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5 tonnes of ammonium nitrate seized at Kerala-Tamil Nadu border

Is it a banned material in the Tamil land

No,its used to be considered as a fertilizer,Only a few years ago Govt classified it as an explosive.They are used for both purposes,Although now the use have been regulated.

The consignment was entering Tamil Nadu from Kerala and not going into Kerala.

Wrong,read the news again.

That is a very valid concern considering the proliferation of radical ****** groups in the central & North Kerala region but it seems so many people are still in denial.

Yes,they are valid.Thanks to the Gulf migration.Kerala does have radical Islamist groups.Its part a global trend.

It came into existence for the old,walled areas in cities like Hyderabad, Amdavad, certain areas in Mumbai where the people usually celebrate the cricket victory of Pakistan over India. Dont know if that practise is still in vogue.

I don't reckon such practices are now in common as it was in the past.
The consignment was meant to deliver in Palakkad,especially illegal ones that too in plenty.And procurement of dynamite is highly regulated.Illegal quarry owners usually use ammonium nitrate.I know this from direct experience.

I hope you know that Walayar checkpost is in Tamil Nadu on the border and Palakkad on the other side..the truck was coming into TN from Kerala..Immediately after Walayar its Navakkarai, KG chavady, ettimadai and then madukkarai.

Plus the quarries use dynamite as i said and not ammonium nitrate which itself is not a ready made explosive but rather needs some prep.

This consignment either for some fertilizer purpose (which I doubt) as most farmers here use urea and other stuff and not NH4NO3. So my doubt would be this was meant for some other purpose.

EDIT : I saw the police saying he was taking the consignment to a person in Palakkad..but it begs the question then why was he entering Walayar then ? :confused: Something is wrong somewhere.
I hope you know that Walayar checkpost is in Tamil Nadu on the border and Palakkad on the other side..the truck was coming into TN from Kerala..Immediately after Walayar its Navakkarai, KG chavady, ettimadai and then madukkarai.

This consignment either for some fertilizer purpose (which I doubt) as most farmers here use urea and other stuff and not NH4NO3. So my doubt would be this was meant for some other purpose.

You don't know much about farming do you,Ammonium nitrate's advantage over urea is that it is more stable and does not lose nitrogen to the atmosphere. It can also be used in During warm weather, urea should only be applied before imminent rain in order to minimize nitrogen loss.It was an obvious choice for farmers in the past,Only recently it became so notorious for its use in IEDs.

Plus the quarries use dynamite as i said and not ammonium nitrate which itself is not a ready made explosive but rather needs some prep.

They are widely used in very large scale mining.Smaller players cannot afford them.They also have stringent license regulation.So illegal miners can't get their hands around them.

EDIT : I saw the police saying he was taking the consignment to a person in Palakkad..but it begs the question then why was he entering Walayar then ? :confused: Something is wrong somewhere.

What are you trying to imply,Walayar makes perfect sense.It is in Palakkadu.Its notorious for wide spread corruption and smuggling.Walayar is the most preferred check post for interstate smuggling.Most of the illegal liquor in Kerala comes through Walayar.
You don't know much about farming do you,...

Maybe, but I know about the fertilisers used in my region. Which is not Ammonium nitrate.

They are widely used in very large scale mining.Smaller players cannot afford them.They also have stringent license regulation.So illegal miners can't get their hands around them.

Again it is not used in this area. In our areas its usually dynamite that is used.

What are you trying to imply,Walayar makes perfect sense.It is in Palakkadu.Its notorious for wide spread corruption and smuggling.Walayar is the most preferred check post for interstate smuggling.Most of the illegal liquor in Kerala comes through Walayar.

Its not in Palakkadu. Its in Tamil Nadu. Palakkadu ends at Walayar.

Dude I dont know if you have been here, but my college is 10 kms from the Walayar checkpost and I know what I am talking. If the consignment was meant for someone in Palakkad, then there is no point in coming to Walayar considering that the consignment was from Kerala itself.
Maybe, but I know about the fertilisers used in my region. Which is not Ammonium nitrate.

Different region,different practices.For different crops different NPK values fertilizers are necessary.So they use different nitrate which suites their crops and also according to economics.Although now a days nitrates used are mostly Urea and NPK complex fertilizers.

Again it is not used in this area. In our areas its usually dynamite that is used.

That is also common.

Its not in Palakkadu. Its in Tamil Nadu. Palakkadu ends at Walayar.

Dude I dont know if you have been here, but my college is 10 kms from the Walayar checkpost and I know what I am talking. If the consignment was meant for someone in Palakkad, then there is no point in coming to Walayar considering that the consignment was from Kerala itself.

