were told to be Bagladeshi by Sheikh Mujib, so that shows that indian intervention was there even before Zia came to power. As for Zia coming to power, he didn't come to power after Sheikh Mujib was killed, Major Dalim and his peers killed Sheikh Mujib and AL's Mostakh came to power after his ouster. Zia came to power after Khaled Mosharraf was killed in a coup.

Well... Those who can't beat others in fair debates with proper arguments, usually try to drown the opposing voices by shouting.. Its a sign of lack of either intellectual depth or self-confidence or in some cases, both. We see this behavior on news debates quite too often. Don't we?

When indians lose the debate they sing the 1971 song to console themselves, we know most indians call that intellectually praiseworthy.
Shanti bahini terrorists were told to be Bagladeshi by Sheikh Mujib, so that shows that indian intervention was there even before Zia came to power. As for Zia coming to power, he didn't come to power after Sheikh Mujib was killed, Major Dalim and his peers killed Sheikh Mujib and AL's Mostakh came to power after his ouster. Zia came to power after Khaled Mosharraf was killed in a coup.

When indians lose the debate they sing the 1971 song to console themselves, we know most indians call that intellectually praiseworthy.

1). General Zia and Khondaker Mushtaq Ahmed were the greatest beneficiaries of death of Sheikh Mujib and his family. It was men like Shariful Haque, Mohiuddin Ahmed, Faruque Rehman who assassinated Mujib and carried out the coup. But they were just the hands that pulled the trigger, we want the tongue that gave the orders..

2). The reign of Khaled Mosharraf is utterly insignificant. He carried out a coup and then immidiately became the victim of a counter-coup.. 4 day bro.. Just 4 days. That's all his reign lasted. He is just a little blip in the history of Independent Bangladesh, good enough for nothing more than a single paragraph in the history books..

3). Coming to the Shanti Bahini, They perpetrated their first serious act of violence, which can qualify as a terror attack, in 1977. Mujib was long dead at that time. And Indian support to them started after that, not before. Don't confuse Shanti Bahini with the PCJSS. It was PCJSS that existed during Mujib's reign and they were just a political party of the Chakma and other tribal people of CHT region. Shanti Bahini was their students' wing which grew in influence gradually after Mujib's assassination.
1). General Zia and Khondaker Mushtaq Ahmed were the greatest beneficiaries of death of Sheikh Mujib and his family. It was men like Shariful Haque, Mohiuddin Ahmed, Faruque Rehman who assassinated Mujib and carried out the coup. But they were just the hands that pulled the trigger, we want the tongue that gave the orders..

Khaled Musharraf was the army chief, if it comes to orders the blame goes to him but as far as I know those who take part in a coup do so by disobeying the standing orders of the superiors.

3). Coming to the Shanti Bahini, They perpetrated their first serious act of violence, which can qualify as a terror attack, in 1977. Mujib was long dead at that time. And Indian support to them started after that, not before. Don't confuse Shanti Bahini with the PCJSS. It was PCJSS that existed during Mujib's reign and they were just a political party of the Chakma and other tribal people of CHT region. Shanti Bahini was their students' wing which grew in influence gradually after Mujib's assassination.

The fact is india supports Shanti Bahini terrorists in BD, so if Khaleda did anything to return the favour I wouldn't blame her.
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