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6.6 just hit Northern Iran

ihealugo, all I can say is that Turkey did not hide the news of earthquake for 6 hours, and neither then barely even mentioned it on the news thereafter.

Mentioning the earthquake for only 1 min, and talking 30 minutes about the olympics on main news. Absolutely no coverage of the tragedy, I would be surprised if most of Iranian population are even aware of it.

I don't even want to discuss wether you are wrong or not, but consider these two above senteces.
I,myself criticize the tv for their delay in reporting the news,though it wasn't 6 hours,but 2-3 hours.I live here and I know what happened.But almost all news agencies in the Internet reported it just minutes after it happened.
nearly 20,000 rescuers just got there today,and also a lot of volunteers from all parts of Iran.All the people are rushed for giving their blood.Nearly 100,000 of those affected by disaster have been stationed in tents with foods and medical stuff.It's just more than one day after the earthquake and you are desperately trying to expose your real intentions and abuse the situation.Don't forget this is a internal matter of Iran and you are still a foreigner to this situation.You are judging everything too soon and by your state-fed propaganda.
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قاسم رضایی مدال طلای المپیک را به زلزله*زدگان تقدیم کرد

خبرگزاری فارس: قاسم رضایی دارنده مدال طلای وزن 96 کیلوگرم کشتی فرنگی المپیک لندن، مدالش را برای همدردی به زلزله*زدگان آذربایجان تقدیم کرد.
خبرگزاری فارس: قاسم رضایی مدال طلای المپیک را به زلزله*زدگان تقدیم کرد

به گزارش خبرگزاری فارس، قاسم رضایی که موفق شده بود با گذشتن از سد حریفان قدرتمندش مدال طلای وزن 96 کیلوگرم کشتی فرنگی بازی*های المپیک لندن را از آن خود کند، برای ابراز همدردی با مردم زلزله*زده آذربایجان این مدال باارزش را به هم*وطنان آذری*زبانش تقدیم کرد.

وی در این زمینه به فارس گفت: مدال خودم را به هم*وطنان آذری*زبان تقدیم می*کنم، با این اعتقاد که این مدال نتیجه دعای خیر این عزیزان است. این مهم را انجام می*دهم و امیدوارم این هدیه ناقابل این جانب را که ماحصل زحمات پانزده ساله*ام در کشتی است، پذیرا باشند. به امید اینکه قدری از دردها و آلام این عزیزان کاسته شود.


آیت*الله مکارم شیرازى با صدور بیانیه*ای در خصوص زلزله آذربایجان با تاکید به همه مسوولان برای رسیدگی هرچه سریعتر به آسیب دیدگان صرف یک سوم وجوهات شرعیه را مجاز دانست.

به گزارش ایسنا آیت*الله ناصر مکارم شیرازی در جمع نمازگزاران حرم مطهر حضرت معصومه(س) در پیامی كه قرائت كرد ضمن ابراز تاسف از زلزله آذربایجان افزود: امیدواریم دولت و مسوولان هر چه سریعتر اقدام به ترمیم خرابی*ها و یاری رسانی به مصدومان این حادثه كنند.

در پيام آيت*الله ناصر مكارم شيرازی آمده است:

زلزله آذربايجان شرقی سبب شد جان عده*ای ازعزيزان هم*وطن ما از دست رفته و گروهی مجروح شوند، خانه*های زيادی خراب شده و ميدان آزمايشی برای مردم و مسوولان ايجاد شد.

زمين لرزه*ای كه در آذربايجان عزيز رخ داد و جمعی از هموطنان ما را به كام مرگ فرو برد يا مجروح ساخت و خانه*های زيادی را ويران كرد موجب تاسف شديد شد و اميدواريم دولت و همه مسوولان هرچه زودتر به ترميم خرابی*ها و نگهداری آسيب ديدگان و نجات مصدومان اقدام نمايند و خيرين و نيكوكاران در اين راه كمك شايسته كنند تا از اين طريق مرهمی بر دل*های مجروح اين عزيزان گذارده شود.

مومنين مجازند از يك سوم وجوهات شرعی خود برای اين كار خداپسندانه استفاده كنند و ان*شاءالله از بركات معنوی و الهی آن برخوردار شوند، خداوند روح عزيزان از دست رفته را قرين رحمت و بازماندگان را صبر و مجروحان را سلامت عنايت كند.

