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5 Indian Army officers Including Col & Major killed in operation against Freedom Fighters

Thanks, Doctor Sahib. But, on a serious note, I have always been interested in, at least, the cultural landscape of India. I have been listening to Lata, Aasha and other Indian singers, from childhood. For example, I can tell you that Raga Bhairvi and Pahaarhi were maximum used, in film music, by the duo of Shankar-Jaikishan and Khayyam, respectively.

I know paajee.

You're old school.

Few dadoos left on both sides.
I'm serious.

Younger generation does not have the tehzeeb.

Recently I told a guy I have a son his age.

Yet for days (online) he keeps calling me dude ...

Yes. Changes in customs and norms occur with time and that is inadvertent. I have also been called "dude" and "buddy", by some very young posters. In fact, I only came to know of this word, on PDF.:-)
First of all martryed is not a Arabic word...it is an English one...so martryed is not unique to Arabs.

How many will you kill....we are 1.32 billion people.
Only those who hate Islam, Muslims, Pakistanis and Pakistan Armed Forces.
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All those who hate Islam, Muslims, Pakistanis and Pakistan Armed Forces.
That would be roughly much of the Non Muslim population of the world!

Dawaah is the solution. Not genocide.
Try it... we will straight away blame Pakistan for this attack, even if done by local Kashmiris. Will give India optimum reasons to start retaliatory actions against Pakistan. India has long back defined the red lines since 2009, you hit mainland India, be ready for a retaliation in Pakistan. So far US has mediated between India-Pakistan, so that it doesn't hamper US ops in Afghanistan, now that cover has gone for Pakistan. Owing to retaliations from India, Pakistan will be forced to escalate the war. Now you are a better judge of your own situation, if you can/want to escalate.
Please do not forget February, 2019.
If you come from sea, you will loose your Aircraft Carrier and nuke subs.
If come form land you will loose your Arjuns and T-90s.
If come from air you will loose your Rafael and Su-30s.
And if you ever dare to even think of using nuke than do remember the "night of terror". (If you do not know then ask Modi and your generals).
So realize before you write your lame wishes.
Remember we will not escalate war, we will completely take over you "pieces of junkies'.
India will be wiped out from the world map after the end of this war.
Please do not forget February, 2019.
If you come from sea, you will loose your Aircraft Carrier and nuke subs.
If come form land you will loose your Arjuns and T-90s.
If come from air you will loose your Rafael and Su-30s.
And if you ever dare to even think of using nuke than do remember the "night of terror". (If you do not know then ask Modi and your generals).
So realize before you write your lame wishes.
Remember we will not escalate war, we will completely take over you "pieces of junkies'.
India will be wiped out from the world map after the end of this war.
Lol... That's all your reply deserves ...

PDF these days... For over excited kids only...
RIP brave hearts......your ultimate sacrifice for your motherland wont be forgotten, revenge is on the way, more terrorists swines will be killed soon.
They are not terrorist swines, they are brave local Kashmiri people standing against the oppression of Indian Government and the Indian Armed Forces. They are the freedom fighters.
The so called "Brave Hearts" killed were the tools of this oppression.
This is only beginning, more will come.
It does not matter, how many brave Kashmiris lay down their lives, after all they are the true shaheeds fighting for their nations freedom.
Though their loss will be felt by their families, friends and colleagues but these losses will not be wasted, instead will become stepping stones for freedom of Kashmir from clutches of evil oppressors.
All Mujaheddin were from Occupied Kashmir.
Tab o Tab e jvidana.png

They do. Neutral global parties recognizing and sanctioning Pakistani organizations and individuals is the validation of Indian claims and evidence. On the other hand, Pakistani claims are just that - claims.

I am not ignoring Sri Lanka and Maldives. Indian intervention in both was at the invitation of the Governments of these countries. It was unfortunate that though the terrorist organization LTTE used India as a springboard, the Govt of India sent troops to fight them. On the other hand, Pakistani jihad in Afghanistan is actual terrorism.

Secondly, I don't think you can get away by brushing terrorism under the category of armed conflict. Op. Gibraltar was specifically meant to foment terrorism. The 1948 use of lashkars was before any declaration of war or a war between two designated militaries. Pakistan used non-state actors which is an euphemism for terrorists.

India has only responded using Pakistan's favourite playbook. India just executes the strategies better.

At the end of the day, India understands that Pakistan military is incapable of waging and winning war. Therefore, we accept that Pakistan will continue its use and dependence on terrorism. However, Pakistani actions have limited effect as can be evidenced by the removal of A370 and with the official opening of other Indian citizens to become legal residents of Kashmir. Change is afoot.
Oh i got it, Thanks for clearing everything. Now its clear. Everything India does or did or will do is always legal, anything Pakistan does or did or will do is illegal, terrorism.
Oh i got it, Thanks for clearing everything. Now its clear. Everything India does or did or will do is always legal, anything Pakistan does or did or will do is illegal, terrorism.

Bharat Mata mahaan hae; paap nahin ker sakti.:lol::lol::lol:

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