I don't know what you are talking about??Both Kerala and TN operate RTO check post in Walayar.The consignment must have came from TN and got captured in Kerala side.That's the only explanation since the arrest was made by Kerala police and intended destination of the consignment was Palakkad.
I don't know what you are talking about??Both Kerala and TN operate RTO check post in Walayar.The consignment must have came from TN and got captured in Kerala side.That's the only explanation since the arrest was made by Kerala police and intended destination of the consignment was Palakkad.

The consignment was coming from Olapathy in Kerala. That is in the OP.

That plus considering the fact that we dont normally use NH4NO3 for fertilizer or for quarry makes this a highly suspicious arrest. I hope the police get to the bottom of this. But then again, considering that it happened on the Kerala side, I dont have much hope.
Atlast a voice of fact and not denial.

I studied in Amrita and have contact with plenty of friends from all all parts of Kerala. And one thing they all agree is Hindus or even non-Muslims dont find living in Malappuram that easy.

Kerala is sitting on a dormant volcano getting which may explode any time. And being from a border district we people would be among the first to feel the blow back.

Mate, we should know there are enemies inside this country.. The earlier we wake up, its the better.. We cannot blame other countires for all the mess. Hydrabad blasts shown us that there are some who indulge in anti national activities..

@Azazel, yaar there were allegations that the explosives used in the querries were sold to terrorsists and other factions to earn extra money.. They are willing to pay a lot of money to the querry owners for these kind of explosives..
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Mate, we should know there are enemies inside this country.. The earlier we wake up, its the better.. We cannot blame other countires for all the mess. Hydrabad blasts shown us that there are some who indulge in anti national activities..

True..this country throughout its history has always had the infamy of being affected by internal divisions more than by outsiders and we seem to have not learned a single thing from it.
The consignment was coming from Olapathy in Kerala. That is in the OP.

That plus considering the fact that we dont normally use NH4NO3 for fertilizer or for quarry makes this a highly suspicious arrest. I hope the police get to the bottom of this. But then again, considering that it happened on the Kerala side, I dont have much hope.

I too have the same feeling.. Since the current goverment is hanging by a thread, they need to appease every one.. vote bank politics is destroying this country :hitwall:
I too have the same feeling.. Since the current goverment is hanging by a thread, they need to appease every one.. vote bank politics is destroying this country :hitwall:

Vote bank politics exist because 'certain communities' vote along religious lines .....vote bank politics only exploit the existing fault-lines.......its an convenient excuse to blame the politicians to hide faults in communities.

Unless minority communities really learn to respect Dharmic religions and have the courage to have faith in the brotherhood of other Indian this will continue.
Vote bank politics exist because 'certain communities' vote along religious lines .....vote bank politics only exploit the existing fault-lines.......its an convenient excuse to blame the politicians to hide faults in communities.

Unless minority communities really learn to respect Dharmic religions and have the courage to have faith in the brotherhood of other Indian this will continue.

No the fault is not with them. Every one votes for the person who they think would look after their interests. If certain communities vote for Congress its because they think congress would look after their interests. If you feel some other party is better for you, you should vote for that. Ultimately it all boils down to that. Who you think would look after you. Nothing else. If Hindus think they are being short-changed by the congress, then they should not vote for it. Its rather silly that they would not do that,, but would whine at other communities that actually make good use of their vote.
No the fault is not with them. Every one votes for the person who they think would look after their interests. If certain communities vote for Congress its because they think congress would look after their interests. If you feel some other party is better for you, you should vote for that. Ultimately it all boils down to that. Who you think would look after you.

Let me correct you ...you said "Every one votes for the person who they think would look after their interests" ....that should read "Every one votes for the person who they FEEL would look after their interests".

Certain communities vote for congress because they feel congress would take care of their 'Special Interest' ...that is vote bank politics. 'Special Interests' that would give them an edge over other communities.

...and yes...I would place the blame on the community and particularly on the community leaders.....who surprisingly also tend to be their religious leaders (..so much for seperation of religion and state)

Nothing else. If Hindus think they are being short-changed by the congress, then they should no vote for it. Its rather silly that they would not do that,, but would whine at other communities that actually make good use of their vote.

That kind of thinking is dangerous ...that is what gives rise to Bajrang dal, VHP, Shiv Sena ...etc.

What you are suggesting is the polarization of hindu votes to counter such 'special interests' ......this will eventual end up in a hindu pakistan.

Be careful what you wish for....
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