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5 Turkish Weapons of War Russia Should Fear

If the real fire works starts it very disputable, who can hurt who more ....

Azerbeijan is very vulnerable country, due to the small territory, proximity to Iran, and acces to Caspian sea, which is Russia present on

You may think all you like, but if Russia feels going down economically, they go crazy. No NATO, or Azerbeijan with their gas are going to do much good. Since Russia is going to strike everything perceiving as a threat. That goes for Azerbeijan, tukish harbours, NATO bases, everything will end up in flames and destruction
If the real fire works starts it very disputable, who can hurt who more ....

Azerbeijan is very vulnerable country, due to the small territory, proximity to Iran, and acces to Caspian sea, which is Russia present on

You may think all you like, but if Russia feels going down economically, they go crazy. No NATO, or Azerbeijan with their gas are going to do much good. Since Russia is going to strike everything perceiving as a threat. That goes for Azerbeijan, tukish harbours, NATO bases, everything will end up in flames and destruction
Dude, i am from Azerbaijan, and dont talk without knowing anything.. A war in Azerbaijan would be a real sectarian war. That would attract all the Jihadis to fight against Russia. Even Iran is against any war in Baku. after recent Russian Cruise missiles, Iran sent its navy to Baku to support. Also, Todays Azerbaijan will fight until the last minute with any country.. Russia is nothing in a conventional war. Once Turkey sends its Air force to protect air force of Azerbaijan. There is nothing Russia can do in the ground. In Georgia, Russia lost first 3-4 days. only after air power, they advanced...

BTW, is that the Russian cruise missiles you were talking about?

They crashed in Iran recently. Let it arrive safe in Syria first, then try to make a war plan based on those missiles..
Kamil baku, I dont have anything against Azerbejan .....

You seem to give much credit to the rational thinking. Recently , I read a book, of one imperial russian noble. In his memories , he recalls the Europe prior to WWI. He claims, no one wanted to believe, such development is possible, thill things, started to roll out. This time is going to be similar ....

Crashing of russian missile doesnt prove anything, since electronic circuits are prone to failures

So far, Azerbejan conducted pretty fair international policy. But due to the close relations with Turkey, it might get hurt

Russia is not interested in waging a war against Azerbejan, per se. But there are two moments here : Azero Turkey close ties and Azeri energy potential. Russia is very sensible to the later. Do you think Russia strives to send troop and conquer Azerbejan ? NO. If the unfolding of current crysis become violent, Russia might consider removing it energy export competitor, and thats Azerbejan. But only in large scale conflict. And not by sending troops, but by crippling Azerbajans energy infrastructure with the airstrikes
If the real fire works starts it very disputable, who can hurt who more ....

Azerbeijan is very vulnerable country, due to the small territory, proximity to Iran, and acces to Caspian sea, which is Russia present on

You may think all you like, but if Russia feels going down economically, they go crazy. No NATO, or Azerbeijan with their gas are going to do much good. Since Russia is going to strike everything perceiving as a threat. That goes for Azerbeijan, tukish harbours, NATO bases, everything will end up in flames and destruction

Okay.... cut the Call of Duty.....
Kamil baku, I dont have anything against Azerbejan .....

You seem to give much credit to the rational thinking. Recently , I read a book, of one imperial russian noble. In his memories , he recalls the Europe prior to WWI. He claims, no one wanted to believe, such development is possible, thill things, started to roll out. This time is going to be similar ....

Crashing of russian missile doesnt prove anything, since electronic circuits are prone to failures

So far, Azerbejan conducted pretty fair international policy. But due to the close relations with Turkey, it might get hurt

Russia is not interested in waging a war against Azerbejan, per se. But there are two moments here : Azero Turkey close ties and Azeri energy potential. Russia is very sensible to the later. Do you think Russia strives to send troop and conquer Azerbejan ? NO. If the unfolding of current crysis become violent, Russia might consider removing it energy export competitor, and thats Azerbejan. But only in large scale conflict. And not by sending troops, but by crippling Azerbajans energy infrastructure with the airstrikes
I dont think that Russia can do anything against Azerbaijan. Any attack to Azeri land, would make wave of terror in Russia and would really hurt itself. Azerbaijan got strong connection with Cechnya and Dagestan. Can also attack Armenia that would make a big headache for Russia which has no border with Armenia.
However, i believe, what Russia could do is, attack Georgia and get the area that connect the pipelines between Azerbaijan and Turkey. This is more realistic, as none of Turkey and Azerbaijan would risk to go for a war with Russia because of Georgia... I dont really believe current Georgian government. They are pro Russian. But, once Iran also decide to join this pipeline to export gas, Russia wouldnt risk to do it as it might risk its force in Syria.
Can also attack Armenia that would make a big headache for Russia which has no border with Armenia

