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5 Indian Army officers Including Col & Major killed in operation against Freedom Fighters

It is not only Hindu radicals. The world at large is responsible for this arrogant Indian behavior. Specifically the US. During the Obama regime the Indians got special and preferential treatment to become a counterweight to China. Preferential treatment came in the shape of US tech jobs, advanced military equipment, nuke deal, trade deals, aid etc. Indians have been high since then believing they are special. They are not. They are being used as pawns and they know it. Acting as a counterweight to China is next to impossible. The Americans have been brainwashing the Indians and presenting them to the world as the next best thing after sliced bread.

Its the economy stupid.Our numbers keep rising,yours is stagnant.You complain why people dont treat you and us equally,thats why.Hindu muslim is a desi affair in this context,nothing to do with global influence.

They are given compensation by the government to rebuild if not found to be OGW.Its a necessary step to prevent close quarter house fighting and consequent casualities like this case.
Its the economy stupid.Our numbers keep rising,yours is stagnant.You complain why people dont treat you and us equally,thats why.Hindu muslim is a desi affair in this context,nothing to do with global influence.

LOL In your simple mind it would be. We know how to balance things and maintain a credible minimum detterence. We have enough to take you out and some more. Your economy which is already in tatters, would amount to smoke and fume. We thank you for electing Modi. You could have been in a much better position economically, but Modi made sure you are not.

LOL Hindu Muslim is desi affair. Hindu Muslim caused partition. It doesn't get more international than that.
You will teach fear to those who climbed the tallest mountain peaks under gunfire and shelling?You will teach them fear of death?To dishonour their paltan will be a fate far worse than death for them.
The officer put himself in danger to protect civilians,and paid for it.Sometimes no good deed goes unpunished.Human shield was used against stone pelters,and also a one off incident.
Rape cases were there in early 90s,not since then.Pakistan army's conduct in baluchistan..best not elaborate.
Lol your Col was only went there to take some selfies and make photos.... To add it in his CV for his promotion to brigadier and even higher ranks in the future.... ALAS he didn't know that the photos will be made but not victory but his of his dead body....Exorcism type thing should also be done there as his soul is still wondering in the Forest of Kashmir....it might haunt people there....:D
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All I see in post is beggar beggar beggar, why do you forget that you top that list too. As for being a security state we are happy with whatever you think we are. Doesn't change the fact that you will continue to pick bodies of your force till India and RSS terrorist Modi learns to behave in a civilised manner, lift curfew from Kashmir, stop killing innocent Kashmiris, stop raping women and stop blinding little children with pellet guns.
And as for Pm Khan driving, lol. Let me give you a clue go search on who drove PM Khan when he was in Saudi Arabia.

Its helpfulness and nothing else

You need to understand the mindset of @kongn and other Indians. Their egos are bruised and they feel helpless. They were told that India would absolutely steamroll Pakistan, and set terms on its own. Now they realize, that is not Pakistan and Pakistan's defences are strong enough to withstand any assault from India.

Then they react out by calling Pakistan a beggar state with the irony that their own country is the biggest receiver of foreign aid. They talk about a growing Indian economy, sure it is but its not like Pakistan's economy is contracting. Every time you hear them that we will isolate Pakistan and make into a pariah like North Korea. Then they realize, that's not possible and get angry and lash out.

You need to understand the mindset and mass psychology of the people you're dealing with. Their is utter shame that a country 7X smaller then them can look them in the eye and slap them in the face. In addition, there is also the shame that Western Military Professionals don't regard Indian Armed Forces as high due to their inability in dealing with Pakistan considering the difference in the military budgets.
You will teach fear to those who climbed the tallest mountain peaks under gunfire and shelling?You will teach them fear of death?To dishonour their paltan will be a fate far worse than death for them.
The officer put himself in danger to protect civilians,and paid for it.Sometimes no good deed goes unpunished.Human shield was used against stone pelters,and also a one off incident.
Rape cases were there in early 90s,not since then.Pakistan army's conduct in baluchistan..best not elaborate.
ha ha, other than heavily drunk (on purpose supplied with free liquor to forget fear ) Sikhs (poor chaps got butchered by us on the Kargil heights) and Gurkhas no Indian caste is known to be good soldiers.
And cowardly Indian Army makes gun positions inside Kashmiri villages (using innocent civilians as Human Shields which happens to be a war crime) to protect them selves from Pakistan's counter fire becoz they know very well we do not target Muslim Kashmiris.
If we use the same yardstick, Indian allegations then carry zero credibility as they are also only bore out of confessions. Using your yardstick, Pakistan does not support any terrorism inside India.
They do. Neutral global parties recognizing and sanctioning Pakistani organizations and individuals is the validation of Indian claims and evidence. On the other hand, Pakistani claims are just that - claims.

