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5 Indian Army officers Including Col & Major killed in operation against Freedom Fighters

we are communicating in English

Did Mohajirs ' develop' english ?
I am talking about Urdu, are you really retard or acting to be if acting then I would recommended you for Padma Bushan award.

RIP brave hearts........ Terrorists will be killed and sent to hell.....

RIP Abu Dujana, Barbaric forces of evil sent to hell as revenge for your martyrdom.
I am talking about Urdu, are you really retard or acting to be if acting then I would recommended you for Padma Bushan award.

Re read post # 30.

If this was your comprehension of what I wrote then Good Luck
RIP Abu Dujana, Barbaric forces of evil sent to hell as revenge for your martyrdom

If that makes you sleep Better I have no issues......
Freedom fighters must be organized to hit these bunyas harder and harder. they must have their intelligence wing.
Revenge will be extracted...
Today you will realize how difficult it is to bear the loss of young boys. Burhan and other boys like him were more precious then the waste of your country who are dancing here in Kashmir.
I praise the courage of Hizb dictrict commander who conducted this attack and this district is a fortified castle of our freedom loving people because your forces have not conducted any successful cordon and search operation at this area.

A relief to our oppressed Kashmiri brothers and sisters.
Urdu is an Indian language. You borrowed Urdu from us and Islam is not a Pakistani religion, its an Arabic religion, you borrowed it from Arab. Nothing is yours.
We have more right to call our dead jawaans as "Shaheed" than you. You should not use Indian language.

Shaheed is an Arabic word, and You borrowed Urdu, and claim it as hindi, all your movies are in Urdu except some words.... Imagine when bollywood will start using words, Birajiye, Padhariye for sitting, Rakht for Blood, Jal prahar for Rain, Mastishq for Brain, Drishti for viewing,

You islamic concepts are from a tribal area in a dessert. your words, your script your culture is a mix of ideas that either were forced down your throat or were adopted.
There is nothing yours in islam, you merely liked the ideology and adopted it. Try filling a patent to mark your turf.

Time like these I cringe at my country not taking up the Baloch cause in full fervor.
Not more than Us, when we buried our 132 children and wished we could tear apart every indian proxy and its master with our bare hands.
There is no concept of Shaheed or martyr in Hinduism, You people borrow this concepts from Islam and Christianity.
There is no connection between the word Martyr and Islam .please don't talk when you don't know about Hinduism,first learn Hinduism to understand it.
Shaheed is an Arabic word, and You borrowed Urdu, and claim it as hindi, all your movies are in Urdu except some words.... Imagine when bollywood will start using words, Birajiye, Padhariye for sitting, Rakht for Blood, Jal prahar for Rain, Mastishq for Brain, Drishti for viewing,

All languages keep evolving with usage & interaction. There are many words of Hindi & Urdu that now are part of english dictionaries . I dont think we should worry too much about about it.

Some of them are : Bunglow, Chutney, Cummerbund, Cheetah, Dacoit, Dungaree, Jodhpurs
Shaheed is an Arabic word, and You borrowed Urdu, and claim it as hindi, all your movies are in Urdu except some words.... Imagine when bollywood will start using words, Birajiye, Padhariye for sitting, Rakht for Blood, Jal prahar for Rain, Mastishq for Brain, Drishti for viewing,
Idiot, do you even knows history of Hindi??
Hindi is influenced by Sanskrit , not by Urdu. Hindi is hundreds years old than Urdu.
Urdu was born in India. We didn't borrowed it. We don't need to borrow anything as we have out own rich history and culture. Urdu is our official language. Search on Google for more info. If you don't know anything.
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There is no connection between the word Martyr and Islam .please don't talk when you don't know about Hinduism,first learn Hinduism to understand it.
I don't need to learn a religion who worship animals and calls them mother.
I don't need to learn a religion who worship animals and calls them mother.
So next time don't tell others to learn Islam to comment on Islam,for others islam is a primitive religion bro ,like for you others are.
Idiot, do you even knows history of Hindi??
Hindi is influenced by Sanskrit , not by Urdu. Hindi is hundreds years old than Urdu.
Urdu was born in India. We didn't borrowed it. We don't need to borrow anything as we have out own rich history and culture. Urdu is our official language. Search on Google for more info. If you don't know anything.
Idiot, did i say hindi is derived from Urdu or Arabic or Turkish, Did I say something about derivation, I let ppl imagine how will it feel when u replace urdu with hindi, Donot try to be oversmart, atleast read well, what is infront of ur eyes, then use google.
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