Yes, it can, but , I think Iran would never let Armenia being anihilated, by the convergent offensives from bot turkish and azeri side, It hardly to belive, Iran would just watch Armenia being crushed. Armenia is iranian long term interest

However, i believe, what Russia could do is, attack Georgia and get the area that connect the pipelines between Azerbaijan and Turkey. This is more realistic, as none of Turkey and Azerbaijan would risk to go for a war with Russia because of Georgia...

Thats not a bad idea, considering georgian military impotency :)

But, once Iran also decide to join this pipeline to export gas, Russia wouldnt risk to do it as it might risk its force in Syria.

I believe there is secret understanding in russo iranian relations, after the beggining of russian intervention in Syria. Iran is probably going to refrain from such moves, such us joining azeri turkish pipeline, at least in the mid term, since ....

Its unfavourable for russian interest

Its a threat for Armenia

Its very vulnerable, for the said reason, and might end in investment funds, thrown through the window
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Russia is really playing with fire. Everybody knows that WWW 3 will start from Near East.

It is not Russia's target to fight IS. Russia bombs for 90 % Syrian Opposition.
But allied Forces bombed from August 2014 on IS targets and killed 23.000 DAES terrorists.
Russia wants only to occupy Syria, hold Esad as puppet leader and build there Russian naval and airbases.

new Russian airbase in Homs


RUSSIA is a criminal bandit state, they violate all rules from WTO and also Geneva Convention; but they will pay !

Phosphor Bombs used in Syria :


You may think all you like, but if Russia feels going down economically, they go crazy. No NATO, or Azerbeijan with their gas are going to do much good.

You have a very short memory. They already collapsed, economically and socially, in 1991. Who did they attack? No one. You can fantasise about attacking Turkey all you want but all it will ever be is a sick fantasy.
Please remember that If Iran attacked the Azerbaijan, NOT only Turkey would come help. Saudi Arabia has just shown power in Yemen. Saudi Arabia would start fight against shiits in Syria and Yemen. There would be opened earlier new fronts. If South Korea started growing crisis, What would Russia do?
sucrifise interests in Far East?
Sir tell me one example after WWII where Russia won against proper militery force like Turkey. Just one example they always launch attacks one small defenceless states.
when did america or turkey attacked a strong nation?humilitated at the end of ww1.commited
Yes, it can, but , I think Iran would never let Armenia being anihilated, by the convergent offensives from bot turkish and azeri side, It hardly to belive, Iran would just watch Armenia being crushed. Armenia is iranian long term interest

Thats not a bad idea, considering georgian military impotency :)

I believe there is secret understanding in russo iranian relations, after the beggining of russian intervention in Syria. Iran is probably going to refrain from such moves, such us joining azeri turkish pipeline, at least in the mid term, since ....

Its unfavourable for russian interest

Its a threat for Armenia

Its very vulnerable, for the said reason, and might end in investment funds, thrown through the window
Actually the main idea is to clean the Northen Syria and create safe are for Iranian and Iraqi gas and petrol transportation. Turkey started to transport 800,000 barrel petrol from Northen Kurdistan to Iskenderum port(In Turkey, to deliver it to the oversea market). In 2 years, Turkey plan to transport Iraqi gas which will be 10 billion cub by 2019. WHat i want to say is, Turkey also understand that it is very important to push Russia back in Syria. Turkey also got S.arabia and Qatar(basically their money and connection to Arabs(fighters there) through religion) by their side. Turkey can continue the fight longer and longer. They also got more fighters in the ground. On the other hand, im not sure if Iran is ready to wait longer(years) to end the Syrian war and to transport their gas to Europe after that. They are in danger after low oil prices. These are all facks. Now lets discuss the situation, based on these facks...

Russia will increase its air force as much as they can in a short time to be able to turn the war. But, Turkey might start to do the safe zone in Syria with the USA. That would change the game and Russia will not be able to influence Arabs by bombing cities. Now they will ned to find each group and try to bomb them. In the ground, it is also well known that Asad forces cant fight well against Tow equipped rebels.

It would also be interesting to see your points. Let keep the forum a place for a smart discussion and all of us enjoy of it!
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