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5 Pakistani casualties on LoC recently, India always one step ahead of Pak: Army commander Kashmir

Well, for a year post the surgical strikes pa and IA were engaged in continuous cfvs, over what you lot claim were just lies.

CFV are happening for past many years. BJP did a whole campaign on them to get votes fooling gullible Indian public. So nope CFV were not due to that drama
So what if the proof was provided at a later date, that does not automatically mean its false, and thinking so is just conjecture on your part.

providing "proof" after a year was an act of desperation since Pakistan was relentlessly firing at LOC and WB and people had started to question not only the result of those strikes but actual existence of the strikes themselves.

You are confusing India with Pakistan.

Nope. We are talking about a wanna be bully who fails again and again miserably at bullying

IA does not need to hold any sway among the Indian populace which is why they can freely tell how many casualties they have had unlike PA hides its casualties.


And likewise, just like how we can believe the IA COAS when he says pakistani snipers are hurting Indian soldiers, we can also believe him when he says the surgical strikes happened.

You can believe in unicorns too. Just don't discuss them with us
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CFV are happening for past many years.

Really? And how many times have escalatory CFVs happened continuously every week non stop for +1 year with both the sides not relenting?
What was the need for this overt response from PA; such a long @$$ period of cfvs? Based on what, just some rhetoric, lies according to you lot? IA kills and then announces that pakistani troops are killed all the time, we dont see such over the top response all the time so, what was so different this time?

BJP did a whole campaign on them to get votes fooling gullible Indian public. So nope CFV were not due to that drama

Nonsense, again you are fooling yourselves if you think cfvs are for politics, those things don't work for us Indians. Look at how BJP lost the recent Assembly elections despite the continuous political rhetoric and successful IA ops in Kashmir and advertisement of the said ops.
Unlike pakistan, our PMs and Army COASs don't fall because of how much of a failure their military campaigns were.

providing "proof" after a year was an act of desperation since Pakistan was relentlessly firing at LOC and WB and people had started to question not only the result of those strikes but actual existence of the strikes themselves.

Nope, the proof was provided to shut up the leftists IN INDIA.
Pakistan already got amply punished by IA and then some.

It is funny how pakistanis still think a numerically superior force, armed far more extensively, will somehow lose encounters against the numerically inferior force.
I guess the 1 pakistani = 10 hindoo soldiers mentality is yet to be abandoned.

Nope. We are talking about a wanna be bully who fails again and again miserably at bullying

Oh so pakistan.
Got it.

I understand you would like to think so but look at it objectively.
Our Army doesn't get to interfere with the civilian governance like in pakistan which is why there has been ZERO military coups in India, unlike pakistan which goes through coups like kababs.

You can believe in unicorns too. Just don't discuss them with us

Oh so you don't believe that PA has good snipers, or that they were of any use in the LOC?
After all, the despicable Bipin Rawat said the thing about pakistani snipers, so it must be untrue, right?
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Really? And how many times have escalatory CFVs happened continuously every week non stop for +1 year with both the sides not relenting?
What was the need for this overt response from PA, such a long @$$ period of cfvs? Base on what, just some rhetoric? IA kills and then announces that pakistani troops are killed all the time, what was so different this time?

Nonsense, again you are fooling yourselves if you think cfvs are for politics, those things don't work for us Indians. Look at how BJP lost the recent Assembly elections despite the continuous political rhetoric and successful IA ops in Kashmir and advertisement of the said ops.
Unlike pakistan, our PMs and Army COASs don't fall because of how much of a failure their military campaigns were.

Nope, the proof was provided to shut up the leftists IN INDIA.
Pakistan already got amply punished by IA and then some.

It is funny how pakistanis still think a numerically superior force, armed far more extensively, will somehow lose encounters against the numerically inferior force.
I guess the 1 pakistani = 10 hindoo soldiers mentality is yet to be abandoned.

Oh so pakistan.
Got it.

I understand you would like to think so but look at it objectively.
Our Army doesn't get to interfere with the civilian governance like in pakistan which is why there has been ZERO military coups in India, unlike pakistan which goes through coups like kababs.

Oh so you don't believe that PA has good snipers, or that they were of any use in the LOC?
After all, the despicable Bipin Rawat said the thing about pakistani snipers, so it must be untrue, right?

Give it up dude, it's getting pathetic. We kicked the $hit out of the indian army, OK sonny.
lol watch the video again if thats the visibility at 4am then we are living on another planet .

4am? What are you even looking at? The time stamps are clearly provided.

Nigh everyone of the targets were hit at 6:15-6:20 only the 4th target shows what looks to be mortar shelling shown on an IR camera. How can you even guage morning light on IR?

Give it up dude, it's getting pathetic. We kicked the $hit out of the indian army, OK sonny.

