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5 lakh for Muslim, 2 lakh for Christian family to switch to Hinduism: Dharm Jagran Manch details cos

There are plenty of hindutvas on pdf, I will wait for them to answer me. If you do not know you can just say as such and move on instead of wasting bandwidth.
So you assume "hindutvaadis" will know everything about every organization:rolleyes1:
What you will get are guesses. Better to ask the org. Just pose as someone who wants to convert, send them an email and get details.
Pictures of our Original Constitution of INDIA ,




Looks like or Founding fathers were the Original Hindutvadi.

This word "Secularism" was added in 1975, into indian Constitution by Indira Gandhi, under Emergency rule. During emergency, parliament was dismissed and whole power remained in two hands - PM(Indira) and President(Fakhruddin). Before inserting such Constitutional amendment, you need parliement debate and voting. She took neither of it & ordered Fakhruddin to sign an unilateral ordinance(a single person VETO).

This is why none of her opponent parties has accepted this claim of "secular india", which remains a farce. For those who are wondering what indian Constitution was originally in 1947, they should see this pic(photos of Ram,Sita & Laxman on 1st edition of indian Constitution.)

In Samvidhan Sabha debate, B.R.Ambedkar said - "Secularism has no relevance for India. It was invented for European religions. I refuse to insert this word in Constitution as its fit in our indian context & philosophies".

(read Supreme Court's decision on "Constitution" in 1994. It said - "Hindutva(same as Hinduness/core-principles) is nectar of indian Constitution").

Quoting from posts of
@JaiShriAllahNath and Manvan.

Good post ,but a small correction forty second amendment was enacted on 1976 ....."Provides for curtailment of fundamental rights, imposes fundamental duties and changes to the basic structure of the constitution by making India a "Socialist Secular" Republic"
So you assume "hindutvaadis" will know everything about every organization:rolleyes1:
What you will get are guesses. Better to ask the org. Just pose as someone who wants to convert, send them an email and get details.

I am not that interested, anyway I think @seiko got a good point.
isn't it great, people are now realising, and are reverting back to their original dharmic faith.

Yes and more over we are not asking Arabs to revert. We are just asking Hindu-Muslim and Hindu-Christians to revert to Hinduism...

I don't think any Arab should have issue with it..
@seiko :sarcastic:

Yaaaar @SarthakGanguly yeh mereiii Christian Bhaiyoon keh saaath nainsaaafiii ! :mad:

Give Seiko a better deal ! :coffee:

Aur agar koi referral ka commission miltaa haiii tou can I get some of it ! :azn:

Its not deal, Its money spent for saving Hindus... Since we don't have Church (which fund trillion of dollar for Erasing other religion) and we don't have Oil rich Arabs (Who fund anihilation of other religion). we are asking society to fund us, so that we can save our identity...

Or Islam and christianity will annihilate us like Parsis/Jews/Yajidi and many other dharmic ppl.
Worried? Not at all, but the question still stands why are Muslims payed more than Christians?

They are pempered by everyone in India. That is why. J/K :enjoy:

@seiko :sarcastic:

Yaaaar @SarthakGanguly yeh mereiii Christian Bhaiyoon keh saaath nainsaaafiii ! :mad:

Give Seiko a better deal ! :coffee:

Aur agar koi referral ka commission miltaa haiii tou can I get some of it ! :azn:

You accept that you are Indian. We'll give Seiko two times more than what is being Paid to Muslims.:azn: :cheesy: :cheers: :partay: :enjoy:
They are pempered by everyone in India. That is why. J/K :enjoy:
you accept that you are Indian. We'll give Seiko two times more than what is being Paid to Muslims.:azn: :cheesy: :cheers: :partay: :enjoy:

@seiko you may be my Brother but I can't make such a sacrifice even for you ! :(

So you're gonna have to accept the lesser amount I'm afraid ! :cry:
The rates are going to increase towards month, there are some attractive offers for achieving the targets.

There is also a chance of relooking the offer next financial year, let us wait for union budget, the economy and market is going to get a boost for sure.

It will be interesting to see how competition responds to this offer
@seiko you may be my Brother but I can't make such a sacrifice even for you ! :(

So you're gonna have to accept the lesser amount I'm afraid ! :cry:

Don't cry. Another offer for you, as you were asking for Commission. We'll pay you the same amount to you for accepting the Truth, which we are going to Pay Seiko? Hun Das:toast_sign::haha:
People never seems to understand it.. They think everything is fine.. I told them that this was the beginning of the problems happening in Pakistan also.. But they think we will somehow remain a peaceful country!!
Why mate,just because a Fringe Hindu Organization lured away a couple of hundred poor muslims and re-converted them it suddenly becomes a national security issue!But the same thing is going on for the last 3 decades in Southern and in Central India where Missionaries and Islamists have converted millions of poor Hindus by luring them in the same way.So why didn't all these "Secular" parties protested at that time!I tell you the reason behind this,as long as people convert poor gullible Hindus it is to be considered as freedom of religion because Hindus are treated like dirt in their own country where they are more than 80% of the population but when a Hindu organization does the same then all hell breaks loose!!People like that bast@rd Zakir Naik is openly brain washing gullible Hindus and converting them in front of the t.v. but no securalist would speak against him as it will be against the "Secular Fabric" of this nation to condemn people like Zakir Naik...:coffee:
Or you could just convert back and forth. Pretty soon you'd have enough to retire on :enjoy:
And then get killed by some righteous folks for making a mockery of their faith/s? :D

So you are saying India is trying to catch up to Pakistan's bad examples?

I would like to know who is handing out 50k for converting to Islam. Preferably with some sort of evidence and not an anecdote from your Nepali uncle in Maharashtra.
Let me contact my Nepali uncle in Maharashtra. :partay:
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