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5 Most Powerful Muslim Countries

Hello everybody. I came across to this discussion while I was searching something else about Pakistani army and registered in order to comment on just this topic.

I personally do not care about if Turkey or Pakistan or any other muslim country is the most powerful muslim country in the world. As long as Muslim countries get stronger and more democratised, I am willing to accept Turkey's to be out ouf top five or even top ten. Because if Turkey is out of top five or top ten with this power it has now, it means that other muslim countries are much stronger and constitute much wieght in space-time. I will not be uncomfortable if Pakistan or any other muslim country is more powerful than Turkey. Because I strongly believe that what we have Pakistan has, what Pakistan has we have.

Turkey is a muslim country which has a secular constitution, by the way.

I would like to tell everybody another thing which might be off-topic to this dicussion. Pakistan has a special place in Turks' hearts. In Turkey, there are three significant political groups: Kemalists who gathered arround CHP (Republican Public Party), Nationalists who gathered arround MHP (Nationalist Movement Party) and conservative religionists who gathered arround AKP (Justice and Development Party). And they are rarely united on their ideas. There are some exceptions to this. One of the exception is Pakistan. All parties and NGOs agree on the support that needs to be given Pakistan when necessary. I sincerely hope that Pakistan will get much and much powerful in the next years.
India has 2nd most Muslims in word, why you didn't included India in your List ....when you can include Turkey which a secular state...you should edit and Put our Neighbor's name too....

But then India will be Rank 1...isn't it ...???
India Can't be ranked as a Muslim country , no doubt they are very large in no in india but they got not that power and capability, In Indian Governing body they have not much separate Impact in the Muslim World
GDP is a bad indicator of the wealth of the nation because most of time it is subject to the nation's population. Indonesia might have a 1 trillion+ economy but most of it's citizens are poor as heck.

same with India
The size of the economy is related to the population of the country as well, not just the GDP per capita.

GDP per capita * population = GDP

This is excatly why I like to call you dumbass!!!!!!! The formula for GDP is:

GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government spending + (exports − imports)

And anyways, the GDP per capita also does not demonstrate how equally (or unequally) the wealth is spread. The income inequality is determined by the GINI index. Even though Pakistan's GDP per capita is almost equal to India, Pakistan does much better than India on the GINI index.

I love your socialist Indicators, Well wake up and smell the coffee kiddo,,, the world does not excatly work on these Indicators, be more realistic and read further.. and also take your friend RaptorRX707 on your further education endeavor also.....

This is excatly why I like to call you dumbass!!!!!!! The formula for GDP is:

GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government spending + (exports − imports)

I love your socialist Indicators, Well wake up and smell the coffee kiddo,,, the world does not excatly work on these Indicators, be more realistic and read further..


Do you know what GDP per capita even means?
The size of the economy is related to the population of the country as well, not just the GDP per capita.

GDP per capita * population = GDP

And anyways, the GDP per capita also does not demonstrate how equally (or unequally) the wealth is spread. The income inequality is determined by the GINI index. Even though Pakistan's GDP per capita is almost equal to India, Pakistan does much better than India on the GINI index.

pakistan gdp per capita is much lower than india now and we dont have the latest GINI figures. The figures we have are from 2004 . That is very old .Plus pakistan has more poverty than india today and it is increasing .check the latest world bank reports .post kar kar ke thak gaya .
But India is'nt a Muslim country, & numerous Muslims have been killed in India, Turkey is a Muslim country with 85-97%(different sources) Muslims & both President & Prime Minister Muslims too.

BTW dude, changing of flags does'nt make you Pakistani.
So according to ur standards Pakistan also should not be at that list because erveryday Muslims are being killed like insects in Pakistan.! India almost got a membership in the organisation of Muslim countries. All other nations, except Pakistan agreed to India's membership. Pakistan also thretened to dismember itself if India is allowed membership. India has always been invited as a guest in OIC meets.
pakistan gdp per capita is much lower than india now and we dont have the latest GINI figures. The figures we have are from 2004 . That is very old .Plus pakistan has more poverty than india today and it is increasing .check the latest world bank reports .post kar kar ke thak gaya .

What is much lower? India has more poverty than Pakistan today (recent figures from 2011):




The MPI is a UNDP study btw.
A person should not compare himself to a person who is not as powerful as him instead compare himself with the person who is more powerful than him.

When will we stop saying that we are powerful and we are training the army of the Muslim countries.

Okay, it may be true to some extent that we may be training armies of some Muslim countries but what are we at home?

We cannot even protect the civilians at home.

We cannot even fight for the rights of poor Pakistanis overseas who work form day till night.

If our military is so capable why not the police and other security services in Pakistan learn some discipline from them? We export our military expertise (that is what we read in Pakistani forums) to other countries, but where is that expertise when form Pakistan?

If we are so great why are Pakistanis killed daily.

When will we stop dreaming that we are the top Muslim country and start to face the bitter hard facts on the ground and start rectifying them and show the world that we are something? When will that happen and others will give positive statements for our country without us telling that we are a strong Muslim country.

Even if we are no. 10 in the top 10 most powerful Muslim country, where is the Islam in Pakistan?
Salam Alaykum,

Well muslim brothers, i think this info will help : search on google : globalfirepower
All paper champs , a guy with shoe in hand who throws it at Bush is more powerful then all paper champs
Because he who throws the shoe knows what a joy he feels against expressing his desire freely with out any restriction.

Paper champs are paper champs
we are not in any race 56 Muslims are powerful and we are last as 57th stronger muslim nation .and we are happy in this place .:cheers:
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