1948(Correct your dates son) and 1965 were armed conflicts between two sovereign countries, learn the difference. Bukti Bahini was the first time India started using non state actors to destabilize a neighbor.

Why did you ignore Sri Lanka and Maldives? Selective memory ehh
I am not ignoring Sri Lanka and Maldives. Indian intervention in both was at the invitation of the Governments of these countries. It was unfortunate that though the terrorist organization LTTE used India as a springboard, the Govt of India sent troops to fight them. On the other hand, Pakistani jihad in Afghanistan is actual terrorism.

Secondly, I don't think you can get away by brushing terrorism under the category of armed conflict. Op. Gibraltar was specifically meant to foment terrorism. The 1948 use of lashkars was before any declaration of war or a war between two designated militaries. Pakistan used non-state actors which is an euphemism for terrorists.

India has only responded using Pakistan's favourite playbook. India just executes the strategies better.

At the end of the day, India understands that Pakistan military is incapable of waging and winning war. Therefore, we accept that Pakistan will continue its use and dependence on terrorism. However, Pakistani actions have limited effect as can be evidenced by the removal of A370 and with the official opening of other Indian citizens to become legal residents of Kashmir. Change is afoot.
Its helpfulness and nothing else

You need to understand the mindset of @kongn and other Indians. Their egos are bruised and they feel helpless. They were told that India would absolutely steamroll Pakistan, and set terms on its own. Now they realize, that is not Pakistan and Pakistan's defences are strong enough to withstand any assault from India.

Then they react out by calling Pakistan a beggar state with the irony that their own country is the biggest receiver of foreign aid. They talk about a growing Indian economy, sure it is but its not like Pakistan's economy is contracting. Every time you hear them that we will isolate Pakistan and make into a pariah like North Korea. Then they realize, that's not possible and get angry and lash out.

You need to understand the mindset and mass psychology of the people you're dealing with. Their is utter shame that a country 7X smaller then them can look them in the eye and slap them in the face. In addition, there is also the shame that Western Military Professionals don't regard Indian Armed Forces as high due to their inability in dealing with Pakistan considering the difference in the military budgets.

That is an EXCELLENT analysis. Brilliantly put.

Also, most indian males especially those on the internet are all incels.
Reports indicate that the Mujahideen assault team consisted of 4 fighters. Two was martyred in the engagement with hindu terrorist and the two others escaped with the weapons sized from the 5 captured hindu terrorists.

Brilliant. I hope they have taken pictures of smashed hindu terrorists wearing army uniforms and share it on social media. This is important for psyops and creating fear among occupational Indian forces and Indian population in general.
They do. Neutral global parties recognizing and sanctioning Pakistani organizations and individuals is the validation of Indian claims and evidence. On the other hand, Pakistani claims are just that - claims.

I am not ignoring Sri Lanka and Maldives. Indian intervention in both was at the invitation of the Governments of these countries. It was unfortunate that though the terrorist organization LTTE used India as a springboard, the Govt of India sent troops to fight them. On the other hand, Pakistani jihad in Afghanistan is actual terrorism.

Secondly, I don't think you can get away by brushing terrorism under the category of armed conflict. Op. Gibraltar was specifically meant to foment terrorism. The 1948 use of lashkars was before any declaration of war or a war between two designated militaries. Pakistan used non-state actors which is an euphemism for terrorists.

India has only responded using Pakistan's favourite playbook. India just executes the strategies better.

At the end of the day, India understands that Pakistan military is incapable of waging and winning war. Therefore, we accept that Pakistan will continue its use and dependence on terrorism. However, Pakistani actions have limited effect as can be evidenced by the removal of A370 and with the official opening of other Indian citizens to become legal residents of Kashmir. Change is afoot.

Reality is that india is INCAPABLE of taking on 7× smaller Pakistan, militarily. That too despite having the full backing of the West and Russia...........:azn:.........all they can do is talk big on the internet. Nothing more......:azn:
India has only responded using Pakistan's favourite playbook. India just executes the strategies better.
Yep, 1971 comes to mind immediately. Brilliant execution and when India went in for the kill, the whole thing was finished within a month. I don't see Pakistanis executing this kind of a strategy in Kashmir even though they share the border with Kashmir. Pakistan lacks in superior execution of strategy and tactics.
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