I understand you would like to think so and in all defiance of common sense too but then again, pakistan always claims to "win" during peacetime while simultaneously lying and hiding its failures.

Number of martyred troops can’t be disclosed, Senate told
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One obscure unproven statistic by Indian army and Indians are jumping up and down like monkeys.

Sir jikk al istrike nonsense never ends.
If Indians are firing, one can never be sure if Pakistani causalities are soldiers or civilians, women or kids.
If Indians are firing, one can never be sure if Pakistani causalities are soldiers or civilians, women or kids.

If it is Eid or Ramazan, they are aiming at Pakistani soldiers.

If it is not, most likely aimed at civilians, commonly children.
Yes, undeniable proof that the so called surgical strikes were carried out in the land of the midnight Sun. !!!
Last time it was claimed that the strikes took place after mid-night.
Now what do the pictures you posted show.


Actual strikes took place in the night, the recon missions on the targets(a few days earlier was in the day time).
4am? What are you even looking at? The time stamps are clearly provided.

Nigh everyone of the targets were hit at 6:15-6:20 only the 4th target shows what looks to be mortar shelling shown on an IR camera. How can you even guage morning light on IR?

I understand you would like to think so and in all defiance of common sense too but then again, pakistan always claims to "win" during peacetime while simultaneously lying and hiding its failures.

Number of martyred troops can’t be disclosed, Senate told

Keep crying.
Really? And how many times have escalatory CFVs happened continuously every week non stop for +1 year with both the sides not relenting?

Happening since Congress government

What was the need for this overt response from PA; such a long @$$ period of cfvs?

Happening for many years. All Indian acts of aggression are getting appropriately responded

IA kills and then announces that pakistani troops are killed all the time, we dont see such over the top response all the time so, what was so different this time?

To prove your drama you are now inventing things which don't exist. LOC has seen such kind of aggression since many years.

Nonsense, again you are fooling yourselves if you think cfvs are for politics, those things don't work for us Indians. Look at how BJP lost the recent Assembly elections despite the continuous political rhetoric and successful IA ops in Kashmir and advertisement of the said ops.

Well as they you can fool some people sometimes. But not all people all the times.

The thing is that CFV and LOC were used by BJP to fool Indians who actually believed that BJP would bring 10 Pakistani heads for 1 Indian head

Still BJP has very good chance of winning next elections

Unlike pakistan, our PMs and Army COASs don't fall because of how much of a failure their military campaigns were.


Nope, the proof was provided to shut up the leftists IN INDIA.

So you need a whole year to shut up leftists. Okay :lol:

Pakistan already got amply punished by IA and then some.

Yeah we can see that with record Indian deaths in cross border firing

It is funny how pakistanis still think a numerically superior force, armed far more extensively, will somehow lose encounters against the numerically inferior force.

So after all the beating you got it is up to guess work to make you feel good that you are punishing the enemy

I guess the 1 pakistani = 10 hindoo soldiers mentality is yet to be abandoned.

We don't have that mentality. We just kill. And watch enemy whine and do guess work

Oh so pakistan.
Got it.

So you think Pakistan tries to bully supa puwa India


I understand you would like to think so but look at it objectively.
Our Army doesn't get to interfere with the civilian governance like in pakistan which is why there has been ZERO military coups in India, unlike pakistan which goes through coups like kababs.

The last military coup happened 20 years ago. Move on and stop living in the past

Oh so you don't believe that PA has good snipers, or that they were of any use in the LOC?
After all, the despicable Bipin Rawat said the thing about pakistani snipers, so it must be untrue, right?

I said you are free to believe whatever you want to

Just don't beg to us like you are doing right now to believe in what you believe.

Actual strikes took place in the night, the recon missions on the targets(a few days earlier was in the day time).

Excuses :lol:

Army recording fake exercises as evidence for Azad Kashmir surgical strikes: J&K MLA Sheikh Abdul Rashid

Oh yes.
In an active border populated by two very large armies when one side fires and happens to kill soldiers from the other side, the later neeeeever retalites and only former ever gets any kills.
Makes so much sense.

Pakistanis - "After all we can lap it up when the Indian military says pakistani snipers are effective but we won't believe them when they say that they are killing us in droves. Not confirmation bias at all".

They did give proof, lol.

I don't see no helicopters neither do I see any soldiers one thing I see is uav vision which is a bit confusing since we do not even let your toy uavs inside of our territory how the phen da pudda tuwadi tha did you guys manage to sneak in a fucking big *** uav.
I don't see no helicopters neither do I see any soldiers one thing I see is uav vision which is a bit confusing since we do not even let your toy uavs inside of our territory how the phen da pudda tuwadi tha did you guys manage to sneak in a fucking big *** uav.
In 2017 we sent quadcopters/UAVs across LoC more than 66 times as per Pakistanis themselves (real figure was in 100s). Only 3 were lost which means we have a success rate of 96%.

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