بیانیه آیت‌الله مکارم‌شیرازی درباره زلزله آذربایجان - Tabnak.IR | تابناك
TV reporter to head of emergancy situations: Why the news was first mentioned after 6-7 hours

Head of emergancy situations: I don't know, I hear this information (of earthquake) now from you.

What the fck?
Parliamentary representative of Varzigan in parliament: The rescuers reached Varzigan after 7 hours.

Mind you, the distance between Tabriz, one of the centers of Iran and Varzigan are only 1 hours.

and it show they were swift , they didn't even started for the sun to rise to start the help , and the 1 hours is in day and intact transportation not after it hit by earth-quack and its not like help is ready and loaded in trucks to send to the area , it take time to assess the extent of the damage and send help to the area

It is now clear that most of people died because of neglance from Iranian government, and absence of rescuers. It is not like concrete fell on these people, these people could have been rescued.

TurAr, if I have a problem? What is that supposed to mean? In this thead were share anything with regards to this tragedy, and if words of parliamentary representatives are not good enough for some people, then I leave them to their delusions.

Like mentioned earlier, I have myself relatives in Ahar, you can't understand the feelings.

it show you knew nothing at all , if it was concrete it would have made packets of air and small spaces under the derbies but when a house of clay-bricks fall on you its like putting you in a grave and use a bulldozer and fill the grave with dirt . simply in the first case you have chance to survive but in second case you don't have any chance its like burring you alive , you even cant made any noise so they can find you (and that's not the problem at all you are dead in first minutes of incident unless you are lucky and column or ... fall on you )
By te way i assure you even if the earthquack was in baku the situation of your countryman were far worse than what we see now in Iran and the damages to some area of your capital was far worse than what you see in these pictures

Type Baku earthquake in google, which took place in year 2000, 7 on ritcher scale, there were 26 deads, only 3 of them under collapsing houses. And if we consider that buildings has vastly improved in Baku given the huge construction process that have taken plance in last decade, you get the picture.

Why you can't face the truths about Iranian government. They know very well the situation of Iran with regards to earthquakes, why do they promise to rebuilt houses in affected areas after such tragedy, there were also the 1997 Ardabil earthquake which is near this affected area.

6.3-4 ritcher scale should not kill so many people, there is no explanation, its just shameful. According to local population and regional representatives, the deaths are at least 2-3 thousand, not 300 hundred, as they have not reached most of villages yet.

Besides, this is only a part of the scandal with regards to this tragedy.
Type Baku earthquake in google, which took place in year 2000, 7 on ritcher scale, there were 26 deads, only 3 of them under collapsing houses. And if we consider that buildings has vastly improved in Baku given the huge construction process that have taken plance in last decade, you get the picture.

Why you can't face the truths about Iranian government. They know very well the situation of Iran with regards to earthquakes, why do they promise to rebuilt houses in affected areas after such tragedy, there were also the 1997 Ardabil earthquake which is near this affected area.

6.3-4 ritcher scale should not kill so many people, there is no explanation, its just shameful.

Besides, this is only a part of the scandal with regards to this tragedy.

The Baku earth quake was 7 Richter at its epicenter in Caspian sea,at Baku,it had the effect of 6.2 Richters.You should read the article again.
The earthquake in Iran mostly affected villages and almost in all ME,the houses in the villages are not very strong to resist a fairly powerful earthquake.
If this had happened in Tabriz,I'm sure no more than 20 people would be killed.Your comparison is wrong.

I'm not saying the Iranian government has done it's best, because it isn't and it should have done a lot more,but in last few year,almost all new buildings and structures being built across the country can resist earthquakes.
The worst type of houses in Azerbaijan are Soviet blockes, and they are fairly resistful against 6-7m earthquakes. I don't know why we even feel talk about this, you guys don't know what to write to supposedly save your governments face.

You shoud look at these other points, such tragedies could and should be avoided, instead of pouring money to Hezbollah, Iranian government should look at its own citizens, which is doubtful.

And then there is the total neglance and disrespect of Iranian government after the eartquake, which is a totally different topic.
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Be honest a bit, like the Iranian and Persian who made this.

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إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون

My heart-felt condolences to all my Iranian brothers for this tragic loss of life. I pray that Allah Almighty grants strength and patience to the bereaved. (Ameen)
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